

27 Sep


Originally posted by No_Adhesiveness4885

Again a lot of those people get their issues fixed the same day, I believe I'm one of the only ones waiting for an issue as trivial as mine as I look through the forum. A lot of people do have problems but they are fixed often between 24-48 hours at the latest or at least provide some sort of communication because it's a basic human common courtesy.

And whining? I'm following through, they don't care they tell you no information, at least Blizzard as terrible as they are can get back to it's player base and/or issues. Communication is key is it not, also sounds like you have it in and say the same bs they spew. Wait, be patient, we're doing our best, anyone can tell you my issues are simple fixes and less complex then remapping a player to another set location.

More urgent, widespread, game-breaking issues get fixed first. "Trivial" issues like you claim yours to be get fixed once the urgent ones are under control. We're swamped right now, and we're a small team, not a big corporation. YaW is the game director, doesn't work on forum bugs, and you're not to ping them. TM was communicative and polite, and once your bug is looked into the status of it will change, like it's described here. It's not sh*tty customer service or us not doing our work, specially when you yourself say we help most people between 24-48 hours, it's a mat...

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26 Sep


Originally posted by RoleplayS1ut

Hey Tsukki, is there anything you can do about the post of all the people dragging YaW through the dirt over his comments on dyes that got taken out of context? They're being way too toxic and it's pretty disgusting that they think they can talk about him like he isn't human.

I got our mods on the issue, thanks for the heads up


Originally posted by _Valisk

Are there any plans to allow players to recreate their characters? I remember seeing something about that in one of the launch AMAs but I haven't seen it mentioned outside of that.

on patch 1.1

23 Sep


Originally posted by GreenLionXIII

You hid the ID and Version!!! ❤️

We did!! I’ll miss it tho :(


Originally posted by BobQuentok

Has the game breaking black screen on Xbox been fixed as I don’t see it mentioned?

It has! Let me edit the post


Originally posted by chrisjee92

So I've just gone through my tempedia again, filtered by captured, they are all there but the Kudos says 162/164 still. 😢

We're looking into this, apologies for the inconveniences!


Originally posted by Vizzerdrix86

For the future:

Consider a patch at 4am pst on a Tuesday— not midnight PST on a Friday.

We're Spanish, we patch during our working hours so we can fix any issue that might arise.



  • We're carrying out a set of improvements to Tamer Pass experience gain:
    • Battles against NPC Tamers will now give Tamer Pass experience. This experience has been added to all of your passes retroactively.
      • While Weekly Challenges and endgame activities, unlocked after completing the story campaign, will still be the easiest and main form of progressing through the Tamer Pass, it was a mistake to leave people progressing through the campaign out of it.
      • With this change, completing the campaign and all side quests will give you ~15 Tamer Pass levels.
      • This new way of gaining experience will stop being granted at Tamer Pass level 20 and higher, in order to prevent (or avoid forcing) players to keep resetting their accounts constantly to farm this XP.
    • All forms of gaining Tamer Pass experience now give 70% more experience, including Weekly Challenges. This experience has been added to all of your passe...
Read more External link →

22 Sep


Originally posted by Imaginary-Redditor

It’s funny how the likes of ESO and FF14 don’t have these issues despite being shareable eh

What about f2p online games? They also don’t appear to have any issues

It’s greed and unnecessary restrictions to both family sharing and the main issue - crossplay

You’re comparing huge companies with immense server space and team size with a 26-people indie studio. You can have your opinion. I, too, have mine.


Originally posted by Imaginary-Redditor

That’s not abusing, that’s literally what family sharing is on any game. Tem-Tem is the only game that has restrictions. You can still play the game on multiple accounts, so what good does it do by limiting trade, chat & cross progression.

I really think you should look into family sharing, it’s possible on every game for PS5/Xbox/Switch.

This is just greed, as even if I own an account with Tem-Tem plus, I need to buy Tem-Tem Plus on an account that doesn’t.

What about people who buy physical games second hand or share a copy between family?

Are you telling me that second hand games should be punished & that it’s normal for people to buy multiple physical copies of games, therefore this is being ‘nice’ by ‘saving’ money.

It's not greed, it was a method we needed to implement to prevent people from creating 200 free accounts and take up server space, evade chat moderation, cause mayhem, etc. When you have to pay for your copy it's way less likely that you're creating an account to troll.

This is an online game, and copies are associated to accounts, so this isn't the kind of game you usually lend.


Originally posted by RoleplayS1ut

I hate to break it to you but it really isn't. Temtem Plus only exists for secondary accounts to be able to trade. Cross-progression and Crossplay are completely free and anyone can do it, example PC to Switch, PS5 to Xbox Series X, etc etc.

Crossplay and cross-progression are free, it's true, but cross-progression is restricted to family-shared accounts, and it does require Temtem Plus. Otherwise someone could simply cross-progress their game-shared account to an account that had purchased the game, access full permissions, and cause trouble 'cause it's a free account and they can create as many as they need to.


Originally posted by bokebon

I'm confused. Temtem plus is just an add on that allows you to make a secondary account on the same console lift the trade-ban restrictions.

Like, I have 2 PSN accounts on my PS5, and can play a 2nd account of temtem for free except I can't trade. If I buy temtem plus, I'll then be able to.

I disagree with the sentiment on the original post, but Temtem Plus is factually required for cross-progression. It's required for all of the online features (trading, chat, cross-pro, etc), which is where secondary, game-shared accounts were being an issue.

21 Sep


Originally posted by Feldherren

There should probably be a way to get suggestions to the dev team from Reddit. Not everyone wants to use forums nowadays.

It's pretty hard to keep track of the Reddit at all times, and things would be easily missed. The forums are guaranteed to be read.


Originally posted by SavageSand

You know, I'm thankful for your efforts in taking our feedback to the dev team, but these responses make it hard to feel any sympathy for y'all. You can't tell us that Crema hasn't been incredibly shortsighted if they didn't even anticipate the outrage behind these systems that are disrespectful to the consumer's time or money. It is understandable that a lot of us who bought into the pass early on are frustrated with the way it was designed when there was no real warning about it, so we found out the hard way. Nobody is gonna be happy when they feel that they've essentially been scammed out of their hard earned money. Some people won't express that frustration in constructive ways, but you lashing back out just shows how out of touch you are with this portion of your player base. It's better to just stick to the "We hear you and are working on it" posts and not replying to ones that don't phrase feedback politely.

That's why we're making changes as soon as we can, that's why this whole post exists.

I answer a million posts politely every day, and I think devs get to ask for respect and call out excessive hate from time to time. We're people too, whether you disagree with our design decisions or love them.


Originally posted by RipBrisSlobeAndYou

You’re being a clown man. Just admit the grinding aspect of this game still needs a lot of work and that you guys the devs are working on making the game slightly more casual friendly. At the very least…also increase the damn pansuns. Wtf is with this game and all this damn grinding it’s ridiculous

I don't know, dude, I'm answering these questions in earnest, I don't see that as being a clown and I don't get people seem to think being rude at the CM will give their point more weight or something. We literally are making the game a bit more casual friendly with these changes and we're proving we're open to feedback and reviewing our decisions, just no need to be rude or demeaning.


Originally posted by Asrun333

I always report them in the ps5 form upon crash. And I do crush every single time I play in many different situations. Are you telling me that all of crush reports I sent are getting ignored because I have not reported them on your forum?

they reach Sony, not us, and Sony doesn't usually share them with us. Reporting them on our forums is much more effective.

20 Sep


Originally posted by TosicamirDTGA

Any word on the deleveling bug that removes levels and evolutions from Tems leveled in co-op?

(Posted on forums, but unable to paste bin the logs from my PC, as they were too big in size. [Was also told by a discord mod that console players issues are less relevant due to lack of logs because when I posted a picture, it was from my TV, and they assumed I was on console and not PC.] Do have them saved on my computer, if you're interested and in need of them.)

If you could send them to me, either thru mail or on Discord (Tsukki#8980) that'd be neat and I'd get them to the QA team!