

17 Jun


Originally posted by Chupsterla

Thanks for the hype sneak peek and for all the wonderful work everyone is doing for endgame loop! It looks so good!! As a clarification, for the 5 free tokens given every week, could we in theory run one activity 5 times each week with the free tokens for full rewards?

No! You can run each activity once with the 5 tokens freely given. But if you decide not to use them, eventually you'll save 5 of each, which will mean you can run one activity 5 times for free. Tokens you purchase with Pansuns can be used in any activity, so there's that too


Originally posted by TheDtzcrptr

This is more than i could have hoped for, i was just expecting a battle tower and thats it, but you have really outdone yourselves here. My only question is what tems are the exception tems in regard to the battle tower? does this mean species clause or does it mean mythicals? what tems are the exceptions and why?

They are defined per week, and per run, so as to spice it up a little and add to the challenge. It's not a generic category of tems.


KS items and titles remain between resets. You'll find the items in the vault after you reset your game, and you should have the title from the get-go.

16 Jun


Originally posted by Namoiram70

So do they reward you less if you repeat them then? That's what I kinda meant by "soft cap".

no, no, there's no change. There is no cap.


Originally posted by Namoiram70

That is fair enough and while programming and making a game is far out of my league I understand. I'm fine with running just the co-op mode however it seems we get a soft reward cap after the first completion if I'm understanding that correctly? (Activities’ rewards are balanced towards only running them once per week, so that should be enough for most users.)

I feel like that discourages people from picking and doing their favorite activities and forcing them to do things they don't want to do. I might want to play just Roguelite if my friend isn't around and play co-op if he is around etc.

No, no, not a cap! Just that they already reward generously the first time because most people will run it just once.


Originally posted by Fordringy

You have to use your own temtem right so does SVs and TVs matter here or will they have perfect SV's when we start a challenge?

SVs and TVs matter in the challenges where you use your own Tems. Check carefully because some of the new activities don't use your own tems


Originally posted by Namoiram70

That's a wee bit saddening... My friend and I have exclusively played co-op the entire game together. It has been nice to be able to do pretty much everything together so far since your game hasn't held back with what can and can't be done in co-op that interests us.

The other modes do sound really fun but I feel like we're gonna be spending most of our time in the only co-op activity there is.

I totally understand. Since the co-op method was done at the very beginning of temtem, we've faced a lot of difficulties trying to implement it to the new systems, with it ultimately resulting impossible. We're super sorry :(


Originally posted by Teneelux

Is that the only content that can be done in co-op. I play majority of the time in 2 player.

Natively, yes. You can still be with your friends as you both battle your each Tower, etc


Basically what everyone said, but here to confirm you can! Just send a message at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) from the mail account you used to back the project.


Originally posted by IndianaCrash

Since it's mentioned that the reward are balance around the fact you do them once a week, do the reward vary between the modes? For example, will I have the same reward, in average if I do the roguelite 5 times than if I did each one once?

I am not 100% sure, so I'll wait until I have a solid answer to confirm this. Details are still a bit up in the air, some of these are still being developed.


Originally posted by Grahaaam123

Will we get respectively given feathers for things we've done in the game so far in early access? Loving the reveals this week.

I don't think so, as this isn't exactly Early Access content but 1.0 content


Originally posted by Teneelux

My only question is if any or all of this content can be done in co-op?

Is this something you can answer?

the new Lair!


Originally posted by M3merCS

Does the amount of feathers scale with difficulty? And I see that the price for radars changes based on encounter rate, but have any of the prices been set yet?

No prices seen yet. Amount of Feathers you earn does scale with difficulty, yes :)


Hello, Tamers of Reddit! Welcome to the fourth day of our Golden Week, a golden celebration of 1.0 content and improvement.As the week ends, we're ready to bring out the big guns: today we'll be talking about the very rumored, very expected neuralgic center of endgame activities, Tamer's Paradise, as well as Feathers.

This content is planned to arrive right with 1.0 launch, and today, for a change, I have no disclaimer to make.

Let's dig in!


Read more External link →

Originally posted by You-JustLostTheGame

The transparency is nice and all but I've got to say that if this ends up being anything like the Fortnite store I'm uninstalling. I know "one person uninstalling doesn't make a difference" and to that I say, I don't care.

At the very least I hope this quote:

There won’t be any items that will give you an advantage in the game. None of the items will allow you to level up faster, train your Tems better, or anything like that.

...doesn't age like milk.

Our stance on paid items has always been the same and always will. I understand my word might not be much to go with, so we'll let time tell.

15 Jun


Originally posted by PK_Censors

Valorant is free to play, this game costs $42

we're also not Riot, a multi-billion dollar company haha


Originally posted by Dasterr

pansun, novas and feathers?



Originally posted by Subj3ctX

Am I correct in assuming that things like temcard seals, battle outro effects, sprays, etc are only obtainable via micro-transactions?

micro-transactions are the easy way, but the correct answer is that they'll be obtainable via Novas. You can save up some Novas by playing, without spending, and invest those in the seals, sprays or battle outros you want.


Originally posted by Azecap

Will the rewards from the tamerpass also be strictly cosmetic? If not we are sniffing at p2w.

No p2w at all, ever. The rewards that you are thinking are things like Novas and experience boosters for the pass, nothing that can be employed to p2w


Originally posted by Philosobias

Im very hyped for the full release. Keep it up Crema. Tsukki can now nap until tomorrows post.

not yetttttttt :______