

27 Jan


We can’t really say at this point. It runs fine on Photon, which should mean it can run. Other than that it’s subject to running on a low end handheld pc on a platform it was never specifically built or optimized for. We have ordered a kit, but it’s most likely not going to be a target platform, as far as I know.


Originally posted by _Surge

man, even DRG isn’t safe from chinese overlord BS. does tencent own coffee stain??

Today you learned.. Also, Coffee Stain doesn’t own DRG.

26 Jan


That’s a PlayStation feature. You haven’t done anything wrong. :)


Originally posted by FS_NeZ

Can you also fox the problem of machine event enemies attacking Doretta? Finding an event on escort is the worst. Right now you HAVE to get the stone before you start any event or you risk losing Doretta or failing the timer because the enemies walk to Dotty.

That’s on purpose. You should wait until you’ve gotten the heartstone.

25 Jan


Originally posted by H4RR151SDUMB

can somebody tell me when this season ends? i want all the rewards possible but idk when it ends

Around April, but Season 1 items will be integrated into the game in the lost packs and cargo crates.

24 Jan


Originally posted by Tim7941

No, I did not. But in my defense: you would've put a clowns face too if you knew the guy

That would make me a bad community manager :D Anywho, you're unmuted now.


Originally posted by Tim7941

lmao was that really the reason? Yeah I'll stop haha

Well, from what I read you kept adding them when they were removed, so you might not have realized that a moderator was removing them.


Originally posted by Tim7941

It's "a Lemon#1496" and the discord ID is 411908105245556747

it would be amazing if you could help, thanks for even taking the time to respond to little stuff like this :)

Do you promise to stop putting clown face emojis on posts as reactions?


I'm sorry I can't hear you over all the shots I'm firing at this coccoon I just found. help I'm downed


Originally posted by Tim7941

they have DMs turned off

I hope not. What's your username?

22 Jan


Oh wow, took me a few takes to see the upside down head. Love it! The Thing is one of my favorite movies.


Cool, thanks for giving us a heads up, so we can ban it here too! Don’t want to be too inconsistent.

21 Jan


Originally posted by Venixflytrap

new enemies?

If I told you about any new enemies, they'd have to track you down and whack you.


Originally posted by JanLewko977

Will Season 2 allow you to preview items in the season pass? I want to see the victory poses and things like that.

Don't think we'll add a system for that, no. I'll probably post videos of it on social media, though.


Originally posted by sbrbrad

so no need to overexert yourself.

That's not what management told us :(

Oh no, keep mining, but do it for management - not for silly cosmetic rewards.


Originally posted by TrumpetBrigadier

Is the awkward part that you guys couldn't, for the life of you, synchronize their dancing to the beat?

You're better than this.

"For the life of you" is probably overstating the effort put into trying - there was no attempt to do so at all. It's all intentional. They're all three dancing out of sync, and the music was added by me afterwards, since it would be lame without audio.
The jukebox music in the game has a lot of different tunes, so none of them really lines up with any of the dances, that can all be set off on different beats anyway.
... I wish they lined up, though, because I could definitely have some fun with that - but the animation system just isn't set up for syncing with different music.


Originally posted by Obibimus-prime

Wait, the season 1 just started on Playstation, so we will have time to finish the first one yeah?

There’s still 2-3 months to go, and even then, all the rewards you won’t have time to get, goes into the game to be acquired in other ways so you’ll miss nothing.


Originally posted by ashoethatisntaboot

Oh no I'm not even remotely close to finishing season 1 and 2 is already coming out??

All Season 1 stuff will migrate into the game and can be found in cargo crates and lost packs.


Originally posted by LavaSlime301

I refuse to believe there's a single non-dwarf involved in DRG.

Deep Rock is a mining company that specifically hire dwarves to do the things dwarves do best, so it’s implied that it’s not run by dwarves, but use dwarves as laborers.