

05 Mar


Well considering I haven't received the message and no one posted a screenshot, I am going off what I know, which is all anyone is saying. So now that I KNOW that it says that. I'll do some digging and see WHY you all are getting this message... Because, YES this is not correct.




The other post that was hidden, the OP didn't get a warning for doing anything wrong. I hid it because it was a double post, linking to the DevBlog on the EU forums. This was unnecessary since the information is in OUR devblog post.

If a post is removed and you didn't receive punitive action, more than likely it was something that didn't need to be said because it already was or because a comment wasn't necessary. Normally I PM the OP and let them know why this has occurred.

I try to do this to simplify the use of our forums, information is placed in the applicable locations, in other words.

Discussing moderation, however, that IS a violation of our forum guidelines, so please refrain from doing this.




Ya know that is a great idea actually! I will add that to my "push up the chain," list!




I understood what you were saying, I should have worded it as the "Sonar Ping spotting mechanic."


So the "Shipbuilding" Collection was for the dockyard event this past Christmas, currently, there is no way to complete this one right now. This doesn't mean that you won't have the chance.

The second was for the release of the Italian Cruiser line, currently, those containers are unavailable. These containers could become available in the future, but I cannot comment on content we haven't announced yet.

The third is the Azure Lane collection, which is currently greyed out, you cannot collect until you "enable" it.




Soon there will be a closed test session for attack aircraft carrying armor-piercing rockets. Please note that if the results are positive at the end of the test, detailed information about the future usage of this concept will follow.

The mechanics of these new rockets are similar to that of armor-piercing shells, with the main difference being –just like with armor-piercing bombs– that their armor penetration is not dependent on the distance they are fired from, but is instead a constant value.

As per the current concept, these rockets on Tier X aircraft carrier squadrons will be close to 203 mm armor-piercing shells in terms of efficiency against different classes. Upon hitting destroyers there will often be overpenetrations and the total damage will be lower than with standard rockets. The new rockets will be most effective against cruisers due to their ability to hit their citadel and deal significant damage. When attacking battleships, most dama...

Read more


First, do what @eviltane mentioned and I quoted. Check to see if you have enough duplicates sitting on a collection to complete other parts of that collection. The next thing is.

And then check if any of these can cover you. Which collection are you unable to get parts for? Are you meaning the ship specific collections?





"British Tokens can be obtained only in Update 0.9.0. With the release of Update 0.9.2 all of your Tokens will be exchanged for credits at a rate of 1:4,500."

These were the tokens you earned during the early access. Those tokens WILL be removed, the Royal tokens will not be removed for some time.





There is a reason each test phase varies so dramatically between mechanics. It is so we can gather data on specific things that we want to test for the final product. This is why we why so far we have had 3 test iterations that have varied widely. And we are probably going to have a fourth. And more if necessary.

Though I do appreciate your feedback, the sonar spotting mechanic needed to be tested.



Earn useful rewards just for playing World of Warships regularly! Read it on the portal


Ganhe recompensas úteis apenas por jogar World of Warships regularmente! Leia no portal


¡Obtengan ùtiles recompensas solo por jugar World of Warships regularmente! Leer en el portal


Want early access to European destroyers? Watch our official streams and collect your European Tokens! Read it on the portal


Deseja acesso antecipado aos contratorpedeiros europeus? Assista às nossas transmissões oficiais e colete seus Tokens Europeus! Leia no portal


¿Quieres un acceso anticipado a los destructores europeos? ¡Mira nuestras transmisiones oficiales y reúne tus Fichas Europeas! Leer en el portal


Hmmmm.... Dunno why y'all got that message... because:

"With the release of Update 0.9.2, Royal Tokens will only be obtainable from random bundles in exchange for doubloons. When Update 0.9.3 hits the servers, Royal Tokens will be converted into credits at the rate of 1:9,000."

So technically y'all should be good for some time..... I'll do some digging to verify, but they SHOULD be good until 0.9.3





Submarines are currently still in testing. We do not have a current release date.



04 Mar





See this would be easily fixed, if I was in that battle in a DD, I'd mosey on over there and lay torps into the blob...
