

05 Mar


I understand why you all might feel like this, but I really did consider staying at Hi-Rez and would have been happy to stay here for as long as possible. It was for my own personal reasons that I decided to try something new.

I have seen what SMITE 2 has planned for this year and there is some really cool stuff, and I do believe this game can thrive for years to come.

I also wanna thank the r/SMITE community specifically for continually showing so much passion. Community feedback has always been, and still is, a super important part of our planning process, and we can always count on reddit to provide some... strong... opinions. Thank you to each of you who take the time to post, comment, or even just lurk here.

12 May


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

Perfect, exactly what I wanted to know. (But also I think you made a little math error in the explanation, it says 25+35=55 in the example of what is not happening with the new system(also Nem is listed as being nerfed in non-conquest even though she was buffed))

And for anyone just reading this comment that is too lazy to look at the patchnotes again, whichever is higher between item mitigation or ability mitigation is the one applied.

lol i am cursed by typos should read = 60


Originally posted by throwawayformature

So quote that and get to the part where she says it's additive.

Baron ULT and Hades ULT already give you 80% and 60% mitigations respectively, she says there that you over cap if it's supposed to but it's not additive.

So if you have 25% mit through items she explicitly says it doesn't stack. Right there in the link. So does it or does it not, because if it isn't additive then gods who don't overcap the mit cap just get nerfed.

patch notes have been updated to explain this more clearly. check those out!


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

Hey could you help clarify something about this, on the patch show they said a couple times that ability mitigations and item mitigations aren’t additive with this change. Does that mean that it is an either/or situation where whichever is higher between your ability mitigations or item mitigations is the one applied? Or did they misspeak and it’s item mitigations up to 25% and then ability mitigations on top of that? So in the case of Baron ult it could be 25% from items and 35% from the ability for 60% mitigation total. Or is it something else like them be multiplicative? Just trying to fully understand the change. Thanks.

patch notes have been updated to explain this more clearly. check those out!


All god abilities that grant mitigations in any way will go over the cap

Only Items are bound by the cap, this includes all various types of persistent or short duration effects

The only other exception is Aegis Relic, which will always function as full dmg immunity regardless of your other sources of damage mitigation.

hope this helps! unsure if you might want to change your post based on this information.

11 May


Originally posted by Alex_2706

I want to believe it's a wording issue, where erosion reduced the ammount of shield vamana gained but ALSO reduced the total shield health upon each tick.

this is correct

09 Mar


Originally posted by RicardioBrando

Oh, okay. I just still hear the laugh (I’m on Xbox) when I go stealth and when enemies do it

just tested it again - you do not hear the laugh from enemy lokis


Originally posted by RicardioBrando

Eh, erm. That says 2022

yep. the fix you are asking for has been Implemented for nearly a year.

enemies don't hear loki's laugh - they hear a consistent sound effect

this skin should be safe to use


SMITE Version 9.5.7096.2 (May 17, 2022)


Loki’s laugh has been removed as an audio cue on this ability due to its inconsistency in volume and duration between skins.

This ability will now have a single audio cue sound effect that shares a volume and distance modifier across all Loki skins, but with some slight adjustments depending on the theme of the skin.

27 Feb


Just checked the leaderboards and everything looks correct to me - looked at Awilix specifically in all 3 ranked modes and it properly adhered to the intended design

For reference - this is the intent (which was described on 10.1 patch notes)

  • God leaderboards have been adjusted to award god frames based on position in the leaderboard.
  • Top Players 1-10 awarded Masters Border
  • Players 11 through 40 awarded Diamond Border
  • Players 41 through 100 awarded Platinum Border
  • All Players who have played at least 10 ranked matches with a single god but have not placed on the leaderboard are awarded the Gold Border

09 Feb


The item was just recently temporarily removed from the game because of a bug. It will return in a future update. This can happen on occasion with items/gods that experience issues.


This is a bug and will be fixed in the next update. We fully intend players to be able to create crossplay parties for ranked.

30 Jan

24 Jan


can you provide an in-game name so we can verify this?


Originally posted by Savitar2056

Got trolled by hirez gg

can either of you provide an in-game name so we can take a look at whats going on?

23 Jan


Originally posted by dadnaya

Thanks for the post.

Would we still have a pop up for when the match is ready and we're being moved to the lobby?

I usually alt-tab while in queue, and the "Your match is ready" pop up brings it to my attention.

yes, you will still hear the usual audio cue when your queue pops and moves you into the lobby, as well as the bottom right notification (only shows when alt tabbed)


Originally posted by -zax-

At least make it separate deserter debuff that doesn't add to 4h and all the way up to 24h deserter penalty.

This is not something that is possible for 10.1 - and with the way the tech works, a shorter penalty here could still leave room for abuse that would result in many people having to restart their queue.

But we can look into these types of changes for future updates.


Timed vs Non-Timed Queues

There has been a lot of discussion on the change for Normal Modes to go back to Timed Queues. We want to discuss this change a little more so players can understand the reasoning and systems behind it. All Normal Modes are still planned to change to Non-Timed Queues for 10.1, but we do have a QoL improvement to go along with that (see in bold at the bottom)

First of all, why make this change? There are a few key benefits to Non-Timed Queues:

  • Game performance and stability. Timed queues create hundreds or more matches at once, which is a huge amount of processing power being used simultaneously on SMITE servers. Non-Timed queues create matches at a rolling pace that spreads out the load and prevents huge spikes that can cause lag or even crashes.

  • Players will find matches more often. This queue type does not show you the “we need more time to find you a match” popup, it instead scales up in time as needed...

Read more External link →

21 Dec


Working on it as we speak!

15 Nov


We mentioned in the 9.9 Update notes when the next adventure was coming.

See this page - the Roadmap Update within the Quality of Life section


Sorry for the wait, but next month is when we launch a BIG new adventure mode. It will be PvP and its crazy awesome. Can't wait to see yall playing it.