

23 Oct


Our player support team doesn't discuss ongoing game dev work.

20 Oct


It is possible that the player switches to his bandages to heal after your encounter fast enough that the system didnt register the weapon used. But if you happen to run into any players throwing bandages and doing damage let us know!


Hey thanks for the report, seeing a few reports about this for Switch and console as well. Sending it on over to get looked at.

19 Oct


Hopefully he comes down safe! Thanks for the report, sending this over to get looked at.


Thanks for the report, sending this over to get looked at!


Hey thanks for the report! This should be fixed as of today 10/16. Let us know if the barrels are still not giving shield/health!

18 Oct


Originally posted by Pheardo

Any word on this issue?

Trying to get this issue fixed with the v11.10 update.

16 Oct


We archived this card since we have no ETA on when this issue will be fixed. This is still something we still discuss with the team and are aware of. This doesnt mean this issue is being swept under the rug, we just want to keep the trello board to current active issues.


u/cc210920 u/Prynce_5000 u/BlamingBuddha have you all been able to login since the launch of chapter 2?


Originally posted by Karam2468

The other bugs as well. Like the one we discussed where you begin to randomly auto-fire after quickly placing traps as well as the issue we talked about different buttons prioritizing their functions over others. I sent video links. Please do check them. Thanks for being awesome!

They got a bit lost in the inbox, i see the youtube videos now.


Originally posted by Pheardo

Yes. It only occurs when connecting a controller and the minute I move or the game realizes I have my controller connected - build options are stuck DEADCENTER of the map and then over my crosshairs whenever I look at any object be it a tree, a chest, a door, a can.

The team is aware of the issue and I tossed it on our trello board


Hey All,

I will be updating the Trello board today and the post itself with some of the newest issues that we are aware of. If you do happen to run into an issue please make sure to use the ingame feedback button and report the issue. It is very helpful to our dev team to have player logs available to them when looking at issues. Also videos/images are always helpful. Thanks for the feedback on everything so far!


Originally posted by Karam2468

Hey freight, please check dms. All issues from 10.40 are still here.

Dont have anything new from you? If you are speaking about the editing issue when in a 1X1 we are aware. I am going to be getting some trello cards up for known issues shortly.


Originally posted by Pheardo

Actually unplayable, I haven’t found anything anywhere suggesting anyone else was having the same issue. Let me know if you find a solution, please!

Are you both using a controller?

15 Oct


I understand English is not your first language. But when you construction keys, do you mean the build buttons? Such as the floor, ramp, wall? What do you mean appear between two edit? The edit button?


Originally posted by mrpoopy_c137

I'm experiencing this bug where i cannot shoot and drink minis ( died 3 times because of this glitch) Device : poco F1

Do you have a video you can share?

Hey All,

Welcome to chapter 2!

Experiencing an issue on Switch or Mobile? Help us resolve it by providing the information requested below in the comments. This thread will be updated with any additional threads and important links through this current patch.

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When reporting issues please include:

  • Description of the issue
  • Account Name (optional)
  • Device
  • Link to video or images
  • Include details on when this issue started happening
  • Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it.

Also, remember to report any issues in-game using the Feedback button.

How to use the in-game Feedback report system:

  • While in-game, open the Options menu
  • Navigate to the Feedback Button
  • Create a Bug report to provide us with logs of the issue

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