

29 May


The previous system of Ctrl Click to select a squad to focus on worked pre-8.0 since more than one aircraft squad could attack you at once. In post 8.0 it is unlikely to be attacked by 2 aircraft at the same time (unless its end game and you're the only target left in a 2x CV game). If that system was still implemented, it would be a case of just clicking the one incoming squad, which in itself would not be very engaging. In saying that, we have stated in a dev blog (source, point 6) that we are currently not happy with how the AA sectors work so that will be addressed soon. However changes and fixes do take time.

Interacting with CVs can be difficult, however there are methods of avoiding / mitigating CV damage such as using terrain and allies to your advantage, proper utilization of the AA sectors can also help mitigate the impact planes can you. While CVs are able to make multiple attack runs in comparison to pre 8.0, the alpha potential has been drastic...

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I can confirm you are able to purchase it again if you already have it in your port and have the required tokens.

In this instance you will receive 3,000 doubloons as compensation if you already own the ship.

There will be more details on Pt 2 of the victory campaign in a dedicated article tomorrow.



Heyo Captain,

What specifically aren't you enjoying about the latest patch?

I'd love to provide you some further information if possible as to why certain decisions were made but I'll need a little more detail from you first.



Heyo Captains,

There will be more information regarding this released tomorrow in the June Mission Briefing. Keep an eye out for that article on the homepage tomorrow.



Heyo Captain,

Please throw me a DM with specific details of the issue you're facing on the Forums.




Heyo Captains,

In situations like this, your best bet is to submit a ticket to Customer support so they can quickly review and determine the issue.

If you need info on how to submit a ticket; please follow the instructions here:




The Ark Royal was only just announced and has not begun being tested, it will be a little while until she will be available.

The Indomitable, while we just put her through another round of testing, we need to assess these results and decide on outcome of these tests and determine her direction from here on out.

We're glad you're excited for these new ships that will be on the water soon. Please hang tight as we finish their development.



Heyo @Mowerman69

This is the forums for the PC version of the game and unfortunately we cannot provide ample support for their game. I would recommend checking out their major communication channels:

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/wowslegends



Heyo Captains,

So as from the start of 8.0, the Unique upgrades from both the Midway and the Hakuryu were put in a suspended state to be re-added in the future date when balance assessments were completed and when it was determined how to make the upgrade provide a unique experience. Players who already earned these upgrades will be given the new version upon its release.

We decided to leave the mission in place for those who have not yet earned these upgrades to allow Captains the opportunity to as they play these ships normally. If you complete this mission chain, when the upgrade is returned to the game, you will receive it immediately. We figured since you will be playing the ship regardless, working towards unlocking the upgrade does not impede play.


28 May


I got most of this Karma playing CVs :P


Still got you beat :)


No Slava will not be coming out with this update.


Thank you everyone who participated in Complimenting a Captain!

Congratz to our randomly drawn major prize winners:




Congratz to the following participants who will receive 5 x Valentines Camos (these will be credited within the next few days)@

Make sure you check out this weeks forum contest, available:

27 May


Heyo Captains,

For the time being we are leaving these be, but we do have plans in the future to address their scaling. Keep an eye out in the Dev blog / Patch notes for when this occurs in the future.



Heyo Captains,

At the release of 8.4 you will no longer be able to earn Allowance tokens, however you will be able to spend them until their removal in 8.5

With the release of 8.4 the Space Camo / April fools items will be removed from the armory and remaining applicable currencies will be converted to Credits.

With the new round of the Victory Campaign, you will be able to earn provision tokens which will be used in a new section in the armory,



Captains and Commanders! Do I have a challenge for you!

In acknowledgement of Memorial Day in America,

I would like to put forth a challenge to the community to bring me a Victory in an American ship of your choice!

Between the 27th 12:00 UTC of May and 3rd 12:00 UTC of June, play an American ship in a Random or Co-Op battle, capture the Victorious post battle screen and reply to this thread like so:


Three randomly selected players will receive:
Their choice of an Up to T7 (currently available) Premium US Ship


Anyone who submits a valid entry within the period will receive 5 Stars 'n Stripes camos

24 May


Heyo Captains,

As OP did, running a check and repair is the solution in this case. Modification packs can cause clashes with game files and in this case this may have been the case.



That is the stance of all WG staff, we care about balance on a wide scale.

We are currently investigating accessibility on a wide scale of possible issues. I know I'm not alone in this issue and we of course want the game to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Hey, lets keep things respectful. Both iChase and Notser have done considerable good for the community over the years, but as with anyone, you don't have to agree with everything they may say.

Lets keep the discussion productive and constructive and free from insults.

In regards to a few comments I'm catching in here asking where are those defending/speaking for CVs. It would be a good time to mention that just because this thread primarily covers complaints against CVs, when we receive feedback on anything from the community in mass, we don't take it on face value, we will drive into the related data relat...

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23 May



If you'd like more details on the Ark Royal they can be found in the Dev Blog from today found:

We'd love to hear your opinions on these 3 ships within that thread too!



I can understand why you would call for my opinion given that I was a primary CV player pre 8.0. I have abstained from adding much commentary beyond what is public fact since personally I don't have much experience in the new CVs as due to motion they make me feel quite ill (something I have stated pre-rework several times when asked why I don't play flight sim/FPP games). While I do have some established opinions based on my limited play and playing against. I have tried to remain mostly neutral so I can assess and address player concerns without self bias.

While I do believe that iChase is a very strong player, I do feel like I would've played this round differently if I was commanding his ship. Whether that would've resulted in a different result, your guess would be as good as mine. The overall sentiment he is expressing however, is valid. Being lone targeted by a CV is not fun, and in certain ships it does feel like there is nothing you can do. iChase has broug...

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