Hey @Valtaya
Thanks for the feedback, it’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Valtaya
Thanks for the feedback, it’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.
Please remain respectful towards each other.
Hey @Dusk
Thanks for the feedback, it’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Vaeq
Welcome to our community.
It might’ve been a temporary issue with Steam’s authentication server causing an issue with your Steam ID (since it’s the value tied to your character in a single player game). Glad to hear it resolved itself quickly.
Hey @Indigo-Girl
Thanks for the feedback, it’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Pixelcave
Thanks for the observation. It’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Metal_Tosh
Welcome to our community.
We’re aware of this as it’s considered a feature, not an issue.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hey @Pixelcave
Thanks for the observation, it’s been relayed to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Meramusa
Thanks for the feedback, we’ll send it to our team so they can look into it.
Hey there,
We’ll send note to our team to see if we can repro this issue on our end.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey there,
We’re aware of some hate list issues with world NPCs and our team is looking into them.
Apologies for the frustration.
Hey @PhoenixRising
The current status for this fix is “In progress”.
Apologies for the frustration until this fix gets completed, tested and released.
Hey @Pixelcave
Thanks for the observation. We’ve relayed it to the team so they can look into it.
Hey @bbtech
Thanks for the observation. We’ve relayed it to our team so they can look into it
Hey there,
We got some reports recently about bodies of water causing issues with followers. Our team is looking into that feedback.
Apologies for the frustration.
Hey there,
We’ll poke our team to see if this is unintended or by design.
Thanks for the heads-up
Hey there,
Our team is aware of this issue and they’ll look into it.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey there,
This is not a bug report, so we’re moving to General Discussions.
Hey there,
Please take a look at this thread to see how to report an issue in a way that makes it effective for us to relay the message to our team:
Hey @Lanessar
Thanks for the heads-up, we’ll send note to our team about this issue.