

23 Dec


Originally posted by Karnikula_Gaming

So I read the patch notes and there is a MAJOR story spoiler in them and there is absolutely NO REASON for it to be there. They could just write "The Leader of Clan Belsoto" instead of THE CHARACTER NAME in the patch notes. Just for a friggin bug fix.

Crema plz. wtf.

there was an spoiler tag in here, on the Discord server, on the Twitter. Heck, there is an spoiler tag in the actual notes. Why would you ignore that?


Originally posted by DefNotCheesecake

Hi Tsukki, nothing against you or the team but that reasoning seems a little off to me. It's one thing to have technical limitations, but were they really limitations if, for example, the lumas can just be made an exception? Regardless of how exactly you managed to achieve that, there are a number of different methods that could at least be workarounds to this problem.

Haha could be because, as I said, I'm not a technical person. I can't on any level explain to you how it was, as I didn't take part in it, but I don't share that the reasoning is off. From what I've heard, creating the system that allowed Lumas to be retroactive was a lot of work, caused a lot of bugs and took a lot of time (and we don't have a whole lot of that). Which is why we could only afford to go that route for Kudos that were impossible to re-do. Inconvenient but doable Kudos couldn't get the same treatment. Achievements would, normally, be achieved progressively as one progresses through the game, so it's a growing pain of Early Access. And about possible workarounds: I am not a tech person so I don't know the feasibility of those, but we can always get to that in the future and you're welcome to give us suggestions in ...

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Hi! We've launched a new patch solving some of the more serious issues with the Arbury update. Please don't read them if you haven't completed the main storyline yet, as there are spoilers.

This will be our last patch before we go on our holiday break, so please don't anything else, okay? Thank yeewww, happy holidays loves!

External link →

It was due to technical limitations, calling it stupid is harsh imo :/


Originally posted by swescrane

Hi, I appreciate the direct response and totally understand why the situation is what it is.
The main pressure point comes from not having a clear checklist to see which ones are needed to recapture, since the Tempedia is already checked off.
Something directly tied to the achievement, like a quest description could work.
If there's a way to implement that in the future, that would makes this situation be completely resolved.

Again, thank you for directly responding, and Merry Christmas!

No probs! Please do post the idea of adding a quest description to the Kudo in the forums, so the design team can see it!
And Merry Christmas to you too <3


Originally posted by Suomikotka

Ah, didn't know he was still making adjustments! Does Omninesia possibly have a tweaking in it's future? Just out of curiosity

Only Damián knows haha

22 Dec


In YaW's words (because I am not a tech person): "Due to multiple reasons we can only retroactively grant kudos that are non repeatable, we just made an exception with the lumas because that is a massive pain in the ass. Capturing the whole tempedia again is a pain in the ass, but not as massive. These are the kind of things that happen in an Early Access game without all the features already implemented."

So back to my words, we understand it's inconvenient, but it's due to technical limitations.


Originally posted by Suomikotka

Unfortunately there's no YouTube videos on the new battle remixes or even the newer songs from Cipanku+.

@u/ItsTsukki y'all need to release the beats so the world can hear how great this game's music is! I'd probably buy the album on Bandcamp once everything is fully released at this rate too.

When it’s all ready we will release the OST! Videos on YouTube right now don’t make it justice because audio is rarely ever extracted correctly and because Damián is constantly making adjustments. So stay tuned!!

17 Dec


Hi! Please restart your platform to get the patch, and update your game even if the update seems optional.

We've fixed most of the game-stopping issues from yesterday, and a couple others!

Byeeee love youu

External link →

Originally posted by legend_of_wiker


Arnold says FIX IT, FIT IT NOW

I'm so sorry! haha I set the wrong link, my bad


Originally posted by aadvincula88

Anyone else getting the black screen bug when entering the temporium in the melee city? 9/10 times when I enter the temporium my screen turns black and won’t let me do anything except close the game and reopen it to fix

we're aware and on it!


Originally posted by LeBubastien

GJ but the link doesnt work !

fixed now, sorry!


Originally posted by zaergaegyr

Link doesnt work. I think this is the right one tho.

so sorry! my bad


Originally posted by Disastrous-Tension34

I hope this game will continue to have some stuff to grind for. There might not come any new TemTem's or islands, but I hope they will continue to work on new content for the game, after the current spoken stuff.

When Mounts arrives, I hope they will somehow make that a thing to grind for, such as lumas can be grinded for. If they can't continue to make new Temtems, because it would be hard to buff and nerf them, then I would like them to make mounts a grindable thing instead. I want to continue to get new Temtems/mounts, and I think I would like to grind for mounts aswell, that could be an alternative.

I hope this game has much much more in store, because this game is great, and has the favorite kind of graphics - they often makes me happy - Cipanku with these pink colors and such, they're bright, and not shady and dark. there is no other games out there, who can make a game like this, and this game really should be more known, and should have so much more support ...

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There are more things coming than those we're able to talk about yet!!


We're aware and working on it! We intend to patch it soon!


Hi! We're aware and working on a fix for this.

16 Dec


It's now time to save the Archipelago once for all, will you be up to the task?🏰Arbury island is ready!🌲🔸For all the info and patch notes:

Face your destiny and complete the main story quest, discover 30+ new Tems, Techniques and Traits and more!

Gosh I really hope nothing dramatic happens here

Check the trailer here:

External link →

We'll post the usual post with the patch notes once the update is ready! The bot just replicates what gets uploaded to You can go reading these if you want to start now!