

20 Jan


Originally posted by Dr_Nue

"Man, I wonder what the new secondaries could be."


You’re going to like next Thursday then!


Originally posted by Call_The_Banners

You joke but I could see a AAA dev team actually consider this.

"We've unified two classes together to create a better cohesive gameplay loop for our players. Over time, we felt that Scout didn't carry enough identity outside of being used solely for grappling."

"The remaining classes will have some of his weapons rolled into their loadouts and Engineer will now be able to select either the grappling hook or the platform gun during during loadout customization."

Cutting corners and re-using old content in a lazy manner is the modus operandi of quite a few larger gaming studios and I am so glad GSG is nothing like them.

Not without choosing violence.


Originally posted by shogi_x

Season 2. Two step.


I think not.

Season 9: Heeey Macarena!


Originally posted by Chromer_ilovePS2

So if I won't be able to get the loot bug hold pose I can get it in cargo crate later?



Originally posted by Yamabomb

I’m sorry to ask such a dumb question but when does S1 end? Also very excited for S2.

When Season 2 launches. Updated the stickied comment with info.


Originally posted by kaze0219

When is season 2 coming?



Originally posted by Hiero_Glyph

Can't wait; Rock and Stone!

Any chance we can get some info about when season 1 will be ending for each platform?

When Season 2 launches. The cosmetics in the Season pass will migrate into the game when that happens, so no need to overexert yourself. I


Originally posted by BadReubenNoConcubine

Where is the scout?

Probably downed in another part of the cave.


Originally posted by TraumaTracer

is the scout being absent part of the teaser or am i overanalyzing this

It’s easier to make secondary weapons for all the characters, if you reduce the amount of characters in the game by 25%.


To anyone who can relate, sorry.

Edit part deux: Disregard the armor mixups. It’s the scene that’s set up like a mess.

Edit: Since it’s being asked a lot, Season 2 will launch around March/April. Steam first and consoles hopefully within two weeks of that. Season 1 content not acquired by then will move into the cargo crates and lost packs, and is not lost just because you didn’t finish the Season pass.


Relationship goals.


Originally posted by xseekxnxstrikex

I understand your rule, there are evil people out there. even if someone did me dirty I dont blast them on the internet but if someone did blast me and a bunch of people were writing me you know how much I would care? none, I would not even read them and give them the time of day. This is also a part of acquiring thick skin and not caring about what people say but because there are internet police out there who do take action over "words" believe it or not, that only makes everything worse and people are more antagonizing. The internet just needs to let everyone get it out of there system, let them cry and see what happens, nothing. People even go as far as blaming suicide from internet bullying but that is pathetic, people who are committing suicide already had deeper issues and were going to anyways. Anyways, im done ranting, I understand what you are saying, I say let them burn eachother down and get it over with.

Oh yeah, I get that - but time has shown that it escalates, and since the trolls specifically target users in the community, I'd rather keep those users safe and take the flak that we're "protecting toxic players". Deleting them keeps the vigilantes away. People are free to post any and all bad experiences, but they should leave the names out of it in this subreddit.
I am taking note of these posts and using them to push for better user management of blocked users - we should have that as a minimum, IMO.


Originally posted by BookerLegit

We have no way of knowing if OP's story is true or the whole truth. The problem with naming and shaming is there are people who will take advantage of it to harass others (not saying that is the case here, just in general).

This exactly. It's not public service. It's supporting a narrative there's no possible way of confirming is real. Also, this post is literally about a guy taking an extra resupply, OP reacting to it, and then getting a temp ban on Xbox live for breaking their terms. Whether he was baited into doing it or not is not really relevant - taking bait isn't a get out of jail free card and either way it's an assumption.


Originally posted by xseekxnxstrikex

So why is it your job to play police? Do you feel you are protecting someones life from real danger lol.

Because I am the community manager, and this is the community I manage. I'm not going to let people air their dirty laundry, trying to get a lynch mob going, and it honestly shouldn't be necessary to even defend that position. If you feel it's protecting the toxic people, I probably can't convince you otherwise, but don't buy into the illusion that the same toxic people wouldn't abuse those posts being allowed this, because they already have - and that is the main reason the rule is there and that it applies to everything. Don't feed the troll.

19 Jan


Originally posted by rdhight

Then why can't we have personal blacklists? Just let me remove a guy from being in my games. No one else would know.

No one is saying you can’t have that. It should be in the game, I agree.


Originally posted by daniboyi

the only ones your rules are protecting are the ones being toxic in the game that deserves to be called out for their behaviour.

But guess that is just typical business on reddit. Mods are always protecting the worst while screwing over the victims.

So you would be fine with getting banned, based on what someone wrote on Reddit? 99% of these posts provided nothing but an anecdotal perspective. Names can easily be changed. There’s no way of proving someone did what was claimed and even if there was, it’s not up to someone on the internet to be the judge jury and executioner.


Originally posted by rdhight

Why do you protect the worst players?

The rule is there to stop witchhunts on people. We’ve had several people be harassed because someone pretended they were them. It’s that simple, really. This isn’t a People’s court and it’s not going to be.


Originally posted by Lazy-Psychology-6238

ya cu------------------------------nt