

15 Sep


For more context: it's certainly not the same hairstyle as the one being sold with Pansuns.
I also spent a good amount of messages trying to kindly convince this person that not being forced to spend your money in-game is a good thing, and that there are other handful of items that can be bought if players really do want to spend their money. Kinda unfair to just pretend this was the entire conversation or the entire team.
Offering many options, not pushing them on players, and offering good unpaid options would be my idea of caring about our customers.

14 Sep


Originally posted by Jimlad116

My profile doesn't have Switch Online, so Temtem won't even start. So I'm stuck between a second Switch Online subscription or buying Temtem Plus? :/

Unfortunately so it seems. Sorry friend, but nothing we can do on our end here. We wish we were exempt from the NSO imposition, but we’re not


Originally posted by Jimlad116

I thought she did, but I just found the receipt in my email so it may have been ordered under my profile by mistake. My profile doesn't have Switch Online so I wouldn't be able to play the game in the first place. Is there anything we can do to transfer the "main" account to her profile?

I don’t think so, unfortunately. She can still play Temtem to full capacity on your profile, however!


Originally posted by Jimlad116

Ah sorry, I should have specified this was a digital purchase. Would a code have been sent by email?

Is your wife’s profile the one that bought, not booted, Temtem?


Hi! Temtem Plus on Switch is included as a code on the booklet that comes inside the case. Check there, and if you can't find it still feel free to send me a message and we'll look for it!


Originally posted by BifurcatedT

Friend’s wife owns, says she experiences crashes often.

Game crashes every time one of her monsters evolve mid fight.

She’s having trouble having any desire to complete it due to poor Switch performance.

those are getting fixed in the next patch, as soon as Nintendo approves it.

As for performance, it does improve if you place the game on the internal storage instead of on an SD card, and we're also going to implement a couple of fixes to help with it!


It's fixed for the upcoming patch! We're waiting on 3rd parties to approve it. Sorry about the inconveniences!


Because it's massively multiplayer and online. But we talked about the scope, expected and planned, back in 2018:
When you think about an MMO or MMORPG you probably think of enormous games like World of Warcraft or TERA, in which you have an endless array of possibilities (raids, guild wars, infinite quests, enormous dungeons, a never-ending realm…) but our vision for Temtem is a lot smaller than that.
The core idea behind Temtem is to build a classic adventure game with a focus on the story campaign, but with online elements added around it (seeing other people on...

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10 Sep


Originally posted by Mejos

Yup second encounter after my reset. And sofar it absolutely carrys me through the first island.

that's literally amazing, congrats!!


Hi! Please make a report here so the team can be aware and fix it!


Originally posted by WNxTyr4el

Your response is appreciated! If this came off as an attack, I apologize. That was not my intention. This is the only forum type platform I frequent so it was the only place that seemed reasonable to post to.

Your game is amazing and knowing that you're listening and taking feedback and working on fixes is admirable.

Thank you again for responding and I'm sure all of us look forward to the fixes!

No worries! Not received as an attack at all :) just clarifying. I know it's hard to get the info out there to everyone, and new players unfamiliar with Crema can reasonably wonder if we're aware of stuff!


We're investigating everything! Like I think I've mentioned in a couple of other posts, the amount of people requesting an answer from us these days is simply not manageable, but we do update everyone on our Twitter from time to time, and every other day on our ...

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09 Sep


Originally posted by Gallium_Bridge

I'm sorry, but how do you release a mechanic that is just this mathematically wrong? Did no one think to do some basic number-crunching? I'm sorry, but this was/is silly.

It was tested, numbers were crunched, we thought it was fine. We're just responding to our community's feedback like we always do.


Hi! The team is aware and looking for a fix!

08 Sep


Originally posted by 2525Nii

If nobody gave their feedback how would the team know what exactly needs tuning?

I hardly feel like this deserved such snarky sounding response.

It wasn’t my intention to be snarky here, just answering honestly to the part that it wasn’t enough because the dev team agrees and is still looking into it. Sometimes intention can get misled in text, and I’m multitasking a lot so it might’ve come across as blunt. Wasn’t my intention!


Originally posted by Fireim24

Sorry but I thinks it's still not enough, for new players who will rush the story content, maybe in 1 month of play, it's 1 month of weekly quest that are missed, and by the maths we've all seen, it will be impossible to catch up, and by the last paragraph it seems that its not the intention to let people finish it, by making us wait for a year before making us pay (if we still play because missing content in a game like this don't encourage to play on a regular basis)

Maybe consider to add experience from the main and sub quest, leveling and evolving tems maybe, so players will not only rush the main content without enjoyement, and people will play and discover the game for all it can offer and still unlocking cosmetics along the way.

I really like that you are changing things so fast tho, and you have all my support for now 'cause i love the game, but please, continue to analys this part of the game, because I don't think it's balanced as it should be

like I said in the post, we're still investigating and tweaking them


Originally posted by SavageSand

I know yall have more pressing issues to fix ASAP, but will premium passes be refunded for people who aren't really able to make progress if the changes will take a while? Not the novas, the pass. I'd rather hold on to the novas for good cosmetics to come along or for a pass when it's reworked.

Battle Passes are consumed and cannot be refunded. The good part is that we've started with the changes now\_changes\_to\_tamer\_pass\_experience\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Originally posted by Rotison389

Many thanks for the quick response from your side on this topic.

I am just wondering, do the items from the battle pass, that will come in a year, will be obtanible through premium currency?

Is there a way to obtain this currency in-game?

I am asking because I dont even know yet if the items from the Premium store are only obtainable with real money or if you can get it just playing the game.

Thank you so much, sorry for my english

yes, premium currency, and yes you can obtain some through the game, but you'll have to save