

11 Mar


Originally posted by Mips0n

Is there a Chance that guns and items from DRG survivor come to the original Game?

There's always a chance, but no current plans. The weapons in Survivor are designed for that kind of gameplay.


You're a good boy, Steeve.


Kål means cabbage in Danish. Coincidence? Probably.

09 Mar


Originally posted by Not_eXruina

what is the difference between deep rock galactic and deep rock galactic survivor?

One is a coop first person shooter made by us, the other is a top down autoshooter made by our friends at Funday.

05 Mar


What is your username?


Banned for hatespeech - using gay as a derogatory term.

04 Mar

02 Mar


False. It’s implied that Deep Rock Galactic hire dwarves to mine the most dangerous sites. Mission control could be any race.

29 Feb


Originally posted by These_Profession9072

I haven't played in a long time but want to go back to DRG, will rogue core replace the game completely?

No plans for that. We want both games to coexist.


Originally posted by Business_Hour8644

This game is nothing but adding cosmetics

I mean, cosmetics aren’t even mentioned until the 5th bulletpoint


From the 6 Years In Orbit Anniversary live stream going on RIGHT NOW on Twitch and Youtube.

Edit: Think I messed up that headline. Oh well!

Edit2: oriribitbbit


Originally posted by tr1p3d

Just hopped on, aaaand... Am I missing something? I thought there would be an assignment for getting previous anniversary hats. Wanted the paper crown to be Ice King :(

Anniversary is special - those hats won’t get reruns, but hats from Halloween returns on Halloween etc.


Originally posted by theLV2

And personally, this marks my first full year at DRG. Rock n stone!

5 years late, but many years early, Miner!


Originally posted by AutoModerator

This post seems to be about Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor. Please post on r/DRGSurvivor instead, as this subreddit is reserved for posts about the original Deep Rock Galactic.

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Not on comments, you butt!

28 Feb


Originally posted by Japanagan

When will the event begin on consoles? For rock and stone!

Should be live too. It was in the last update, so it’s on a timer.


ALSO: be sure to tune in tomorrow on our live stream at 1PM (UTC+01:00) where we'll do an anniversary Live Stream with news from Ghost Ship Games! You don't want to miss it (but if you do, you can catch the VOD later)


Originally posted by Rhecof-07

u/GSG_Jacob make this crossover happen pleeeease 😭

It’s on my bucket list