

08 Jul


Originally posted by cryptic-fox

u/GSG_Jacob I don’t expect to get a response but worth trying. I just want to know, is this true?? I’ve come across a lot of players here and on Steam who say the same thing. Tbh I also noticed that the game 90% gives me stuff for classes I rarely play. What gives?? If this is done on purpose to make us play a certain class more then that’s not cool :p

It’s not true. There’s an equal chance to get any overclock regardless of class, though I’m unsure if it just takes from the pool, or it picks class first. The reason people think this is true is that they’ll pick one class exclusively, which will make it more likely for others to show, since there’s more of them. What you’d want to do is to pick the same class if the others aren’t available. Less of another of the classes will up you chances.

07 Jul

06 Jul


Originally posted by eight_ender

I had to go out of my way to buy the DLC skin packs because they literally did not give me any other way of supporting them after purchase.

Lmao, gottem


Originally posted by MeatyMcMeatflaps

They don’t tbf, only the base gun is company issued but then the overclocks are created by the dwarfs and presumably aren’t safety checked, so they have no idea

on a company machine using resources they’re holding and deciding the exchange rate of

05 Jul


Originally posted by DahctaJae


the thing no one has noticed.

04 Jul


Comedy gold

02 Jul


Huh, short length too.

30 Jun


Originally posted by KermanFooFoo

Alright, which one of you did “rock me like a stone”?

My friends and I were dying for a good few minutes after that one

That must be Mikkel, our Game Director.


I don't know about genius, but I do have my moments.


Originally posted by Elcorgi8267

u/GSG_jacob I heard you made up “Stoney rock”

Well to that I say, you’re a Dwarven Genius, good job

Aw, thanks.

27 Jun


Wow, this is great!

24 Jun


It ain't a gun if it don't weigh at least 400 royales with cheese.


Originally posted by Beneficial_Barber934

Oh shoot I meant to add that lol I'm ps4! Also don't see an option to re install dlc - just says purchased. I'll dig around some more then

You're saying "over the years", but the game came out this year... I'm a bit confused. Your DLC purchase should be connected to your account if you bought it, but I also know that PlayStation has a thing where people share accounts, which also works with DLCs. I don't have any deeper knowledge of this, but it might be related to that - if you bought the DLCs, you should have receipts, and contacting PlayStation support should allow them to fix it.


Originally posted by Refrigerator-Cr

In a recent stream I think the developers said there was no plan to expand the perk system. I collected all the weapons and cosmetic overclock and I'm sitting at 160 blank cores atm. I just like how the game map generator makes every mission feel different.

It might get a rework, but no promises.


I think this settles it. Joining the richual is appreciated, but voluntary due to the risk involved.


22 Jun


Originally posted by J_Mallory

I'm going to need a picture of that


Originally posted by theyeshman

This subreddit rapidly alternates between being basically unmoderated and the mods cracking down on any meme that has more than 2 posts. Right now we're in the unmoderated side of the swing, don't worry, Jacob will get the ban hammer out soon.

I can't ban gold. It has value.

21 Jun


Originally posted by TuneACan

This must be the consequence of the morkite ball dipping. That one dev moderator was right all along...

This comment is going up on the wall next to my desk.


Originally posted by Burner14p

How long does this last?

Three weeks.