

27 Nov


Originally posted by MitokBarks

I’m really hoping the AI rework includes enemy AI. Their aggro, accuracy, and reaction times kind of ruin the game and tend to force you into lethal play throughs with a shoot-first-shout-later attitude.

It does! Across all levels :)

26 Nov


Originally posted by KyotoCo

Dayum VA improvement for Judge sounding good, also new soundtrack?

We're pushing a completed OST for 1.0 so yes!


Originally posted by Few_Advisor3536

Theres no shortage of kill amos memes in here, just wanted an even distribution of hate towards georgie boy aswell.

Wait til you see Brixley's actual character model in the update (was using an old placeholder before now)


Originally posted by iminacoupewithacutta

Cool but did anyone catch the casio the player's rocking?

Ah.. Kashio! With an accurate timer as well ;)

23 Nov


Originally posted by Oat-C

Thats what I like to hear 🇭🇲🇭🇲🇭🇲🇭🇲

farken oath


Originally posted by CustardDull5047

As I said it seemed like a 14 year would would think it was cool, lol.



Originally posted by qortkddj90

are there now no duplicate civilian models on the map?

Ideally, no, but due to our current system you still may run into recurring models -- one of our goals for the future is a simple way of making sure you get less (or no) duplicates, but it requires a bit of attention paid to the way we randomize selections that we don't have time for with 1.0.


Originally posted by AustralianWi-Fi

So they're adding a Browning High Power and an EF88, the standard issue sidearm and rifle of the Australian military. Do they have an Aussie dev on the team? 😂

I'm from Victoria, we've got a few Australian developers.


Originally posted by BlueHellDino

Real ones remember the Anal Staircase and the shitty PvP

I remember popping 5 melatonin after making that PvP.. how far we've come


Originally posted by CustardDull5047

I always suspected that the Team 17 deal was the reason why the Anal Staircase disappeared. I mean really it should never have been in the trailer in the first place. It seems like a 14 year old thought it would cool to add.

All creative decisions are and have been our own. It's a reference to a song by Coil. :)

21 Nov


Originally posted by Sheyvan

I wonder how many will be added as "new" to existing maps. Most really need some variety. 280-ish is lot, but still really vague, without more contextual numbers.

A lot are being added to existing maps -- most levels received extra content or overhauls.


Originally posted by funny-meem

Thats crazy! Ahh it makes sense, I guess RoN captures the worst of the worst.

We've spoken to full time tactical police who may have only been personally involved in one shooting their entire career. It's definitely not common to have the sh*t that happens in RoN in real life hah. But it's a creative liberty framed by a really hellish city.


Originally posted by Forward-Passion-4832

End of Watch. Great movie too

End of Watch does a great job uncovering the gritty underbelly of Los Angeles as well. Very good movie.

20 Nov


With the new update, you'll have to finish the game to find out ;)

18 Nov


Originally posted by StanleyColt32

People will get mad when they stop to pick up a Makarov right as a suspect enters the room and mag dumps the squad lmao

You can also stop behaviours with a command as well, and usually they’ll be covering each other


Originally posted by SorpitheBorpy

swan is an innocent baby boy have you ever heard his voice lines

put your hands up please

17 Nov

16 Nov


You are thoroughly f*cked

11 Nov


Originally posted by Leftho0k

Right? You can only restrain from behind, so dumb…

Yeah this was a massive issue. Update will have the ability to order suspects and civvies to turn around (and these issues where they get stuck won’t be present either). Sorry it ruined your run mate, that’s the worst.