

13 Apr


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

This is likely the artist.

Yup. Martin is an absolute legend.

12 Apr


Originally posted by FubarSnafuTarfu

I mean that’s not an uncommon DLC strategy. The Arma series has traditionally offered DLC comparability for non owners of the pack at lower resolution

This was our original inspiration - but then all the art gets diminished!

02 Apr


Originally posted by Official007

Fan Service. Via Delarosa, and Oath are my favorite in the game. It would really be cool to see the full image of Oath, it feels like that tattoo is rotated off to the right just a bit much. Is that the way it is supposed to be viewed as?

A lot were rotated so that you'd be able to see the more critical details better but yeah, some are a bit off I agree ;)


Originally posted by Infarlock

Basically some guy called Gruntr (One of the original devs) gratr and it became a meme, can't find the original thread talkg about how the game will be or similar and it was was back in like 2018. From then every year on April 1st we remember gratr


01 Apr


Originally posted by tastychuncks

So what about the other images like the hospital menu background, various signs in the PD, etc?

Hospital is a really rushed out job done by yours truly using photoshop's new tools - but with a base from another set of partners that made us entirely 3D level previews - I'd like to see the OG ones make a return but we found out too late they were actually super laggy to run and it'd take ages to open the map screen!


Originally posted by Gruntr

Not true. Tattoos were created by some of our partners.

Also OP I can probably get you the source image but I'd have to check with a few folks first


Originally posted by Lequindivino_

ai generated like many many things in game unfortunately...

Not true. Tattoos were created by some of our partners.

18 Mar


Originally posted by illchayadlay

Tbh this wasn’t obvious for me, just based purely of the order that they are unlocked in?

Greased Palms occurs on, October 25, 2025, and Elephant occurs on October 17, 2025. So a few days prior. The levels are organized in difficulty for a better player experience, but I agree it's awfully confusing and not many players would be aware of this from the get-go.


Originally posted by Alone-Cupcake5746

As a Ready or Not player, I have the right to ruin everyone's fun, by saying:

"This texture is AI generated"

You can send your death threats below.

Unfortunately for the artist who made this, that texture is not AI generated (unless I missed the joke) :P

14 Mar


Originally posted by spaghetti_beast

why tf would anybody need the RoN source code for? if suspect.sees(swat) { instakill() } ain't no secret

Police will be at your door any second for having our most precious code

13 Mar


Originally posted by ColHunterGathers111

How about we don't remove anything, instead, we add more guns?

I mean, porque no los dos?

My thoughts exactly ;) More guns more fun!

12 Mar


Originally posted by SpiritAnimal01

First one, I like the drip.

Immense drip. Great mods!

06 Mar



13 Feb


Originally posted by fawgosh

One final question is what language are we going to be using?
Do you guys think BepinEx will be implemented for dotNet scripts or any other method of code that's done in C#?

Thanks for any response.

I'd have to ask my TD, but I assume what UE4 uses, which is C++.


Originally posted by Yoda2000675

Wait, you mean judges don’t actually storm into gang raids with SWAT teams?

brb making gavel dlc


There's a bit of backstory detail to the mission which was quite hard to tell in-game, so ultimately we left it open. A major goal for the level was to keep it quite vague, not pointing to any specific rationale. You might pick up on some different reasons from the various shooters' voice lines, but we wanted to avoid saying "this is the reason shootings happen", pointing to any specific motive. In fact; Albert, Chase, and Archie (the three shooters within the narrative) all have their own reasons for committing the WCC Shooting, but it's steeped in so much backstory and internal conflict that pretty much none of what we wrote was able to make it into the game given how we present situations to the player from the SWAT perspective.

It's an unfortunate side effect of the game we've produced: as a member of a tactical team, your job isn't to know the why, it's knowing the "what". In a lot of briefings I was supplied with from real teams, they never went into that,...

Read more

09 Feb


There are a few things here we'll be touching on for sure - but regarding the SDK: long-awaited for sure, it's on the books, we just want to make sure the SDK is incredibly extensive and all documentation is clear and easy to follow, hence why it didn't hit 1.0.

You'll be able to do a hell of a lot with it I hope, we have a heap of tools used to make guns do different things, and there's even an unused deadzone feature. I can see a lot of unique "gunplay overhaul" mods enter the fray, or even "ammo overhaul" mods too with the amount of stuff that can be done. We spent a huge amount of time working on the guns and building these tools out, so when it's in your hands -- man, I can't wait to see it!

19 Dec


Originally posted by manboysteve

No changes to the aileveldata.ini but some more code-sided changes just to be clear.

14 Dec


For now ;)


Honestly good feedback across the board. Thank you for the post! As much as we all wanted a perfect release, this stuff happens. What’s there I hope is at least fun most of the time!

AI related issues boil down to a number of bugs that maybe came back up as we crushed others, or just disparity between different users in the game (arguably the hardest stuff to catch). We’re on top of it, especially aware of the laser beam dudes on Brisa Cove and Sins to name a few.

We’re gonna let the dust settle a bit and continue collating feedback to hone that all in so it’s more enjoyable. Ready or Not going to 1.0 doesn’t mean that we’re done working on this experience, but it does mean that we’re not preoccupied with trying to add or change any major pieces of content and features. Onward and upward as they say.