

12 Jun


Originally posted by Alexitou

The game is fun, VERY fun.

Tons of builds to try

Tons of ways to kills bugs

Many ways to complete missions

And to grow my fake internet p*nis larger, with my level 1500+

Rock and stone!

Hats off to your fake internet penis. May you see continued growth and may your danglies find the glaze they deserve.


Originally posted by Krytrephex

so... what's the answer? they dont do it because... theyd have to add an undo button?? theres no way ppl actually hear this and say "ok yeah fair point"??? the real reason is that theyre lazy and the function is not highly necessary

We haven’t done it, because adding something like this requires more design, UI and testing than people realize. It also has impact on fragile things like your savegame. So, it requires more than one person to spend a non-trivial amount of time on it - time that’s currently prioritized other stuff.

Note: Our replies during streams come with a disclaimer. We’re casually replying while playing and the replies will be coloured by that. They will be short and lack detail and explanation.

That said, I’ll definitely lobby for getting this into Season 3, but no promises.

10 Jun


What a catch! You should deposit him in Molly, so Management can credit you a percentage of his perceived value.

08 Jun


Originally posted by GrillConnoisseur

what's with this game in particular and circlejerking LGBT? i do not understand it. the discord for example has over 850 posts about "trans" which is pretty encompassing as a single search can be. Why can't you just play the game without making everything about trans dwarves, trans management etc. I'm not trying to be offensive here though i suspect you don't give a shit just as much as i don't give a shit about what redditors think of me, i just do not understand why this keeps happening

no other group of people do this

The Discord has about 5x as many posts about “poop”. Getting 850 hits on a word search on a highly populated Discord server that has been running for years doesn’t mean what you say it means.


Originally posted by Academic-Club-8234

Damn well Im level 130 so I guess I’m too deep to switch to the better version now. Is it like a large noticeable difference, or just slightly more complex?

You can still get large cave gens on console, so it’s not a major difference. It does exist, though.

04 Jun


Originally posted by Roobtheloob

I hear you and I agree. It's funny cause I bought the paw patrol game and Minecraft but he wants to play DRG.


02 Jun


Originally posted by LoganLach

I'll try to add to this comment as I remember things since I recall complaining to a friend on a few separate occasions but the ability to rock and stone while holding something (I cannot remember what object it was ATM) and being unable to slap the gnome while holding a drink seem like good examples of fixing things that didn't need fixing

Ah, but those things weren’t fixed. They’re the consequence of cleaning up the systems of ye old development, which potentially can cause a lot of issues if left to be. Technical debt. So, all of those things weren’t removed deliberately, but since they existed as an accidental bi-product of a shoddy system, they disappeared when we refactored the system. I get that it looks like we didn’t want those things there, when it fact it was the unstable systems causing it, that we had to fix. So, to get those things back, we actually have to redesign them and make them properly, and that’s currently on a low priority list, I believe.


Originally posted by RemA012

Why would you even implement something like this? As of recently there have been questionable changes to the game that the community didnt like

Like what?


Originally posted by Lolippoppa

Interesting, does that reset all your settings and everything though? (That's the typical function of safe mode)

Safe Mode in it's current version just disables modding.

01 Jun


No update today. The safe mode was added in the Steam backend and didn’t required an update.


Originally posted by Synka

Thats not what I said, read the sentence again.

To the rest, I doubt appealing would do anything, the mods are going rampant for years on the discord being extremely elitist a-holes who ban people for fun. Lots of my ex-drg-teammates used to be on the discord and all of them were banned for arbitrary reasons.

And I dont mod my game, so I doubt a modding discord would be the right place to look for teammates

If people have been banned for poor reasons, an appeal will absolutely help. Misunderstandings happen all the time.

The claim "ban people for fun" should come with some sort of documentation, because if that was true, I'd yeet the moderator like 2 fast 2 furious.


Originally posted by Angery_Dwarf

I can in a bit!

Do I... send it to you?

Following up, the art team is working on a fix to that and some other occurrences with headgear. Not sure when it will be applied, but some of it should be easy to fix.


Originally posted by HerpDerp1909

I know I'm pretty late to the party, but is there any chance glasses like these are ever going to be sold on the DRG Merch Store again?

It's possible, but it's all up to FFXF/Goodsmile to make it happen.



Top it off with mugs, my dwarf.

31 May


Yes. We chose mod.IO to have the option open for us at some point. That doesn’t mean it will happen, though. It can, but no promises.


Originally posted by aspentree123

I am quite happy about this, on that note can i be unbanned from the discord? i posted a reddit link to this videos audio

Sure! (wasn't me, though) I'll see if I can't find out who you are, but if nothing happens, let me know your username.

Edit: Okay, I need the username.


Originally posted by SimpliG


-redditor (scout) asked what happens if you dip your balls in liquid morkite

-dev (mission control) said he hets banned

-dev temp banned redditor for 3 days

-other redditors lost their cool over the ban, pushed back and spammed even more of the ball dipping meme.

-dev got fustrated and told people that "its friday night, go touch grass" (meaning log off of the internet or bugger off)

-days later, the dev embraced the meme and made the video, and also apologised for the guy he temp banned for overreacting.

-comic shows the redditors as scout 'touching grass', and mission control joins them after they make their peace.

... I completely missed the touching grass reference.