

15 Dec


¡Actualizaciones al Sistema de las Batallas por Rango y la primera Temporada de las Batallas por Rango con las nuevas reglas! Leer en el portal


Atualizações ao sistema de Batalhas Classificatórias e a primeira Temporada de Batalhas Classificatórias com novas regras! Leia no portal


Updates to the Ranked Battles system, and the first Ranked Battles Season with the new rules! Read it on the portal

14 Dec


Assista documentários conosco e ganhe recompensas! Leia no portal

12 Dec


A fresh compilation of the most interesting and funny moments from our players. Read it on the portal


Uma nova compilação dos momentos mais interessantes e divertidos de nossos jogadores. Leia no portal


Una nueva recopilación de los momentos más interesantes y divertidos de nuestros jugadores. Leer en el portal

11 Dec


We don't moderate because we "dont like" something, we LITERALLY moderate based off violations.

Context and Subject DO NOT MATTER! If you follow the rules posted below and are CIVIL and CONSTRUCTIVE, we don't do anything.

That is the problem though, a lot of people don't understand what a civil conversation is.



Leia no portal


Players do not get chat banned for stating something simple as "This is unfun"

And it takes a lot of violations to reach a chat ban as significantly long as you are stating you are, it was not simply because of this one incidence.

That being said, the screenshots have been removed as they violate the forum guidelines.

As we have stated numerous times, you are allowed to discuss tactics, or even vent. HOWEVER, using toxicity in chat that violates our EULA is a choice and takes effort and you can and will be sanctioned for it.

Furthermore: "cv's are sky cancer." is NOT an "accepted term or language."





So here is the thing, the reason posts have been locked is you keep posting NEW posts about the same issue, CS is trying to explain to you what I am illustrating below. Exactly what you get is explained in the screenshot you have even provided above.

Continuously posting about this doesn't help you get your ticket resolved. Nor does it help us track the situation as having multiple threads open about the same situation is actually a forum violation.



If y'all are having crashes, pls run a WGCheck and attach it to a CS report so we can review the report and see whats going on. We aren't seeing a higher than normal issue, but the more information we have the better we can possibly isolate the issue.



Curious, because it is working for people. What part is not working for you?

Also folks, at the bottom of the article there are instructions!

And, the drops from PrimeGaming sometimes don't occur instantaneous. I have had them take 2-3 hours before or a few seconds.



I will definitely pass this along!


¡Las fiestas se acercan! ¡No pierdan su oportunidad de obtener un barco Premium poco común! Leer en el portal


As festas estão chegando! Não perca a chance de conseguir um navio Premium raro! Leia no portal

10 Dec


Where was the flex? I highlight when someone states something factual and thats wrong?

So like this? ^^^^^ Please refer to the statements made in the news section. I would have to agree with @Pugilistic at this point.



please re-edit the screen shot as the name is still visible, edit it back in.




@foodprinter can probably help with this.

But a CS ticket DOES and can cover this.
