

01 Aug


Originally posted by BillyOnFire123

u/GSG_jacob add cocaine to the game


28 Jul


Originally posted by ncghost213


It takes a few reports for the notification to pop up.

27 Jul


Originally posted by shikin_nuggies

No I mean from when I first started and got access to the screen I think the most I’ve seen has been 8 deep dives ongoing like six standard and two elite

The Deep Dives is not a good metric for activity, since it’s somewhat of an investment to play it, it’s behind a promotion gate, and you can’t join it once it is started. So, compared to standard mission types, you’ll see fewer of them.


Originally posted by ncghost213

Are we a food subreddit now?

Edit: why is this post still here? Come on mods.

Did you report it?


Deep Dives can be hard to find towards the end of their run. Also summer + a couple of months since last content drop is standard low population on servers.

26 Jul


If you joined them, and they all left, wouldn’t you go back into your own lobby, resetting the Abyss bar?

25 Jul


Originally posted by JewyTwoScoops

The Elemental Bot was what banned me.

For context, each of the three times I was hit by the bot it was specifically when I used the word "horny" in my posts. Every other word was used elsewhere and the topic didn't make the slightest difference either.

The bot distributes the warning/message, and I can see you got three warnings before you were banned.
... but now that I am looking at the logs, it looks a lot like you are ban evading and initially were banned two years ago for posting a video of animals dying.


I'm not sure why you were banned, but we don't have any bots that would ban you for saying "horny".


Originally posted by djaynus

Anyplace i can't use the words i want is not a place i wanna be. As long as you're not being a dick to people, who cares?

I bet you're real fun at children's birthday parties.


Originally posted by NanchoMan

Or feel free to send these to me, I’ll send you MY address



Feel free to send these to our office! Message me for the address.

21 Jul


Originally posted by BurritoBandit24

I have a few questions before I drop a ton of monee for this amazing product

-how does buying this work since I'm very late to the party and the Kickstarter already ended, like where do I buy this?

-are the standard games tokens cardboard and to get a plastic version I need to buy the separate plastic tokens pack to get those?

-is the only difference between deluxe and standard the enemies being miniatures instead of cutouts?

Overall I'm really excited to get and play this game and I want to get everything it offers and the most high quality version of it, I just couldn't fully understand what all includes what due to my pea brain

You can preorder through the link above. It will probably be a later shipping than the kickstarter and late pledges, but not sure. It should say. Plastic tokens are a deluxe upgrade for the punched cardboard ones. It’s nice, but not needed. They don’t replace the tokens in the box, so you’d get both if you order the tokens. The only difference is the monsters being figurines instead of cutouts, yes. The dwarves are figurines in both versions, afaik.

20 Jul


Her dad will remember this.


Originally posted by NaturallyAspirated32

Are the developers active here? I need them to know how happy this game has made me


13 Jul


Originally posted by turbodrumbro

I can't stand this video format corrupting our pure Rocks and Stones, for real text to speech needs to be shot out of a cannon into the sun

But we made this. :(

10 Jul


I have some bad news for you regarding the ingredients of beer.

09 Jul


Originally posted by FS_NeZ

You know what the real problem is?

Your game doesn't sit on 2000 players anymore.

1% shitheads out of 2000 is 20. Barely noticable.

1% out of 10000 is 100. That's a lot.


08 Jul


Originally posted by Mydogatemyexcuse

/u/gsg_jacob please fix

Dat’s another paddlin’


Originally posted by eatingpotatornbrb

I dare someone to ping GSG_Jacob

That’s a paddlin’