

24 May


Originally posted by Lugia61617

Every other monster-catching game gets a new sequel every year/other year...or in the case of more recent ones, expansions. They're not MMOs and have expectedly finite lifespans. MMOs are expected to be live services rather than games you constantly replace, and as such must keep expanding to bring in new content in order to maintain an audience.

If Temtem were a single-player game with online functionality, this would not be an issue. It'd be a cute, probably one-off attempt at the genre depending on its sales and online audience like Nexomon. But because you (collectively, not you individually) made it an MMO you cannot shake the basic expectations or requirements foisted upon you. Player retention is already bad and while you might get some more players during the 1.0 launch, if the current state of early access is any indication they aren't going to stick around for long.

And that retention thing is, again, an MMO-exclusive problem. Single-player games only rel...

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I don't think Coromon got a sequel, and Shin Megami Tensei definitely doesn't add many monsters on their new sequels.Some are MMOs, and some aren't. I think you're trying to force Temtem into being one thing or the other, when it's a mixture of both, with its pros and cons.I linked the FAQ before, so you can see we define "The core idea behind Temtem is to build a classic adventure game with a focus on the story campaign, but with online elements added around it (seeing other people online, interacting with them to battle, trade, or just to talk and share experiences)." which is pretty much what you quoted would make the current situation fine.Player retention is fine for an Early Access, and the data you see is usually only limited to Steam.And, for the 3rd time, content is planned and will be added to the game. If it's not the content you'd like to see that's one different beast.


Hi! Deluxe edition can be found in the PS Store, it's sold as a different add-on. Once we reach 1.0 it will be possible to upgrade the standard game instead of having to repurchase the whole thing.
The Collector's edition target audience usually already have the game, so we didn't want to force a second key purchase on them!


Originally posted by garidark

Love the Collector's Edition, but the shipping to Canada is wild. Still stoked for the official release though.

yeah, sorry, we had no idea shipping costs would be so high for anyone outside the US. Sorry :_


Originally posted by Lugia61617

You're completely correct despite Tsukki's protestations. You can't have a monster taming game and then declare you've next to no intentions to add more when they are the most important factor in a monster taming game.

so I guess every other monster-catching game with a finite number of creatures isn't a monster-catching game either?


Originally posted by Lugia61617

The Archipelago was always planned as 6 islands

However, scope can always increase. It always does with most games.

The cycle of making a new island and implementing new tems was around ~9 months, and players would eat it up in ~4 hours. It was unsustainable,

With that mentality why even make the game in the first place? It will always take longer to make than people take to go through it, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth making.

and we believe good, new MMO-ish features will actually breathe more life into the game

Given that the MMO parts of Temtem are its objectively worst features, I really can't say I agree with your assessment there.

Scope has, in fact, increased for Temtem a lot, but that doesn't mean it has to increase in a certain way.
I don't think fulfilling the original vision on the game is a reason to counter-argument with "why make the game in the 1st place", but rather the opposite. We wanted to make this game (a much smaller version of this game, actually, but that's life), and if we hadn't we wouldn't be having this convo. We've always tried to explain the MMO focus on Temtem wasn't the usual MMO focus, and I respect your opinion if you don't like those bits. I'd still wait to see if you like the new...

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Originally posted by KurtGG

Understandable, MMORPGs also need a healthy content-type to add that keeps players busy enough till the next content drop. When might we find out what kind of content this will take shape as?

Pretty soon! We're working on a post with info on 1.0, and it might give you an idea of what to expect for later.


Originally posted by KurtGG

No new maps or tem tems, which are a majority of the content, makes me believe the game is being put on life support tbh. MMORPGs do not survive with this system of development, content must be added post-launch, actual engaging content. Not small events, like seasonal/holliday micro content.

Is that the kind of content we should expect? Also why no new Tems or Maps? Is it because of the trickling player count?

No, not at all. The Archipelago was always planned as 6 islands, and all monster-catching games have a finite number of creatures. The cycle of making a new island and implementing new tems was around ~9 months, and players would eat it up in ~4 hours. It was unsustainable, and we believe good, new MMO-ish features will actually breathe more life into the game and add to its replay-ability than focusing on creatures and islands. I'd not call the new content "not engaging" until I'd seen it, tbh


Originally posted by Diknak

Will this support the Windows 10/11 store edition that syncs with Xbox (Xbox play anywhere) or will it only be available on Steam for PC?

Uuuuuh I'm not familiar with the system so I can't say, sorry. If you end up trying it out let me know so hopefully I can help someone else in the future haha


Originally posted by Gazkoni

Can we upgrade to deluxe edition on ps5?

It will be possible once we hit version 1.0 :)


Originally posted by wesphilly06

Is this game cross save and cross play for Xbox? and will it be on Gamepass??

Hi! The game is already cross-save and cross-play, so unless Microsoft stands against it, it will be enabled for Xbox too :)
As for gamepass we don't know, I haven't heard anything about it!


Originally posted by TheBadHalfOfAFandom

Never thought I’d see the 1.0 show up, but I’m so excited! Let’s hope the servers don’t blow up on day 1 like they did when the game was first available to play haha

Fingers crossed, but I think it'll go well!


Originally posted by No-Eggplant-5396

Is the last mythical part of the 1.0 launch?

The last Mythical is post-1.0!


Originally posted by ChakraaThePanda


yup HAHA I'll edit my comment


Originally posted by zonine

Wooohoo! Congrats, Crema.

I want those physical goodies!

thank you! I want them too but shipping has me dead :_


Originally posted by Ordinary-Nickname

Hey, the switch version will be crossplataform with pc?

as long as Nintendo doesn't oppose it, it will, yes!


Originally posted by Barackobrock

Do we know whats missing still, for this 1.0 release? What are the main things still being added here?

Is it worth waiting for the release or just start now?

We'll be talking about 1.0 soon, so you could wait until that and make your decision later :)


Originally posted by KurtGG

Do you have plans to further expand the game's content post launch or are you moving to another project?

We do have plans! There's planned features for post 1.0, some of them reeeeally huge and influential. We do not have plans to add new islands, and the chance to add new Tems is really slim, but there's a lot of content beyond that and we're working on those.
We'll talk about it as we get closer to it, there's a lot that's not public yet!
When we start on a new project we've always planned to balance both!


Originally posted by Proper_Result_7118

Why make a hard copy version of a mmo in mmo worlds when the game shuts down there is nothing left so just a memory

We're definitely not planning an offline mode nor the shutting of the servers.A future where we'd have to shut down the servers is reallllyyyyy grim and unlikely.


Originally posted by Nitro_Indigo

Is there going to be free camera control, or are the camera angles just for the trailer?

Just for the trailer! It'd be impossible to implement that into Temtem!


Temtem's 1.0 version is on the horizon

Tamers, rejoice! Today we celebrate that Temtem's final launch date, the day on which version 1.0 will hit digital and physical stores, has already been set.

Mark your calendars, for we have a date on September 6th, 2022!

Temtem is fully launching on September 6th!

September 6th is not only the day we launch our final version and leave Early Access, it's also the day we reach Xbox Series X and S and Nintendo Switch! To all our Tamers out there who have patiently waited for this, thank you, and we're super eager to welcome you onto the Archipelago on September 6th! And to all the tamers who have walked down the Early Access path and s...

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