

15 Nov


When these issues happen please use the ingame feedback button in order for us to gather your logs so our team can look at it. While we are able to visually see your FPS drop, reproducing these issues are not easy as many factors can play into the reason why it happened.

Also typical questions we ask :) What device are you on, OS of the device.

12 Nov


If you have an account issue put in a player support ticket. We cant do anything here on reddit and the community team doesnt have access to account info.

11 Nov


Originally posted by itsjordan21

Ya I'd rather just have a refund now. This is beyond my patience level, and over a month with no results. How can I just get that at least? Over a month of waiting, money essentially wasted with interest charge, and no actual results or solutions provided.

If you have a current email conversation going with support I would contact them about a refund, I am unable to do anything on that side. Sorry about the issue Jordan, this issue affected a very small amount of players but i understand the frustration.


Just wanted to point out that this is not the case at all and this is not forgotten about. For comparison, you can find the PS4 hitching tweet here: when you look at the dates you can see it went 1 week before getting resolved.

The process for fixing issues is not as simple as many think. Also as I have previously mentioned, all platforms with the exception of PC and Android must go through a certification process. This process alone can take 24-48 hours. Meaning, even if we fix an issue within a couple o...

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Do you have a video you could provide?


Originally posted by itsjordan21

Still nothing? It's been a month already...

Hey Jordan, I can tell you that this is actually still being worked on. We are in discussions with Apples engineering team and working closely with them to resolve this issue.

08 Nov


Originally posted by VidyaGaemr2

Yes. Should we do this in a private message?

that would be fine.


Originally posted by VidyaGaemr2

GameStop themselves

You have the player support email ticket ID?


Also if you have the player support email, could you provide with the support ticket number?


hey Vidya, how did you get the cards? Did these come from a local retailer or from a giveaway?

07 Nov


Thanks for the report. We are looking into the lighting issues in the HUB for mobile devices. What device are you on?


Originally posted by JordanRBX

The guys a mobile dev called u/FreightTrainUSA

*cough* *cough* "community coordinator" *cough*

04 Nov


Thanks for raising this with us. This is definitely not working as intended. We are going to address this as quickly as possible.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Pipoco45

i have been stuck for more than a day now, but with the app open like 2 hours, i last patched a couple of days ago, im in a samsung s10e, and i tried all those things but uninstalling

you are going to need to attempt to uninstall and reinstall if you are getting stuck on that screen.






Originally posted by jadido

When I dismiss nothing happens when I uninstalled and reinstalled it takes 1-2 hours for it update it it takes 2-3 minutes for it to download but a long to update and let me play

Are you able to login and play now and it just took a while to download?


Originally posted by MemesAndMarshmallows

I recently got permanently stuck on “Connecting...” and tried all of the solutions above, yet to no avail. A little time after that it permanently got stuck on the Epic Games logo, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the app for the third time, and now it’s stuck on the “Yes, find my account” thing.

Edit: Typos

what device are you on?

31 Oct


Originally posted by bubblybro

Why do you ask? Does low aim acceleration negate aim assist?

My shotgun aim feels like it hasn’t had as much of a “magnet affect” this season. I did lower my aim acceleration a bit around the same time. I feel that lowering aim acceleration helps me flick shot aim faster to be like console/pc players, but they’re still in an otherworldly league when it comes to speed at which they can lock on target.

No it does not negate aim assist. Reduction of aim acceleration can cause the feel of a lack of aim assist at med-long distances with long range weapons.

As I previously mentioned when talking about aim acceleration as a choice, this setting could have adverse affects. While your close range engagements and even building may feel better, small movements when trying to have a precise shot at med-long range may feel off.

This is just the way aim acceleration works. I will even say I was playing on 0 aim accel for a while, but ended up turning back all the way to 100 due to my engagements with my AR not feeling the best.