Please see if the recommendations above can be of any help. Note that ‘Small Network Packets’ cannot be used in combination with the ‘Player List Plus’ mod.
Please see if the recommendations above can be of any help. Note that ‘Small Network Packets’ cannot be used in combination with the ‘Player List Plus’ mod.
Sorry for the delay on this @Asarin. This occurs when the routing between two people is incompatible. Are you able to connect to a mobile data hotspot - only for a short period - to see if the same issue occurs?
Could you reach out to us at, please?
Could you reach out to us at, please?
Sorry for the delay @stumiley - holiday period and all - is this still an issue for you?
The crash log is unfortunately truncated and missing the correct data. Could you share another one with us please?
Sorry, I may be confused, which DLC are you disabling and re-enabling?
We’re having to pause our account reset service until the 9th of January. After this date, please reach out at
Could you see if anything here can be of help, please?:
Read moreI’ll let our developers know, but if you happen to have a recording of this occurring, that would be superb.
Thank you for sharing.
Please could you include your console log, and darktide_launcher.log?
Read moreWe are looking in to this - apologies I don’t have any immediate solutions.
Please reach out to us at
Please reach out to us at
I have responded to your PM!
Please reach out at!
We are aware of various complaints concerning input lag, and actions not registering correctly.
In some cases, your issue may be related to this:
Read moreI can help with a refund. Could you reach out at, please?
I can help with a refund. Could you reach out at, please?