

29 Feb


This is impressively thorough and well-written, great work! Thank you for helping more pilots ease into opportunities they never knew they had.

06 Feb


Originally posted by 3shotsb4breakfast

Still experiencing this problem on Nintendo Switch. Three containers inside a secure container are inaccessible.

Hey there, sorry to hear this. I will add this to the books, but please keep in mind it is unlikely we will be visiting this for a while since we are focused on EVERSPACE 2 currently. Regardless, having it cataloged will move us forward once we can. Thanks for your report.

01 Feb


Hey there, I posted on your Steam forum thread; thanks for the report. If you haven't checked the Steam post, the short of it is this: We had a similar report about 4 years ago in a Discord conversation. The specifics of the incident weren't entirely sorted, but the user was able to resolve the issue by turning off his overclocking. Might be worth a try?

26 Jan

15 Jan


Originally posted by aggsol

So the console version will stay on the old engine, then?

The console versions are also being migrated to UE5 so we can continue supporting them, too.


Originally posted by VermicelliJazzlike31

The dev console being removed is very frustrating. Having completed the game several times, I now want the ability to spawn in items, play in god mode, unlimited ammo/health and so forth, spawn in enemies as I see fit. It feels like my experience is cut short as if I have a hand on my shoulder telling me I'm playing wrong or as if my hands are tied. Please in future devs always leave the console in. Why do you think skyrim is so popular.

You're asking for added features to change how the game is meant to be experienced, and it simply was not in the vision for the game.

For example, let's look at Pac Man. When beating Pac Man, should the devs provide the player the ability to despawn ghosts, or make 100 ghosts, or make Pac Man invincible, or make all the dots into power pellets, or have fruit appear every second, or be provided a map editor to make their own maze? Because the game doesn't have these things, does that somehow mean the devs are looking over the player's shoulders telling them they're playing wrong or tying their hands?

Cheat codes can inadvertently burnout players by experiencing all the content really fast in a matter that wasn't intended. Even as end-game unlockable content, this can remove any need to replay a game, and replayability is a foundational pillar of EVERSPACE. Sometimes having a sandbox mode or unlockable can be a good thing, but not always. Skyrim obviously doe...

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03 Jan


Originally posted by radar2670

How does this affect us console peasants(XSX/PS5)?

Because the overarching intent is to futureproof to continue supporting, this means for continued support. The difference in engine shouldn't change much (if anything) since we aren't changing assets at all. After all has been migrated, it should be the exact same game, just with a sexier engine under the hood of it with mechanics standing by.


Originally posted by 8_BIT_FOND

Holy HIVE units Madman!! Wouldn't that require a complete codebase rewrite?

Edit: Also, when is the next community stream?

We use Blueprints quite a lot, so the process has currently been mild pertaining to the codebase. Hopefully that doesn't change, because there's a lot of work to do!

Edit: Next stream is this Friday, January 5th.

21 Dec

15 Dec

01 Dec


For EVERSPACE 1, you can reset the game through the menus.

Options > Game > Reset Game

This will completely wipe your save, thus starting you from the very beginning with the tutorial.

28 Nov

22 Nov


Originally posted by compulsive_looter

Thank you very much for following up on this subject.

Just "ride" into Prescott and try to help the Okkar fight off random Outlaws with Symphony of Destruction and/or Crit Happens enabled and see what happens. I have no trouble reproducing this in my game.

Be that as it may, the most dangerous culprit by far is the 3/3 Vigilante set bonus. Surely you must have been able to verify this in your testing?

I can live with Bird's Nest behaving like other mines in that sense, now that I know it. I just somehow thought that its main trait "Web" may be less dangerous to neutrals. It's also hard to foresee the exact placement and size of the "Nest". But that's okay, I only use it on the Bomber anyway because it's so expensive to replenish lol.

As to [allied] Vipers exploding in my face, I will file that under "lessons learned" ;)

Ah, I see the confusion now. For all intents and purposes, Okkar are treated as hostile targets, made a bit more skittish due to their lore. As such, uncontrolled explosions will trigger them into fighting the player.

Otherwise, the Vigilante set EMP explosion bonus is one we are evaluating. It seems likely we'll adjust this.


Originally posted by Upstairs-Tank-8098

first of all, totally agree, please don't shoot at Bob (never seem that happen though)

and for symphony of boom / flak / etc, i personally think they're part of the experience: as a professional, you should pick the best-fit-for-the-mission from your arsenal, right? e.g. 9mm to avoid over-penetrate for a hostage situation, 12 gauge for certain pedocillin injection, u don't expect a jack of all rounds magic wand. the same in DMZ, you play Michael Bay in rifts but switch to safer load-out in a group fight. I still care about role playing part of this game ( even in an end-game stage where i'm currently trying rift 600 with interceptor / striker, 400 with vanguard, clearing puzzles no more than one location per gaming session); getting the best performance in rift is not everything

sometimes i jump in a fight between white and red names thinking i'm a good guy, but ended up "wanted" popped up and escaped into superlight, yelling "i'm sorry! i didn't mean it! it's rockf...

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Generally speaking this is our mindset as well, but we wanted to give favor to the player for the more controlled parts of the experience versus the randomized ones. Crit Happens and Symphony of Destruction have a randomized chance to cause an explosion, so these will only damage enemies in the area. A flak cannon, however, is very much intended to hit everything in the area, and will do so when used. Randomized chance at splash = only damage enemies, guaranteed splash = will damage everything.

Swapping loadouts more easily is something we've seen requested a number of times and have explored internally; there are some significant technical limitations that have made this far more difficult to implement than we'd like so it's not something we can guarantee will happen, but know that it's a nice-to-have we'd like to get to, if time allows.


Originally posted by compulsive_looter

I just wanted to add the "Bird's Nest" legendary mines to the ever growing list of items that has caused a "Repel Attackers" job to fail for me - by angering the two G&B freighters which I had successfully saved from outlaw attackers.

Also earlier today I was fighting an Outlaw Viper and turned it with the "Wrath of the Fallen" legendary cargo unit. It turned green and proceeded to fly straight at me. So far so good. When its 10 seconds were over, it exploded... and doused me in acid, causing significant armor damage.

"Thanks mate, what a great ally you turned out to be!"

We did some testing and the perks Crit Happens and Symphony of Destruction do not hit neutral targets, which is working as intended.

Bird's Nest is an explosive, AoE weapon. If you're launching this into a battle, it very much would damage allies in the area. This is working as intended, much like using any other secondary mine that explodes.

An Outlaw Viper exploding leaving a corrosive area is the natural outcome of the vessel, friend or foe, based on the ship's trait. This is working as intended.

We're still evaluating a couple other instances to make sure we're giving the advantage to the player, but please keep in mind that weapons putting emphasis on splash damage are very much intended to damage everything in the area, friend or foe.

20 Nov


Originally posted by compulsive_looter

Thanks for explaining the studio's thought process. Appreciated.

Yes I do recognize which weapons cause splash damage and change them on a per-encounter-basis. But I have to say this is not very immersive, having to go to the menu before and after each random encounter or faction job. And sometimes I have to slam on the brakes to do it, because an "Unknown Signal" can hold any kind of surprise.

And pilot perks can't be changed on-the-fly to begin with, as that requires the ship to be docked at a station or the homebase.

Strangely none of this is a problem in "Battle Support" scenarios so evidently the game engine provides for an option that makes allies tolerant to friendly fire.

And please, make the Coalition fighters go easy on Bob - he has done nothing to them! :)


On it!


Originally posted by Hellhound_Rocko

absolutely, i was so sad to discover that you cannot use the Vigilante 3-set because of dev brainfarts - unless you want to automatically fail almost every Distress Call and be unable to defend yourself in allied territory.

and it's even worse: totally inconsistent. for example: you cannot use the Energized Boost perk that webs enemies around you as that'll web all neutrals as well and they'll immediately declare war on you for it - but you can use the Energized Boost perk that deals Energy and Kinetic damage to all foes you fly close by to because that will never apply to greys... which makes it even worse: random to the player if a thing works as it should or not without the item's description telling one about it.

or how about the Vindicator's (and therefore probably also the consumable) Drones not counting as allies surrounding you for Escort Duty set perks/ triggers because that would be silly. but then the opposing Rouge set's 2-set bonus comes along and say...

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To let you in on our mentality, we went back and fourth on the idea of splash damage affecting everything in the area, or only enemies in that area. This raised some controversy internally because we both wanted players to not accidentally aggro neutrals/allies while at the same time feeling like players would recognize a splash damage weapon would hit neutrals/allies; we had to make some decisive actions to what made sense and where.

Certain, intentional splash damage effects only affect enemies (like the EMP device) while others would splash everything (like flak cannons). That said, perks that make everything have splash damage change situations to what you've described would occur; even if the player doesn't want to hit allies, now they almost don't have a choice. Hmmmm. Based on your feedback here, it seems we need to revisit some of this and ensure it is working as intended and feels good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts; here's hoping we can make this feel better....

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17 Nov


Originally posted by FungulGrowth

That would be great!

Hey there, I sent you a chat. If you can send me your saves I'll see what we can do. Let me know if you need any assistance on packaging up the saves to send our way.