We’ll sort it out.
We’ll sort it out.
Is this still an issue for you @Striges?
Do you have any other console logs corresponding with sessions when this error has occurred, that you could upload here please?
Sounds like something is awry with your RAM. Try running the Windows Memory Diagnostic.
Sorry about this - I’ve added your report to our database.
Please could you include the crash report produced, or console log?
We’ll check it out. Thank you for your report.
This might be of help?:
Read morePlease see if this can be of any help: Xbox Support
Make sure you uninstall any redundant NVIDIA GPU drivers on the PC too, either manually or using DDU or similar.
This is intended, at this time.
We’ll look in to this. Thank you!
As above, did you purchase for the wrong class perhaps?
Could you reach out to us at https://fatshark.se/support instead, please?
I’ve raised this to our database. Thank you for letting us know.
I’ll share this with our developers. Thank you!
We’ll look in to this. Thank you for letting us know.
I’ve raised this to our database for investigation. Thank you for your report.
We’re looking in to this one. Thank you!
I’ve sent this over to our developers. Thank you.