

25 Apr


Originally posted by Yoggy-Sothoth

Just please dont give up (never), love this game so far. Thanks for everything; the toxic people are less than half of the currently enjoyers of the game understanding the actual stage of it.

haha no worries, we're fulfilling all our plans for Temtem, whatever it costs


Originally posted by You-JustLostTheGame

I think the answer is really really simple. Decrease the grind, completely remove time-gated content (as in allow it to be played whenever but adjust the rates of things), and stop trying to reinvent the wheel. A.k.a. just doing what other MMOs have already successfully done and are still doing to this day.

I have a rousing suspicion, due to the lack of player-interaction from the dev-team regarding the issues mentioned, that the core of the problem is likely that someone 'high-up' in the company is pushing this.

They want the game to be unique, but in doing so they're making it so the game isn't as fun as it could be. Creating a grind fest with no good incentive, making it so that players have to prioritize this game above all others. Making it so that, if you want to play PvP in a competitive-sense, you have to spend dozens of dozens of hours creating the perfect tems or be super duper lucky.

In trying t...

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I wanted to clarify that we're not avoiding mentioning these issues because someone up there is being hard-headed. It's because we're working on internally addressing them, and seeing how to solve the ones we feel need fixing. We have our hands full with development, and we have a lot of plans in place we can't still talk about, and we're often seen as deflecting or avoidant when answering due to this. Not everyone in the dev team interacts with the community, too, and not all of us who interact with the community can answer many of the questions posed about the future (yet).


Originally posted by ShyGuyDragonite

I really just wish this game was more of a monster tamer with multiplayer aspects than an MMO. It certainly leans more that way. If it wasn’t advertised/classed as an MMO then I think it would be better for the game all around and give the devs more to focus on with the experience of a multiplayer monster tamer.

Now the devs have a headache on their hands with an already tired community trying to reinvent the game moving forward. Imo early access was out far too soon and has fatigued the fan base. I get that covid probably had huge delays for this small Dev team but even still, it has spent far too long in early access.

I have faith the team can pull it around, the game has so much potential, I just feel they’ve forced themselves into a corner.

First of all, thanks for the faith put in us and for trying to walk in our shoes, too. I super appreciate the kindness in times of a lot of stress, like post-patch.

Second, while you're right that the MMO tag resonates a lot with people and is echoed often, the MMO nature of Temtem has always been described as different to the general mmorpg, and is super close, actually, to what you describe. This is taken from the Kickstarter's FAQWhen you think about an MMO or MMORPG you probably think of enormous games like World of Warcraft or TERA, in which you have an endless array of ...

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This is indeed our first MMO, and we're learning still. Which is why we launched in Early Access, and why we read all these posts and gather the feedback we can extract from them. You're welcome to hone in on the specifics and express what you'd like to see or what would be fun for you, specially in regards to the current systems, and we'll do our best to make as much of the playerbase as we can happy.
As for the future, there's a lot of changes planned that specifically address some of the most common issues people point out. I totally respect not playing a game if the recent update hasn't satisfied you, and I hope we'll see you back for 1.0.


Originally posted by Shirato

Hi, so we were able to get it to link, but once it linked it says on the PC that I have a secondary platform (ps5) but on my Ps5 it is still only giving me the option of making a new character and starting a new game.

When was the last time you checked? We published a hotfix for this this very morning, so maybe it'd have been fixed by now?


All stickers are supposed to have the same chance to spawn. We're investigating the possibility that this is not the case. There's going to be improvements made to Stickers being hard to keep track of.
As for balance, it's not a priority right now and the changes being made cover little by little, and respond to more planned changes along the way. We are in touch with the comp community, this isn't the final outcome of the meta or the final balance plans.
There's a lot of changes planned for 1.0 that address a lot of the current complaints of the game, and we will communicate them when we get to that stage. We're not hiding. Not everyone on the dev team is part of the design team and can communicate these changes, and not everyone on the dev team is equipped to respond to all the feedback we get. We're currently reading everything that's being posted, and processing it internally. We're also dealing with the post-patch bugs and the features that aren't working as intended...

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Originally posted by Shirato

I’m having an issue with my primary platform code not being valid when input into my secondary platform. Anyone else experiencing this?

hi! Can you tell me a bit more? DM me if necessary.


Originally posted by Len_Cross

im new to playing temtem, and my friend gifted the game to me, would that prevent me from accessing Temtem plus????

nope, there was a purchase there, even if it was a gift. Temtem Plus must only be bought by accounts that obtain the game through game-sharing


Originally posted by Mugungo

Absolutely no where on the steam store does it state there were plans to add MTX. There is also no indication in the game itself of plans to cut content to add to a cash shop

21 Apr


Originally posted by Shin_yolo

Hi I'm a newbie and was wondering, is this the release patch or there still have some features they want to release before the 1.0 ?

There's still some features we will release in 1.0! There are no huge patches planned from now until then, so technically this is the last content patch until 1.0 if everything goes well!


Originally posted by DDEVOY95

The TemTem+ thing for Alts, does that mean we can trade between our own accounts without having to trade it to a random to then have them trade it to the other account?

Temtem+ isn't exactly for alts, but for game-sharing secondary accounts. Unless you consider your game-shared account an alt, in which case yeah, you can now trade between your alt accounts (assuming the other account is a main acc or has temtem+ too)


Originally posted by zose2

Well that is extremely unfortunate and not at all what I would just hoping... Are there any plans to allow us to hack "traded" lumas sometime in the future since linking accounts could potentially lock many players outside of already acquired lumas?

Also how does account linking work with the PlayStation items? Do I have to make my PlayStation account my primary account to carry over those items to PC or can I make my PC account my primary one and still keep those items?

As for the future plans, I cannot yet say, as I don't know.
As for PS5 items, and I'm assuming you mean the pre-order and PS5 exclusive items, those are untradeable, and all untradeable items automatically get transferred to the main account in the process. Items left in the Vault get transferred, too.


Originally posted by Professor_Hemlocke

I really wish there was some way to leave islands that lock you in if you missed the teleporter quest ;-; I’m on the last island and stopped playing because it sucked not being able to leave and do weekly stuff.

It's only for a short while, until you defeat the Dojo! It was made so people wouldn't be trapped in Arbury and unable to return, because you first enter it through an event.


Originally posted by zose2

So once you link accounts the secondary one is gone for good? All money, tems, and items I had are gone? How does that work with ownership? Do I become to original tamer for my lumas or am I forever stuck with not being able to hack them?

Yes, once you link it's all gone because you must reset before linking, but items in the Vault stay when linking. What we recommend doing is transferring/trading all the tems and placing everything else in the vault. It's, unfortunately, impossible to grant OT for the lumas, sorry about that bit.
Cross-progression is generally more focused on linking a new, freshly purchased account, and these hurdles are hard to avoid.


Originally posted by Alternative-Rub-6926

Nope, I got all 600 without any battle

even better then!


Originally posted by Damonpad

I unlocked 20 pages but I don't think I got into any fight?

The battle happens at around 450 slots, I think


Originally posted by remusftw

Any further explanation on secondary accounts? Im so puzzled.

Does that mean I can sync my current steam account on other consoles, or does that mean I can create an alt account to play?

The term is used twice in the post in different contexts. On one hand, you can link and sync your steam account to any other platform(s) you want to. This is a secondary account for cross-progression.
For Temtem Plus, a primary account is one that has purchased or purchases the game. Steam and Discord don't allow secondary accounts through family sharing, while consoles do.
Lemme know if that helps and I'll try to clarify in the post.


Originally posted by CommanderSabo



I misread! Apologies!

no probs! Patch day is always chaotic haha


Originally posted by CommanderSabo

I guess I can only hope I can beat it, otherwise I literally can't play anymore.

it's past your original 300. It means by then you have already unlocked all your slots.


Originally posted by CommanderSabo

I know you say it's a short quest to unlock the storage again, but is any part of that quest a battle?

Because according to this, all of my Tems I could use to win are now locked.

when you're unlocking past the initial 300 slots there is a battle, but by then it's not an issue!