Hey @SirDaveWolf
Is there any missing localization for the casting bench?
If so, we’ll relay this info to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @SirDaveWolf
Is there any missing localization for the casting bench?
If so, we’ll relay this info to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Imppy
Thanks for the feedback. This seems an odd one since we haven’t received any other report. We’ll send to QA just in case they can reproduce it on their end.
Hey @Dvaidp
Thanks for your feedback, we’ve relayed it to our team so they can look into it.
Hey @Muczaczos
Have you tried the Streamer settings? We introduced them with the Siptah update and allow to hide information when streaming the game.
Hey there,
Thanks for the heads-up. This is considered as not working as intended. We’ve sent note to our team so they can look into it.
Please continue the conversation here:
Please continue the conversation in this other thread:
Hey there,
Thanks for your feedback, we’ve relayed it to our team so they can look into it.
Hey there,
We’re aware of this issue and we’re working on a fix to address it with an upcoming emergency hotfix.
Apologies for the frustration.
Hey @Murmler
Thanks for the heads-up. We’ve sent note to our team so they can look into it.
Please continue the conversation about this issue here:
Please continue the conversation about this issue here:
Hey there,
We’re aware of this issue and our team is working on a hotfix to address them. We’re aiming to release it as soon as possible.
Thanks for the feedback and apologies for the frustration.
Please continue the conversation here:
Our team is, has been and will continue to keep working on ironing issues with the game. Not furiously, however, as one needs to be quite calm and focused when dealing with coding. We’re barbarians in spirit, but not in our ways!
Please don’t open multiple threads about the same issue.
This issue has been fixed.
Please continue the conversation in this other thread:
Hey everybody,
We have identified the issue and it has been fixed. This was a backend fix so you should be able to connect now if you were affected by this problem.
Please be aware that the family share changes are active, so family shared accounts will still be unable to connect to official servers, or servers that choose to opt into this new setting.
Hey there,
When playing on a heavily modded server please be aware that there will be incompatibilities once the patch releases and until each mod has been updated. This time, we released the devkit last Friday, which also received a couple of hotfixes to reflect the additional Testlive patch and final release. We made sure to convey that information to the authors of the most popular mods directly, and to any other modder through the modding Discord.
Give it some time for every mod to catch up and please inform the authors of whichever mod is causing issues of these problems so they can address them.
PS: We’ve edited the title of this thread to better reflect its contents.
For those of you affected by this authentication error, could you send us a screenshot of the screen you get when accessing the following?
In the Steam client, Settings -> Account -> VAC status.
You can send us this screenshot via private message.
Thanks in advance.