

20 May


Heyo Kraittastic,

If you could please submit a support ticket detailing your believed bug that would be much appreciated.



Bit of both... If youre nice to staff/ccs and engaging we may just offer you one, at NJ Kami and I ran impromptu Trivia on the back of the ship, you could try asking. Really depends :)


Currently it looks like @Kami @Radar_X and @KARMAT1KA are going to be at that event, but this may change closer to the event.


You still can! You don't have to compliment them on the game but simply Tag their name and leave your compliment in this thread.


For the most part when the staff have been finalized we will update the individual event pages, is there a particular staff you'd like to see at a particular event?


Codes for premium ships in game!


Heyo Captains,

While you may have been involved in the Alpha and/or Beta test sessions, the reward ships were reserved for playing a certain number of games within a period:

Iwaki Alpha: 100 Games or more during Alpha

Arkansas Beta: 49 Games or more during Beta



Heyo Captains,

The others are correct, this is an automated system that will trigger on several circumstances (whether intentional or not) to dissuade negative behavior in game.

While you may have gone pink, you will still be permitted to play as usual and in a few games the infringement will clear.

You can read more about this system here: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-guides/anti-abuse-system/




Please don't necro old posts.



Lemme drop into your PMs to get further info on this if that's alright.

On Topic:

In any gaming community you're going to have a mix of positive and negative players. From the various numbers of games I've played over the years, WoWS community is pretty timid in the scale of things. It should be noted, we do encourage you all to speak up if there is something about the game you don't like, we just ask you do it in a constructive manner. Tell us what you don't like, why you don't like, and what you would do differently.

We do encourage you all to talk respectfully to one another even if there is differences in opinions but that is beyond out control ultimately. We do have Forum (and game) rules in place to try and curve undesired behaviour.



Please consider that that department recently created all of the maps for the Halloween / Space / Etc modes.

The issue with player generated maps and map making contests is there are many factors that are involved with making maps including balance, mode balance, spawn balance, tier, theme and suitability that players do not consider when making a map. As someone who did this experiment at CC Summit 2018, designing a map takes considerably more time and thought than what you'd imagine.

Randomly generated maps, I agree would be cool but would require considerable engine development among other systems which would take considerable development resources where the demand currently doesn't justify it.

Regarding your suggestion, please recall that game development occurs in St. Petes, Russia, offering these kinds of internships really isn't feasible.



Heyo Captains,

Hanger_18 is correct, a few months ago we announced in the Dev blog 3 new maps that were incoming, source:

From these three maps, one of which is set to be released in 8.4 - Greece:


We do have plans to finalize and release the remaining two maps in the near future, if there have been changes made to these, I can't comment on at the moment. We are aware there is high demand for new maps and we have a department who is dedicated to bringing more to the game.



"Anchors Aweigh" is copyrights by the US Navy, we would be breaking laws to use the term for an event series.

What we mean by "Anchors Away" is the Community Anchors, are Away from their stations.




This time the event swag for the time being is limited to those in attendance of the event. We do not have any plans to make it available outside attendance at this time.



Thank you everyone who participated in Collecting the Ribbons!

Congratz to our randomly drawn major prize winners:




Congratz to the following participants who will receive 5 x Sirocco Camos (these will be credited within the next few days)@

Make sure you check out this weeks forum contest, available:


You just need to reply to this thread with your compliment and tag the Captain you're complimenting.



Captains and Commanders! Do I have a challenge for you!

Often we are quick to pounce of the negatives of the situation, while forgetting the positives, therefore

I would like to put forth a challenge to the community to compliment another captain!

Between the 20th 12:00 UTC and 27th 12:00 UTC of May, submit a reply containing a compliment for another Captain you've recently played a battle with, make sure you Tag them (Type "@" and write there name, select the correct name) too for your entry to be valid. For Example:

@Radar_X, thank you for consistently having my back as I charge into battle! You have ace communication on what your strategy is and when you're using your consumables.


Three randomly selected players will receive:

7 days Warships Premium Time


Anyone who submits a valid ...

Read more

17 May


The Developer corner is where all posts from the Dev blog get posted so that players don't have to dig through multiple threads on the same topic.


Please avoid making threads on already established topics, I have merged yours with the official announcement.



We announced this morning that we intend to conduct some closed testing on spotting mechanics for CVs shortly.

Details can be found:
