

09 Jun


Originally posted by Adventure_Agreed

Will the API be available for 1.0?

Not sure, actually! We don't have a set date for the API right now.


Originally posted by danseaman6

If you ordered early access do you get those cosmetics or is that separate?

Early Access is different to the Deluxe edition! Early Access had the benefit of being much cheaper than it is now, as well as enjoying the game early and being able to take part in its development.
The Deluxe edition includes a handful of new and exclusive cosmetics.


Originally posted by Dasterr

we have no idea at all currently


correct, we have no idea at all currently. We'll know more next week :)


Originally posted by PutTheDinTheV

Is Tamers Paradise the actual name of the island? If so, that's dope

it is!

08 Jun


Originally posted by Weavile_

Might be an asked and answered question, but If I have an account on PC, do I need to rebuy the game on switch to play it there?

Yes! It’s not cross-purchase, you’ll need to own the game on the platforms where you wanna play it.


Originally posted by Sheet_Varlerie

Do you know anything about how the nuzlocke mode will be implemented?

The "catch the first encounter on a route" really effects freetem, saipark, and radars. Will it just a permanent death mode, where temtem are unable to be revived? Or will there be other changes to the game to make Temtem nuzlockes play better?

As it’s a post-1.0 feature there’s still time until it’s in a semi-public stage. We’ll be ready to talk about the Nuzlocke mode once we’re closer to its implementation!


Originally posted by DrChainDog

Tsukki pls, we need the Nuzlocke mode plsssssssssss

it's planned for post-1.0, but it's there! It'll arrive eventually :)


Originally posted by DingoDaBabyBandit

Can I port over my pc save to ps5?


06 Jun


So cool, absolutely love it!!!!!!!!

05 Jun


That wasn't the 1.0 trailer, we haven't really done any marketing yet, but we've shown and been open about the cosmetic-only MTX shop (and it's been talked about for years), there are platforms missing (and that means playerbase missing) and this post is going to age poorly in like 10 days or so.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Odin_Hagen

I was looking forward to a hard reset.

You can always reset your progress if you want to start anew. But we didn't think it was fair to the Early Access players who've worked towards Lumas and comp wins.


Originally posted by VeriferVenti

Will you be able to trade mtx cosmetics with other players in-game?

no, they won't be tradeable!


Originally posted by Bearymco

Will people be able to sell cosmetic items purchased with money via the auction house? On one hand it would be nice so you could get the items just from farming in game currency. On the other hand it would essentially mean people could buy in game currency with real life money. Personally I hope they can be sold via AH but I know it's a debate in some games.

They're non-tradable, so they won't be available to sell or purchase on the TH.

02 Jun


Originally posted by ChildishVampire

Hope we can see the deluxe edition content soon, rly excited for the launch

It was in Humble's latest mail newsletter! I've posted it here as well


Originally posted by Similar-Psychology46

Oh shet, I know a lot of people are probably not gonna like the last one but I do. Just hope its not like 60 bucks for a whole outfit. Been playing the game for around 2 months and I barely have 2 outfits. I see people with such cool outfits and colors.

No, clothes in-game are expensive for a couple of reasons, but it doesn't apply to mtx. You'll be able to know more about it soon!


Originally posted by Karasu77

Is there anything limited FOMO thing that is obtainable before the release ? Or important things to not miss.


hi! not much that I can think so. Early Access has been cheaper, and grants early access, but there's no other rewards tied to it.
Some platforms have or had pre-order bonuses (the only one I think is achievable right now is PS5's), and Kickstarter Backers had a series of rewards for backing the game back then, but those are no longer obtainable.

30 May


Originally posted by CommanderSabo


I actually bought a PC specifically for Temtem so I am not too savvy when it comes to PC things.

I assume I would just need to make an alternate Steam account and just redeem the game that way?
