

21 Dec


Originally posted by classicwise

Are you guys aware of Playground and Creative infinite loading screens?

That's what we were hoping to fix, but first attempt was unsuccessful (to say the least).

We think we've tracked down the source of the issue and are hoping to get a proper fix out in the near future!

19 Dec


Originally posted by RelaxRealistic

Frostnite ETA?


Originally posted by APF429

anyone know if the bug is still in the game that makes a guy like constantly explode and rip thru builds? I lost a game last night because this dude was legit like pulsating nonstop with a blue explosion around him?

Should be fixed as well!

14 Dec


Originally posted by lovelyyecats

Thank you so much for at least confirming that this is on Epic's radar, I was really worried that nobody was seeing these reports and threads and we were all just shouting into the void.

Is there any chance at Fortnite extending season 7, because of people not being able to play for the first few weeks of the release?

All credit to our community team for noticing the reports and passing them along; given the volume of feedback we get, things can be hard to spot unless they're really on top of things.

No solution yet, but a few theories we're running down.

Unfortunately can't speak to future plans beyond trying to get this fixed, sorry!


Originally posted by sportsjunkie61

Really hoping someone at Epic will see this, although the chances are slim. I've been playing Fortnite on my college campus Wifi since November 2017, and I haven't had a problem running the game until now. Ever since S7 was released, when i queue up for a match, the game finds a lobby, sends me to my chosen loading screen, and sits there for a few minutes until I get kicked back into the lobby. This is not just a problem for me but I have found a number of students online with the same issue. I have no clue how this would happen, unless the update brought changes to game files that some college internets are reacting poorly to. Epic, please find a fix to the problem; I don't want to get behind and risk not getting the tier 100 skin this season because I couldn't play for the first 3 weeks due to an oversight. Thanks!!

Just tossed a quick bit of clarification below, but just for primary comment threading we're aware of the issue where Fortnite traffic is being blocked by some institutions and trying to help understand how to unblock players.

Also /u/sportsjunkie61 TribePride :)


Originally posted by lovelyyecats

Update: Alright, my university’s IT reps just responded with this:

“We have identified the root cause of this incident. Last week Epic pushed out a new version of their Fortnite game. This version utilizes BitTorrent which is a P2P application. The use of P2P applications are restricted by filters on our network. We have asked our filter vendor to review the issue and suggest any possible workaround that does not negate our current P2P policy.”

So clearly, most university networks probably filter P2P applications, hence why multiple players at different universities can’t play now. Also, it is now confirmed to be a problem on Epic’s end. Thankfully, my school has a big enough gamer population that this is somewhat of a priority for the IT dept, but for other schools, there’s no reason to believe that they would make any such changes to their wifi security policy just because of ONE game.

Epic, this is stupid. Please fix this.

Hey! Wanted to let you know we're looking into the issue, but just to clarify we do NOT use BitTorrent.

We're investigating what's happening, but wanted to toss a quick reminder that we are not blocking traffic and do not control individual institutional traffic shaping and firewalls.

We're looking to understand why Fortnite traffic may be blocked by some institutions and how we can help unblock players.

10 Dec


Originally posted by leo1lion1

Are you able to explain what causes a bug like this?

At a basic level, servers trying to calculate things at not quite the right time. So in this case it seems like it's doing a lot of the end-of-game calculations before fully reporting back to your client that the game has ended. All your shots landed correctly and you won the game, but appears it's skipping slightly ahead in the script of things it has to do after that happens.


Good news! We think we've identified the source of the end-of-match hitch and are working to get that into a server fix soon.

Edit: For clarity, all platforms use the same server fleet. Once we get this thing fixed it should correct the issue for all players.

06 Dec


This is the nuttiest clip I've ever seen in this game.

I love it.

28 Nov


Originally posted by UNCTillDeath

This is kind of cool. Them being able to do rolling deployments of patches without visible timeline means that they've gotten their backend deployment pipelines all set up. If they want to, they could start pushing updates this way and avoid those weekly release schedules

Not quite! This is an update to server code rather than client code, which means you don't have to download anything because we're just pushing new instructions to the servers that host matches.

Client patches are a bit different and actually change the software that you run on your device to play the game, which is why you download a patch on release days.


Originally posted by EpicSuzDay

We're patching our servers to fix long hitches that caused simultaneous interrupted connections for all players in a match.

This will roll out over the next few hours.

Just to clarify: this update is totally invisible and will not affect any games in progress. The patch goes out to a new set of servers, and new matches will get the new server version. Matches running on the previous version will be unaffected, and we don't deprecate the old server version until there are no games left running on it.

06 Nov


Originally posted by runescape1337

Hah, good catch. Too much Python lately.

import stability