04 Feb

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CDriv3

where is ben 👁_👁


ct when


20 Dec

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BlackKnight1943

/u/F8RGE never responds to important things.

It's been passed on, but I have nothing more than that I'm afraid.

04 Dec

03 Nov

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


01 Nov

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cabnbeeschurgr

Ohhh I thought since you were the cm for battlefront 2

Ah yes. In another life that was me.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Emperor-Palpamemes


Never heard of it.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Emperor-Palpamemes


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cabnbeeschurgr

Yooo Ben thanks for being a great community manager

If you're looking for a CM, it's not me I'm afraid :)

31 Oct


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Is this your mouse mat?

30 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BaconSavior

Question, will there be, or are there plans for a separate album dedicated to all the radio music, and maybe even the broadcasts? Heard some great stuff during the beta that I vibed to

Not currently.

29 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by The_Paradoxum

The pickup trucks had radio with lore news and stuff on Orbital

You'll find that on all maps. Three types of broadcast too, as well as music.

16 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by InuraBera

Really enjoyed the world being fleshed out, outside of purely the battles.

I always used to enjoy the little map descriptors in the early games, for the historical settings in BF1942 and BFVietnam, to the fictional ones in BF2 and BF2142, so this kind of thing is really cool.

Will need to listen to it again to really give feedback, but I really liked someone elses comment regarding news reports. Maybe the same stories regarding events that cause, or result from, the players to be on a map, but from different sources with their own bias (not outright propaganda, but leaning toward their nation) where the truth is hidden within.

Especially if you then split up who could access them so the community would have to come together to work out the truth. For example, those in the EU get a source in that area, NA would of course be the USA etc while everyone gets to hear the message from the Big Bad.

What you described is what we have in the game at launch.

15 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Starshine95

It’s weird how they put so much effort in the lore/setting but then don’t show any of that in the actual gameplay. It’s hard to take it too seriously when you have a backstory for the maps but then everyone is in every faction.

I just wish they had different specialists based on what nation they chose to side with.

There's a lot of our 'lore' within our maps and you'll encounter it in various ways while running around doing normal Battlefield type things.

Vehicle radios have more than just music for example.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

If you have any feedback on this or want to indulge me with your speculation and thoughts I'm all ears.

13 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JoeAzlz

Might as well ask you F8RGE, what’s your favorite gamemode


12 Oct

11 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OddJob001

If you just install this tracker, we can make that happen.

Download TrackF8RGE.exe here

Never change.

10 Oct

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GausBlurSucks

Hey, I'm not sorry if this has already been answered, but will we be getting something akin to community transmissions for this game? The communication between the players and the devs was amazing when it came to SWBF2, but we had none of that with BF5.

I have no doubt that it would be reassuring for many if you could give us an idea of what to expect on that front :)

Briefings would be the equivalent. You'd have to ask the Community team for their plans though. I don't want to sign them up to something or miss inform.