

29 Sep


They may be triggering a bit too often due to us testing them before release, and not reverting to a less frequent trigger.

Not 100% sure that's the case, but I'll check.

PS: I took note of all your suggestions for gunner voice lines. I can definitely get a few of them in there. Thanks!

PPS: You should try the Driller + Impact Axe if you enjoy axe puns.

Edit: We'll be lowering the frequency of the voice lines for the scout. The limit was set too low, and with the frequent use of it, it becomes too much. We'll change it soon, and see if it feels less annoying like that.


I feel like this is an attack on my character, and yet I still upvoted.

28 Sep


It’s supposed to train itself at some point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

27 Sep


Originally posted by Qwampa

As far as I can tell, a few resources and credits at the end of each month for free basically. (don't discriminate non discord users please)

That’s basically it. This is an experiment we’re running, and if it all works, we will look at expanding beyond Discord, even though that’s where the fun is.


Originally posted by intergalacticninja

What are the differences between the three Union Chapters? Also, can I switch chapters if I change my mind later?

Each chapter get their own objective for the period. You can switch once the round is done and a new recruitment round starts for a fee. Difference right now is what role you get on Discord. Nothing more.


Originally posted by KingSolomonEpstein

Huh, never occurred to me before, but it would be super useful just to have access to your stat history. Especially if you could sort it yourself and/or filter the lobby with it, eg. seeing my haz 4 average deaths, kills, and minerals per game over the past x weeks. u/GSG_Jacob, do you know if there are any plans like this in the works?

Aside from what I think you can see on the perk terminal, not as far as I know.

Edit: But I haven’t checked that in a while, so not even sure what it shows there.


Originally posted by chibi-totoro

So the "claim" boxes on loading U25 for the first time said there was an additional perk slot? But I still have the same number of perk slots.

Was that supposed to be different or was it just referring to the regular extra slot you get on your first promotion ....

Like the others said, it's the one you already had. With Update 25 being promoted has a lot more weight, and we'd been meaning to overhaul the whole communication around what you're getting from a promotion.


While not the answer you are looking for, some members of the community has had success with replacing images and audio in the game. It’s relatively easy to do (though not a completely trivial task) and it could allow you friend to replace that one line with something else.

26 Sep

25 Sep


Originally posted by Player2017


I will never not-upvote a good FAKARL!

23 Sep


Originally posted by Dwarfurious

Oh but he is I have PM's with him from 2017 !

He most have blocked you. And me.

Troels is very lively. And he loves pesto.


Is that at the end of the current survey? We usually do one per release, but that part hasn't been updated, apparently.


Originally posted by weveseenthem

I played a game with one of the devs. The only person they acknowledged in the room was the dude who had the paid extra vanity armour. Kinda made me feel bad low key because I've over 300 hours in game.

To be fair, that dude was wearing his super-secret support club badge. We love all of you equally. I promise.


Originally posted by Dwarfurious

19th bear is one of the really quiet and reclusive devs too; sound and music guy.

Nah, he's just not on Discord. :D

20 Sep


Originally posted by Howlingprophet

Make it so you can’t drop it in another radius/a certain distance away! Please Jacob - you’re my only hope 😭

Sounds like an easy solution at first, but that actually takes a bit of work to implement mechanically and lorewise it’s a bit weird. We might re-add it at some point, but it’s up to the designers in the end.


Originally posted by Wesley_H

Where are all these people that wanted new shouts...Discord? Because I don’t recall any recent thread here where someone was requesting more unless it was over a year ago.

It’s been a recurring request from many players, and is a natural thing for us to do alongside adding more content to the game.


Originally posted by Arrevax

Thank you and Pedro for your replies. Is this a confirmation that weekly promoted assignments and/or treasure chests can provide cores? Are treasure chests available during normal missions, meaning it's possible to earn new cosmetics and mods at a very low (RNG-based) rate outside of Deep Dives?

If so, I'm okay with the new system. I'd still rather be able to play randomized Deep Dives any time, but if that's the only thing completely locked behind the weekly timer (along with the leaderboard), that's reasonable. I get that you guys want to create something that might introduce competition, which draws in more players, meta-theorists, speedrunners, etc., which is fine— I'm sure plenty of players will welcome that aspect of the new content. It's just that locking so much content behind time-gated assignments that makes this all so sour; no one wants their regular missions to feel like a waste of time compared to those two or three hours a week when the exclusive rewards are ...

Read more

Can confirm that assignments and chests will give cores, and the system will be expanded upon with the Machine Events in Update 26. Treasure chests are available only during normal missions, and are rare. We're still in Early Access, so we're listening to any and all feedback and taking it into consideration. Edit: I basically repeated most of what I said originally. Should have checked that first. :D


Originally posted by E-308

Didn't they just use this feature in the promo where they blew up a bunch of crystals? That's weird.

You were supposed to focus on the damage, not the tool.