

23 May


Congratz you found the Mystery Mistake :D We'll fix this right away.

Thanks for pointing it out~



Heyo Feclez

As I mentioned to you in our PM, we're actively trying to discover and resolve this technical bug we have within the system. We're working with the ticketing department in Minsk to resolve it.

I have a few more details for you but I'll converse them to you via PM again.

We of course appreciate your loyalty and commitment to the game, as well as bringing this issue to us, and we are trying to get it resolved.



Its a hard one to judge, I do think its important to add a language warning if a linked video has a lot of cursing.

In this case, the emphasis is on the CV issues more than on the cursing. It all comes down to intention of the post of the video.




While this conversation has mainly been constructive and a good discussion on an important area within the game... Please ensure this does not become a personal attack towards iChase or any other player in particular.

We value the time and effort iChase has put into the game, and very thankful of the opinions hes shared with the community at large.

Lets make sure we stick to the main topic that being the current state of CVs in the game.

iChase does bring up some points within his video that the development staff are aware of and determining and testing solutions for. His nor the wider community's concerns are being ignored. Development is actively listening and working on improvements for this important area of the game.



iChase has done many good things for the community and his representation of the game.

We value all feedback from CCs and the community at large. Positive, negative, whatever it may be.

If you disagree with someone, that is fine, but blatantly attacking them is not cool.

Since this thread is targeting an individual I will be closing it up.




This situation can happen from time to time, when you trying to free yourself make sure you move your rudder as well as this can help unstick you.




This is an intended feature, turrets do have the ability to be permanently knocked out.

You can reduce the chance of them being knocked out by several in game options including Main Armaments Modification 1:


21 May


Heyo Captains,

I'm sorry you've been facing some integrity issues with your game, these can be caused by many circumstances. To start in figuring out what is causing your technical issues please follow the steps outlined in the following two posts:

My guess would be it is a local issue otherwise we would have wider reported issues from a wider player base.

Let us know how you go,




We typically don't announce the patch until the day before its deployment just incase there is need for a last minute delay.

Keep an eye on the homepage for the Patch notes, the patch will come the day after.



We are aware that the Clan popups are a little... intrusive currently, we're hoping to address them for the next season of Clan Wars.

However, you state youve mostly been ignoring them due to issues, I'm not sure how adding a notification into there would improved communication in this case.

Again, we'll take your feedback on-board in case this issue ever happens again.




There is always room for improvement and its something we do take very seriously and are actively working on. OP stated that we did not communicate that we posted it anywhere, which I showed we did, it was also posted as an important topic for several days after the announcement. There were several other locations it was posted:


EU Homepage (It was coupled with a sever comp for outage which is why NA did not receive a dedicated post)

NA Forums

EU Forums

Furthermore, it has been visible within the Clan Battle selection interface in game.

The standard avenues for communicating the information was covered. This sort of information we typically do not cover on official Social Media so it did not make it there.

I'm happy to take on your feedback in terms of communicating formal/important announcements in a variety of places, however in this c...

Read more


We did announce this at the same time as all other servers right here on the forums, please see:



Given we're in off-topic, its alright in this case :)


*yanws and sips on coffee*

Whats up Doc?


I have replied to your PM :)

Our CS Support stated:

"Ask him to resubmit his ticket but instead of zero in Payment amount use any valid number. According to CIS it happens sometimes when invalid value is used in one of the required fields"



Heyo Captains,

I'm sorry to hear you're having these issues, we definitely do check the forums and strive to answer as many concerns as possible. If we needed please don't hesitate to tag any of the Community Staff in your posts if we can be of immediate assistance (Myself, Radar_x or Kami)

We do support players in English of course, I've reported onwards that that link directs to the RU portal.

For now, please follow the instructions on the following threads to get started on resolving this issue:

Hopefully this gets your issues resolved quickly.



Even the best programs in the world can crash for a variety of reasons out of the blue, we're sorry it happened at a critical moment of the game. What I would recommend is to run a check and repair on your client to ensure there is no corrupted files etc. It is worth noting, if you are running a modded client these mods can impact the integrity of the client.



This has been a linchpin in many ships development. We pride ourselves on the historical accuracy of our modelling, and therefore getting the historical documentation is very important in the development of ships.

This is a very true factor, it can take up to and over 2 months to design and model a ship to add to the game, then there is the whole balance factor which can take even more time.

Trust me, we've heard the community requests for Italian ships, it hasn't fallen on deaf ears.



Majority of the Trivia was general game knowledge:

- What nation am I thinking of that cannot get the Dreadnought achievement in random battles?

- Name 4 heroic achievements

- Name all T10 BBs

We did throw in a few meme-ish Qs

- What is Kamis/Fems most played ships/etc



Due to the obscene amount of personal back and forth between players and various rule violations within this thread. I will be closing it.

Please remember than when interacting on the forums, your are of course allowed to give your opinion, just do so in a respectful and constructive manner.

Name calling and abuse between players will not be tolerated.
