

17 Oct


Just dropping back in again, I'm keeping a close eye on this thread.

Please ensure this discussion remains constructive and free from insults between one another.


We have previously stated we will not be making individual changes to premium ships after their release and that they would only be impacted by game wide mechanics changes.

The release of a new line, does not constitute this. The existing IT premiums are balanced according to these features including their HE armament. While IFHE is not appropriate for the incoming IT CA line, that does not mean these commanders are useless as they are still efficient on the Cruisers they were originally trained on.

Given these facts, there is not grounds for compensation in this case.

Regarding the battle viability of the existing IT Premiums, as with all ships, we will keep an eye on their battle performance and stats and if changes need to be made we will address it at that time.




Each time we release a ship, there are several options or packages for players to decide between depending on their needs.

As indicated by others, there is a package available for ~$17 which contains the ship and not much else. The $150 package indicated by OP comes with many additional items and benefits. The total value of the package at full cost would be $200, thus why it is indicated to be on sale from $200.

We encourage players to research options available when purchasing packages and pick what suits their needs and budget.




I'm going to start by addressing all of your questions:

We are consistently looking at MM as a whole and things we can do to improve it. We made a change in 8.7 with MM which say limitations placed on the number of times withing 20 games that a player will be be the lowest tier ship. Details of that change can be found: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-updates/update-087-french-destroyers-part-2/#game-mechanics

While we consistently look at MM and do introduce changes and fixes, some of the commonly requested changes to MM: +/-1 MM, and Skill based MM, are simply aspects we are not interested in pursuing for a multitude of reasons.

It is something we are looking into. Currently a new player is prompted with the Game Tutorials section withi...

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Pretty much yes.

After a patch is released, drops typically go down for 24-48 hours to be re-configured for the new content.

That is all that is meant by that.



Heyo Team!

I can confirm this is not working as intended and credit compensation is a bug.

Please see the new PSA on the matter:




At the moment, the compensation for the reacquisition of the premium cruiser Genova is being compensated in credits, not doubloons as intended. This bug will be fixed soon, after which all affected players will be compensated in doubloons in addition to the credits already received.

We sincerely apologize and thank you for your understanding.


Heyo Captains,

Please standby, we're investigating the situation at present.

I'll be back when I have an update for you.



She is not downgraded, it was simply a reclassification based on her existing features.

No changes were made to any of her game play characteristics. Furthermore, several ships which are coal/steel ships who have the same characteristics as the Salem were also reclassified into the new Special Ships category. @LittleWhiteMouse went through and cataloged them for reference:

I'm sorry but in this case, you are simply misinformed/mistaken.



In this case, credits.

Once per update / Twitch Drops season.

We have the full list of NA CCs available here:

Many of which have amazing content on both Twitch and other platforms, I would recommend checking them out too!



Yes, accounts are valid for all testing cycles after being received.

No date yet, keep an eye on the news sections.

16 Oct


He is coming in the near future... how near... unfortunately I cannot share :)

Please keep an eye on future patch notes.


Thank you everyone for coming out and celebrating the 244th Birthday of the US Navy with us by securing a win in your USN Ships.

Our randomly selected winners this week are:




Our Skill Check winner is:


And lastly, lets not forget everyone with Valid entries:

Make sure you get your entries into this weeks forum contest!


Duckman is correct.

There is a huge technical limitation in regards to being able to offer this.

Currently, while we understand the reasoning behind this request, it is not something we are focusing on implementing at this stage.




The older Halloween Camos will be available through the Halloween containers which will come later on in the month and through completing the Halloween Operations:

The new 2019 Camos are available for doubloon purchase in the exterior tab, and will also be in the armory a little later in the patch (also for doubloons).

Please recall, not every ship has a Halloween themed camo.




So we addressed the Hosho since it was drastically over-preforming in an unhealthy way for the game.

The changes made to the ship will bring it back into line with how it should be preforming against their tier and other ships of the same class.

In regards to your forum issues, I would attempt relogging your account and ensure you are logged into the correct account. The account you are currently posting from has not played a battle and was only registered this year.



There are a few reasons we show them in the Tech Tree ahead of their release:

Know the new content that's coming:
This gives you the opportunity to look closer at the new line to determine if its something you may be interested in playing in the future

Know what you're fighting against:
Given that some players will be playing the new IT CAs as part of this patch, having their details in the TT allows everyone to determine the capabilities of the ships and know what they're fighting against.

Educate about the incoming ships:
By adding them into the tech tree early, it gives plenty of time for players to get educated as per how and where certain ships will fit into the tree.

Early access content, is just that, early. All players will have full access to the content in the very near future in update Furthermore, there is plenty of opportunity for pl...

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As designated in the Patch Notes:

Since the Salem does not have any multipliers attached to her ship as standard, she fits into this category.

It should be noted that the Smolensk also fits into this category too.