

20 Sep


Originally posted by red5815

Any word yet on button UI fixes? Shows white circles for me.

Fixed in this upcoming patch, too


Originally posted by ChakraaThePanda

Any plans on making more activities coop-able?

Once you're done with the story, you can barely do anything with a friend outside of lairs :(

Not that I currently know of. The way the current endgame activities work, with competitive format or team building from scratch, and the way the coop system works don't exactly mesh together. You should suggest this on the forums, though.

19 Sep


Originally posted by Rcun

Do we know how long till showdown release?

We still don't know, but probably months.


Originally posted by Tegyw

Nothing on the regular ps5 crashes? Do they even know about it?

We do know about most crashes. Still, the best way to make sure we know is to report them on our forums with as much info as possible.


Originally posted by About29Hippos

I honestly just hope to bring to your attention that casual players don’t want to grind out to support the game. I want to support the game and be rewarded for it. If it feels Grindy I am not going to.

I think super animal Royale approaches this well by having generous exp gains, daily and weekly challenges, as well as battle passes never ending. If you purchase them you can go back and complete them years later if you’d like. Once you’ve bought it, it’s your content to earn at your own pace

The increase in exp will make it easier on casual players, and as long as a player has visited all the islands, weekly missions can be done pretty casually. The Pass as it is now is only super tough on newbies, but this too will improve.


Originally posted by thatsmysock2

I've played a solid 40hrs this week and I'm LVL 2 in the tamer pass...two. absurdly slow grind.

If you're starting the game and these are your first 40 hours, this is understandable. You'll earn much more once you reach Omni and start unlocking endgame.


Originally posted by Famous-Wallaby8958

Any word on the black screens on ps5? My buddy and I run into like every 4 matches while playing co-op.

Yes, included.


Originally posted by KeenHyd

Twitch Drops. If you haven't received yours yet and you're on Switch, please link in-game once more and wait a day or so until the server catches up with the delivery. All Tamers on every other platform, you should be good.

I play on Steam, is there anything I can do for the Twitch Drops I haven't received?

They appear as claimed on Twitch

To fully clarify, they are not even in my vault, I just never received them.

When did you link on ?


Originally posted by laidback26

Hey, I wanted to thank you and your team for communicating with your fanbase so much. And I am hugely enjoying the game. I got a physical copy and honestly I don't buy a physical copy unless it is something I want to hold on too forever

that's so sweet! thank you for your support


Originally posted by Reality-Bytez

I thought there was supposed to be a deluxe edition upgrade for PS5 and to this day there still doesn't seem to be one available.

We thought so too, but it wasn't initially possible. We're working on it.


Originally posted by Manservice

70% increase? Great! Now instead of 30 hours per level of the pass it only takes 19 hours per level. That's incredible and really the change we needed.

I'm so excited to spend 1140 hours earning 10$ worth of cosmetics! This will be the most memorable gameplay experience of my entire life.

Oh yeah, I'm sure this piece of pure sarcasm, 0 receptiveness and willingness to try the changes will totally redirect the devs' future steps.

Seriously. If you have feedback, provide it like a normal person. The Pass has a free option for anyone still not convinced. Also, someone completed their Tamer Pass today, so certainly not 1140 hours for everyone.


Originally posted by LillianKitty

Any news on the premium dyes returning?

Not for now, we're still thinking about it.


Originally posted by FushizenKurai

Any word on retroactively rewarding players with pass exp for defeating NPC tamers? I started the story over fresh on launch day and I'm still only a few levels deep into the pass... I have no idea how I'm expected to finish it before the next "season" without having had access to endgame content on day one.

The experience for battle NPC Tamers will be retroactive, yes!


Originally posted by GreenLionXIII

What does “experience gains will go up on around 70%” mean?

You already doubled the points for wild battles and it still took almost the whole campaign for 1 level. 70% more isn’t going to do the trick…

We added a modicum of experience for the wild battles, yes. This change means every way of obtaining experience that previously existed will give around 70% more experience than before.
Still, the Tamer Pass' hugest experience gains come from the weekly quests, available on the third island forward, and they will still be the main source of exp.


Originally posted by _ontical

Will the tamer pass experience gains be retroactive? This was left up in the air in the original post.

Some will be, I think! I don't have all the technical data on this yet.


Hello, Tamers! Hope your week is starting out great and you're crushing your Rematches.

I wanted to drop a quick round of updates, a couple lists on what's been fixed and what's going to be fixed, not only bugs but other situations, for everyone's knowledge:

Stuff that's already fixed:

  • Twitch Drops. If you haven't received yours yet and you're on Switch, please link in-game once more and wait a day or so until the server catches up with the delivery. All Tamers on every other platform, you should be good.
  • Purchases of Novas on Xbox. Everyone who had purchased them and hadn't received them should have them now. If this is not your case, please e-mail [[email protected]](mailto:...
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18 Sep


We have a patch ready to solve the glitches and improve performance, but we’re not able to publish it until every platform holder approves it. Alternatively, placing the game in the internal storage of the console instead of on the SD will make it run much more smoothly.

16 Sep


Temtem's Limited Edition vinyl set starts shipping today, so u/damiansanchez did a little ~unboxing~ to show you how incredibly cool it looks.

Remember that this set also comes with a code for the digital download of the full OST!

You can still order yours at the ...

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