

06 Mar


Thank you guys so much for the kind words!!

I'll still be around the community and everything and I have faith in my Nimble Neuron cohorts :)

(also be sure to check out my new game ;) )

04 Jan


Hey boss!

I was curious as to what caused this so I looked into it.

First off, you aren't banned whatsoever. Your rights to the feedback/suggestion channel was revoked. That's it.

We don't typically reveal who takes what action on the Discord, but looking into it, I see that some of your suggestions didn't quite consist of the quality that we're trying to harbor in that channel.

Some of the most recent ones, for example:

i don't care if you have to nerf daniel's ult and w to half let me fight without ult

talking about builds, please reset recommended builds per patch. reason is obvious enough.

is it possible for player perspective (including cursor) replay system? thanks

please let the server just kick me out of the game if i'm dc.

spending 3 minutes to reconnect to game that is no longer exists is annoying.

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12 Dec


Originally posted by foxyembodied

Sure, sure, but first, let me tell you who I DONT play:

Adela? Hell no, the people who play her are actual human garbage, constantly spamming chess pieces and winning because they're damaging my eardrums with how loud their Q is. Brainless character. Alex? Basically for people just pretending to be neo from the matrix, it's not even slightly close and it's cringe. They think they're 5head geniuses, but all they know how to do is run. Adrianna? Another character that literally just runs all day unless you're adritoma who just kills me for no reason, completely OP character. Don't even get me started on aya, absolute nonsense press Q from across the screen and kill my entire health bar, it's ridiculous, broken character, no skill, no brain. People who play her are absolute scums of the earth. Barbara players aren't even human. I'm glad they added Bernice for people with no limbs to play and get wins, really kind of nimble neuron. Camilo is for 4 year olds whose parent let the...

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good god man

29 Oct


Originally posted by Insomnia---

I don‘t know if that‘s a reference. It‘s a kids game in Korea.

All I’ll say is that it’s pretty coincidental that we put the squid game on the ground the patch after the show came out ;)

17 Oct

02 Oct


Originally posted by JonOfDoom

Thanks for all the replies. Big help!
This game is just such a gem. I've been looking to get rid of Dota and Lol for the longest time and this game is the only one to match it. All the complexity and adventure of a MOBA while generating non of the toxicity.

Also the freedom of expression with all the roster is damn great. Hopefully balanced though? So far i haven't seen a 100% must play spam character yet. I keep dying to Carmello but I take it as new champ buff..

I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you chose to play Eternal Return with us! 8)

16 Sep


Eternal Return is canceled. This is the future

30 Jul


oh... whoops.

Thanks for pointing this out!

I'll fix it for the next patch :D


Originally posted by Antman537

I feel like I run into this after just about every major patch; usually things seem to get sorted out within a couple of days. Would be interesting to see u/GM_Aesop weigh in on what the cause is; but I'm sure there's little to be done but wait it out.

Hey! Sorry for the late reply.

The recent patch did seem to bring extra FPS issues for a lot of people. We're working on getting that fixed up. We're not 100% totally sure of the cause, but we changed a good bit of "suspicious" code

30 Jun


Originally posted by -QuantumFury-

Is there any chance of an Australian/Oceania server in the pipeline? I love the game but I eventually quit because I couldn't stand the 170ms ping to the closest server anymore.

As for other things... What other games do you play?

We actually had an OCE server in Australia (I think Sydney) during an Alpha test. It wasn't an ideal location for my brothers down under, so we're still exploring options. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by Screamingforanswers

I don't know if this constitutes "character leaks" but I'd like to know if you're gonna make every character from the original Black Survival in Eternal Return?

That's the goal, yes 8-)


Originally posted by Queasy_Chair_9404

how did you find the job at NN, considering you are an american?

I was already in Korea, applied for it online, had a couple interviews, got it!


Originally posted by lHlero

favorite anecdotes from getting the na players to/settled into their quarantine hotels?

They were fed cold food and they had no idea what it was.

Hearing them describe their meals as a "cold wet egg" was hilarious


Originally posted by ScarletChild

I really hope you're still taking questions, because this one is a big thing to me:

I've been playing for a few months now, and I like to make giving my feedback a massive part of my experience, I will be a diehard for a dev that takes feedback and is responsive about it, over any bigger dev any day of the week. I've fallen for Eternal Return to the point I've even made my own little custom overlay for the game for when I stream it on my Vtubing streams using some stuff from the fankit. (Thank you for constantly updating the fankit, these are very important.) In the discord, I used to talk every day, usually strictly in beginners chat regarding my frustrations and thoughts before I ever thought about adding to the feedback channel, so you may of even seen my thoughts in there a few times. Anyways, I'll get to the point, yes?

When you guys do character releases going forward, could you guys say explicitly what the design and concept of gameplay style was intended...

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Honestly, I'd like that.

Giving players direction on what we think the character is supposed to do is a good move.

I don't want to think it's like "forcing a meta" though. I want players to be creative and come up with builds that they think will work.

I'll see what we can come up with!


Originally posted by NeoAlmost

Any consideration for allowing squads of 4? Either 16p or 20p.

Maybe one day. As of now, the game is mostly balanced around having 18 people on the map. Changing that up will throw a lot of things out of whack, but I'm not opposed to having a for-fun mode!


Originally posted by Haraguro_Megane

Sometimes when there's only 1 survivor remaining I try to kill him using branches, fountain pens, rusty swords, etc. depending on the character that I'm playing, is that considered BM or toxic behaviour?

Nope, go for it ;)


Originally posted by lvl21adult

Hey Aesop. Will there ever be partner programs for people who stream this game / make content for it? I’ve been able to get 8 friends to put at least 10 hours into this game and I have uploaded a few meme videos. I’m picking up views here and there and I think the game has good potential for people to stream and make a community for it self. Thanks

We do have a creator / partner program!

04 Jun


Originally posted by Zerotino

Honestly, the numbers are actually higher than we anticipated at this point.

I'm interested, does this apply to EU too? Obviously I respect the sentiment of it being in EA still so I won't argue that but it seems in comparison to NA at least the player base is... lacking? At least from a player standpoint. It takes a while to find a game in normal queue let alone ranked and we are still the only server (I think SA is too actually) to not have a Duo/Squad ranked queue.

Myself and a friend adore this game but are struggling to stick with it due to the, what feels like in EU, a declining player base of something that's already relatively small.

EU is steady/slowly growing. There isn't much change in EU.

I face a couple challenges with EU. One hurdle is that the entirety of the team is almost entirely Korean with me as the lone American, and a so we only have experience/comfort in those particular regions. It's easy for me to get advertisments/creators in NA because I know more about who would be right for the game and who to contact.

Also EU is a couple languages and I have no idea what region to focus on.

I've been researching and putting a lot into it (I got the EU ERCL coming up too!), but truthfully I feel that once NA gets good, EU will follow soon behind.


Originally posted by lmao_lizardman

Are there any plans to add Camera Grip into the game ? Right now there is only edge panning, or camera lock, but camera grip is king :(

I've seen a couple people ask about camera grip! Camera movement is actually a tad tricky to implement/modify, but I'll see what I can do.


Originally posted by juggiegud

When will you stop hating juggieCOD? feelsbadman

Ok, a legit question: You said you were working in Korea? What's it like over there or in the NN office?


Korea is rad. My team is rad. NN is rad. The office snacks are kinda wack but everything else: rad.