

08 Jul

04 Jul


Originally posted by Mttecs

Hey! While you're here, I've been trying to get bounties from the app but it doesn't work, I've tried all the steps in the Help section, but nothing works. I posted a forum topic a while back and even then I'd try to grab bounties it would still say 'failed to initiate request'. It's a minor inconvenience since I'm now used to going to the tower anyways but any ideas to fix this would be helpful

I don't work directly on the app, but I would suggest you post on the help forums specifically because that's where our support people hang out.

Android: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics?pNumber=0&tg=Help%20Android&tSort=0&tType=0&d=0&lang=en

iOS: ...

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Originally posted by Krazy_Dragon_YT

Did a quick Google search, and found this comment from u/HelloControl_ from a couple years ago

"Heyo - just FYI in case anyone sees this in the future. The app will not delete anything - the API is not capable of doing that, and the transfer functionality does not touch that stuff at all. If you lose an item, it's almost certainly in your vault. If you attempt to transfer an item between 2 characters, it has to go through the vault first. It is possible for an item to successfully transfer to the vault, but fail the transfer to the other character."

"If the app does not show it in your vault immediately, it is probably due either to connectivity issues between the app and Bungie.net's servers, or because you have cached data in your app. Either way, if you wait for a short time, it is likely to be resolved. Resetting your PS4 would not affect this problem because the transaction has already taken place ...

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08 Jan

10 Dec


Originally posted by sassy_warsat

Actually, that worked. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Bluntly, this is exactly why the feature isn't currently open to 3rd party developers:

  • Our 3p dev community is absolutely amazing and it would make me literally sick if something like this got blamed on them.
  • If there had been scaled automation against this feature, this could have hit a truly astonishing number of people. As it is, we believe the incidence is low.
  • Debugging this without being able to narrow down the use cases to code we own would be pretty difficult.

If you are affected by this, please reach out to BungieHelp so that we can start to gather statistics on incidence. We'd like to understand the exact symptoms as well. It sounds like there's a small chance this is a display bug - please verify your currency in game.

Also, if possible, things that ALWAYS help us:

  • Screenshots and screen recordings

  • Device brand

  • Operating System including version

  • Browser version, if relevant

  • App version number

  • Steps to reproduce

  • Destiny account number

If you provide these, you have my undying respect and admiration!

08 Dec


Originally posted by sjb81

Is getting bounties from the app not working for anyone else? It's just spinning when I hit acquire. It'd be faster for me to just fly to the destinations and get them at this rate lol

Edit: Signing out and signing in fixes it.

Make sure you've got push notifications enabled in the app settings!


Originally posted by navigator322

Did they fix fire team invites?

Not yet, but it's a work-in-progress!

20 Oct


Originally posted by DiabolicallyRandom

Can't seem to sign into bungie.net with steam integration. Keep getting a cloudflare error.

Error 524 Ray ID: 5e54c8ffeccf02c8 • 2020-10-20 18:26:05 UTC A timeout occurred - bungie.net

EDIT: Seems back now, logged in.

We're experiencing some slowness right now, and are investigating - thanks for the heads up!


Originally posted by CoachCade

Hi, it didn't. I also did the Developer Tools, Network, "/7" thing and that also didn't help. :/

Oh, the Network tab thing was to get a screenshot so we can try to figure out what is wrong (not a way to fix it). It's possible clearing cookies will help... although, if it does, it'll mean some strange things for us to fix it!


Originally posted by San_Joe_Z

Page not loading for anyone else? Just black screen for me.

For anyone who has this issue, it would be helpful to see a screenshot of your Network panel (preferably wide enough to read all the columns) in Chrome's DevTools:

  • F12 or Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+J to open DevTools
  • Switch to the Network tab
  • Enter "/7" in the filter box
  • Refresh

Also, if you're having the issue and willing to help debug a bit, send me a chat on reddit :)

Edit: I believe we have identified the issue. For those still experiencing it, you should be able to mitigate by clearing your browser cache.


Originally posted by CoachCade

Sent one from my computer! :)

We believe a hard refresh fixes this in most cases (Ctrl/Cmd + shift + R in your browser). If that helps, please let me know!

18 Jan


Originally posted by Fuzzle_hc

Hot take?

I am glad Bungie focused on a robust API that allowed our talented community to program so many amazing tools and websites we use every day instead of trying to implement systems the community of millions will do three times better in half the time.

Hell, even I made my own little project with the API, it's very easy to get into and has a very high ceiling of possibilities.

This is a focus of our team (Bnet). We have a pretty small team, so we have to choose where to focus our resources. If we build lots of our own tools, we can't spend as much time focusing on including game features in the API, and building the stuff only we can make (Cross Save, etc). It would be really cool to build LOTS of features for everyone, but with a limited team size, it's very difficult to hit every use case. When we can, we provide features that enable the community to build super cool stuff on top of them. Finding that line is always a WIP, but it's really great to see that the community has made tools that provide stuff for everyone, even niche use cases.

01 Oct

24 Sep


Originally posted by RiseOfBacon

I agree because as much info as possible to get people interested is only a good thing for us all as a Community. More players, better pools for matchmaking, more interest in activities and more reason to get stuck in and help people get up to speed

Sticking this in just incase someone sees it - New Light

Here's some extras:

  • Annual Pass content is actually playable, you just can't get the rewards e.g You can play Menagerie, you just won't have the Chalice. Reckoning with the Synth, Forges without the Frames

  • Buying a Season means it's across all platforms

  • The Battle Pass whatever the funk you want to call it is across all platforms

  • You get Vanilla and all DLCs up to Forsaken for free.

  • You still get all QoL and Sandbox changes

  • Some people just can't have info, they need to play. Since it's free, just get them to pl...

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For those who would like something shareable, the New Light page you've linked here is getting a comprehensive update for 10/1 that more thoroughly outlines all the cool stuff you get for free, with then intent that you can send it to someone who has never played and doesn't know much about the game and they'll understand it.

17 Sep


Originally posted by TheSwank

Unrelated but thanks for all the work you guys do on the app! I’ve been using it more and more lately to create Fireteams! Quick and easy!

Thank you! Glad to hear it!


Originally posted by TheSwank

Unrelated but thanks for all the work you guys do on the app! I’ve been using it more and more lately to create Fireteams! Quick and easy!

Thank you! Glad to hear it!


Originally posted by ThenDot

What's up with the D22523 News post u/Cozmo23? Is it a placeholder for the TWAB?

Bungie web engineer here. This is just a side effect of the way our news system works, that number is just the ID of something in the published content. Could be a video, help article, random image asset, who knows. Most likely, this is just the title of some item totally unrelated to news articles. No need to head to r/raidsecrets :)

09 Sep

26 Aug


Originally posted by Imglitch13

So I'm having a issue where I enabled cross save but my forsaken access didnt transfer. I can play the forsaken stuff on ps4 and not pc? Is there a reason?

Game licenses are not part of Cross Save. You need to own each license on their platforms.


Originally posted by GoldenLeech

I am Currently trying to Cross save, so that my characters and everything goes from Battle.net to my steam one. But when I tried I get this error:

" You have only a Steam and Blizzard account linked. You can’t Cross Save these two, as they will become a single profile during PC Migration. Please link another account to use Cross Save. "

If you have gone through the PC move page (https://www.bungie.net/PCMove) then you are already ready for Steam. Cross Save is for playing the characters from one platform on another platform (Steam and Battle.net are effectively the 'PC' platform)