Hey @Khal
Did this issue persist after the server went through its daily restart?
Hey @Khal
Did this issue persist after the server went through its daily restart?
Hey @YukiPanda
Are there a lot of player made buildings, or big constructions in that server?
Hey @DarkJedi
Thanks for the heads-up. Our team is aware of this location as it was reported a while ago. We’ll forward this to our art team as a reminder.
Hey @Dael
Following what @Dragonman suggested, could you try to install the game on a different drive to see if there is an issue with your HD hardware?
Hey @mokatarou
We’ve contacted G-Portal to see if they can spot an issue on their end.
If you suspect foul play, please get in touch with us privately.
Hey @mutinay
Welcome to our community.
Just to confirm, do you have any mods installed or are subscribed to any? Have you in the past?
If so, could you try to unsubscribe to all of them, delete the workshop folder and try to reproduce this problem in an official server or single player to see if it happens again? Also, did you try to validate your game files in case there any corruption in any of the files?
Thanks in advance.
Hey @Summer
Thanks for the report. We’re aware of some inconsistencies with the Purge mechanism and we’re looking into it. We’ll use @Daenaira’s insight to help QA narrow down possible causes for this situation.
We could also do without the passive-aggressive tone of some of the messages in this thread as well.
Hey @terps
Could you send us via a private message your character name and the last time you logged out of the server with it?
Thanks in advance.
Apologies for the frustration and for the loss of the weekend’s progress, we’ll work to ensure this situation does not repeat in the future. Glad to hear your character is back nonetheless, thanks for the confirmation.
Hey @Tommy707x
Welcome to our community.
As @droch-aon mentioned, please DM either me or @Hugo keeping in mind that this is our current stance regarding harassment and griefing in official servers:
G-Portal is restoring the closest backup available before the malfunction and is loading it into 1029.
Please let us know if you have access to your characters once the server is available again.
Hey there,
G-Portal informed us that there was a malfunction in a server cluster and that some emergency maintenance was made to move the servers affected to stable hardware. As a result, some loss of progress might have happened in some of the affected servers.
The servers affected are:
1029, 1030, 1031
However, losing a 2 year character isn’t something that should’ve happened with this issue. We’ll poke G-Portal and look into it.
Apologies for the frustration.
Hey there,
G-Portal informed us that there was a malfunction in a server cluster and that some emergency maintenance was made to move the servers affected to stable hardware. As a result, some loss of progress might have happened in some of the affected servers.
The servers affected are:
1029, 1030, 1031
Apologies for the frustration.
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This topic was automatically closed 7 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.
This topic was automatically closed 7 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.
As per each console platform’s requirements and procedures, it’s not been possible to deliver the patch on consoles due to certification processes as we’re not the only company going out on vacation during the holiday break.
Due to the immediacy of PC patching, we could sneak in a couple of hotfixes before the holiday break. The original plan was to release the patches at the same time on all platforms as we’ve been doing lately, but this time around it has not been possible.
Our current plan is to release those parity patches as soon as we can possibly do after we’re back to the office.
Apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.
Please read this thread:
Hello Exiles,
It has been very humbling to see how passionate many of you are and how much you care for Conan Exiles to improve and evolve. Many of you have been constantly posting suggestions, detailed reports and repro steps for issues that made our lives easier to improve on the game and fix issues more efficiently.
Some of you are even going out of your way to inform and help players on all other platforms such as reddit, social media and steam on top of the official forums. This dedication and passion do not go unnoticed and as you might know by now, we would like to give something special back in return.
This title and its benefits get awarded every other month to a community member who went above and beyond to not only help us with input, feedback and reports but who is also a respectful, positive and helpful source to their fellow Conan Exiles players.
This shining beacon of our community will re...
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