

28 Mar


Originally posted by masiuspt

Thank you for your (and the teams) hard work, Ayiza. This is a great start and I'm looking forward to the NPC Defence changes.

Very excited for this - it's a great time to be playing OSRS.

The NPC Defence changes is extremely exciting, I think it'll be a really good change! And the fact we'll be doing a beta for it means you get to try it out in-game too which will be so much nicer than just reading numbers :)


Originally posted by ValuableNecessary292

Error fix on this post: This post has two sets of xp for agility. The second table should be updated

Thanks for raising, forgot to update that one, oops :3


Hey all, thanks once again for all of your feedback on the last update (Tuesday 26th). I am happy to confirm that I've managed to sway the team into keeping the previously proposed XP rates you so keenly wanted to stay!

In addition to this, we've been able to bring forward the Run Energy changes so they will be part of Project Rebalance, but please keep in mind that these will come later in the year as we have to move a few things around (there's a LOT of content coming this year!).

I believe this is the last update we'll do on the general Skilling side of things as we move into NPC Defence changes next week and then continue with the rest of Project Rebalance afterwards! Exciting times!

26 Mar


Originally posted by doyouguyssellpaint

Is this project rebalance or project minimum effort bandaid? Cuz you might want to stop calling it project rebalance and start calling it what it is.

There's a LOT more to this project than just these Skilling related changes - next week we'll be talking about entirely different topics. We've had to be selective on how much time/resource we commit to each topic, but we feel like the complete set of changes will have a much better impact overall than focusing just on Skilling.


Originally posted by Rexkat

Wait... You responded to people asking for buffs to agility by... nerfing the proposed buffs to agility?? What?

Project Rebalance was never about straight up buffing Agility XP by significant amounts. As we said in this updated blog, our aim is to make Agility more rewarding and varied to progress through, not just faster. This means that our efforts are concentrated on giving players a wider variety of entertaining and XP-efficient training options.

We do know that many of you want to see Agility reworked in some form, and I imagine it'll only be a matter of time when we look to focus on that, but we need a solid foundation to work off and there are some big improvements that can be made before then (while we have the time and resource to tackle something like this rebalance).


Originally posted by MisterPulaski

Why no mention of having agility level actually impact run energy depletion rate or carry weight? Was looking forward to this after it was previously proposed.

It feels absurd to have the same endurance at lvl 1 compared to 99. A lot of players’ problem with agility xp rates is that the skill simply isn’t rewarding enough for the long grind.

We realise that we aren't able to deliver something that complex as part of this rebalancing project, but it was considered at the start and the team already have a solid proposal for how it'd be reworked. I imagine we'll be sharing news on that sometime, just no longer part of this particular project.


Hey all, I'm taking over this one for a while as Goblin is on holiday so bear with me as I'm not as close to the project as he was!

We spent a lot of time going over your feedback and the survey results to come up with these changes, so hopefully they resonate with how you were all feeling and we can move forward with some positive changes to various skills :)

06 Mar


Thanks for raising this to us.

Nothing has changed in regards to your data or rights. The update today introduced a new footer (allowing residents of certain US states to opt-out of the sharing of their data with our marketing partners) and link to our Privacy Policy which is a requirement for compliance with the California Privacy Rights Act, which we need to operate within the USA.

Similar rights exist under the General Data Protection Regulation and/or E-privacy laws and have always been a part of our existing Privacy Policy. Previously though, there was no requirement to explicitly link the opt-out on our title screen – this has now changed.

Jagex does not sell personal information in the way that is comm...

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19 Feb


Originally posted by tsspartan

You say it’s an arms race but how come there’s obvious bots hitting crazy amounts of boss kc, single skill xp, etc that go unbanned for insane amounts of time.

Apologies for being super lazy, but I think Goblin has already said about as much as we're able to say on this topic generally, so sharing it again here in case you missed that:

ACT are working on trying to find a consistent and enforceable way to remove these players from the HiScores so that real players are actually able to secure spots - note that this applies to all content in the game, including things like CG. The ACT and Game Engine teams are investigating manual removal from the HiScores for accounts that have already been banned, should be banned or for any other reason should not still be appearing on the HiScores. Note that there are some players who are permanently banned but still appearing on the HiScores who are included in this manual removal.


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Originally posted by Aerometiz

Hi Ayiza, thanks for the clarification, sounds like you guys are taking it very seriously! Do you currently have a comment on the views of a large portion of this subreddit, that claim that the support (/appeal) system currently is unable to handle some of the (I understand it's a fine line to balance) unjust bans?

The other post mentioned in my reply will hopefully cover some of this for you and the many others wondering. Until then I can't share anything else, sorry!


Hi all, I just wanted to give some reassurance regarding the quote from the article mentioned in this post.

We know bots exist, just as much as you do when you see them in-game, but it’s important to highlight that the article does not accurately reflect our strategy. Our priority is to always ensure every player has a good experience when playing both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape.

Since the news of the acquisition came about, many of you have been saying we’re not banning bots on purpose, mostly pointing to how we’re padding out player numbers. That just isn’t true and would not be good for the game. We are banning bots, more than we ever have before. But the reality is, and this is something we’ve said time and time again, it’s an arms race. As fast as we ban them, new bots are made. We’re constantly working to keep ahead of this race, and we ARE working on bigger initiatives to tackle botting as a whole, although we aren’t ready discuss the details of thi...

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07 Feb


Welcome back. Enjoy the grind, you've got a LOT to look forward to <3

31 Jan


Alright, I fully expected to get obliterated after the first few replies came in following these tweets. Maybe not as much, but it's my own fault for how I worded the replies. I'll try offer some clarity to put peoples minds at rest, because this really wasn't meant to blow up past my initial reply to the tweet.

Clan bingo is fine. It is highly unlikely you'll ever face an issue in regards to RWT for receiving gold as part of a clan funded prize pool - all RWT bans are thoroughly checked and reviewed to prevent this, but mistakes can happen.

The first reply that's been quoted above is poorly worded and I apologise for that. It was intended to be a tongue in cheek way of saying stop playing with people who are breaking the rules and you won't have to worry. Now obviously you don't necessarily know who is breaking the rules, and we don't expect you to the be ones policing the game as you've rightly pointed out that's our job.

In hindsight I would have deleted ...

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24 Jan


Originally posted by LeviathonMt

Would be awesome if a mod replied to me :D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by Zhengyi_

Any news about those check shirts from the winter summit being on the store?

I need smol jad and smol zulrah doing a peep

They should be available in the next few weeks, we're just doing a second pass on the quality of them. We'll make sure to post when they're ready :)

19 Dec


Originally posted by WastingEXP

with runefest back, does this change the need forwinter/summer summits or their timing?

We'll still be doing the Summits... more details to come :)

15 Nov


Originally posted by JellyBOMB

For me I had to make sure I closed the Launcher (there were several instances in the Task Manager). Then I tried again and it just worked.

Please try this! You should be able to load the Launcher and log in just fine.