

27 Aug


You need to log into W45 permanent deadman and speak with Nigel, he'll offer to reset your progress (on world 45 only) so you can then play on Deadman: Apocalypse worlds. I believe its the first option in his dialogue and you'll find him at the Lumbridge graveyard.

25 Aug


We've been working through identifying and resolving the issue. Apologies for the delay, it takes us a little time to verify and resolve before we can confirm next steps.

The newspost has been updated, but for reference, here's what we've got to say on the matter:

We are aware of an issue where some players have completed all tiers of Combat Achievements after completing any Combat Achievement task.

We have identified and resolved the issue. This was not related to Deadman: Apocalypse, though due to the nature of new accounts being used, it was only made apparent to us now. We are currently working through removing the illegitimate Combat Achievement task completions and any experience gained as a result.


If you have an account with permanent Deadman progress, you will not be able to use the same account in Deadman: Apocalypse, unless you remove all stats, gear, and other progression. Don’t worry about doing this accidentally – to remove your permanent account progress, you’ll need to talk to Nigel and confirm that you understand what you’re doing. You’ll also need a Bank PIN to make the change. Again, we'd recommend checking out the ‘Everything you need to know’ blog for more information.

If you’re especially attached to your permanent Deadman progress, you will need to use another account to participate in Deadman: Apocalypse.


Log into world 345, speak to Nigel (Lumbridge Graveyard) and ask him to allow you access to Apocalypse worlds. It will reset your W345 Permanent Deadman progress, so keep that in mind.


If you're having issues logging into Apocalypse worlds and being told your account is only available for Permanent Deadman worlds, you must log into world 345 and speak to Nigel to reset your account for use in Apocalypse, otherwise you'll need to use a different account.

14 Aug

04 Aug


I'll chase it up with the support team now, though it might take a couple of days to get the membership put back onto your accounts.

We technically don't have an option to grant lifetime membership on our system, so it has to be reapplied whenever the previously applied membership expires.

That being said, we do have an option for longer than a year... I can only apologise for it lapsing so soon but I'll personally make sure it gets sorted for you all!

03 Aug


Originally posted by Kerouwacky

Ketla and her clones were not doing the right amount of damage, this has been changed so they are closer to what we had intended.

More damage or less?

Some puzzles within the Ghorrock Prison have been improved to make the solution clearer.

Which ones?

One puzzle that was unclear to me was the Catalyst puzzle in The Scar. They were all quite intuitive other than Astral which I had to trial and error every combination of Cosmic and the other nerves before I got to Earth.

Does Cosmic + Earth = Astral make sense? Maybe Cosmic + Law instead since you can make a Law nerve but it has no use? Or Cosmic + Mind considering all the dream stuff relating to Lunar Isle and Astral runes.

If someone can tell me why Cosmic + Earth makes sense, I'll happily change my mind :)

Ketla and her clones were not doing the right amount of damage, this has been changed so they are closer to what we had intended.

More damage or less?

Both - overall the fight shouldn't be any more difficult as a result.

Some puzzles within the Ghorrock Prison have been improved to make the solution clearer.

Which ones?

We share detail later on in the newspost but its in regards to some of the notes you receive. We don't want to ruin anything by sharing images or too much info, so you'll have to go through the quest to see exactly what changed.


Originally posted by ValuableEasy5334

What will happen to existing ring rolls you have obtained? Reset? continue?

please let us know <3

They aren't reset, don't fret!


Originally posted by Turbulent_Ad3045

I know it's not the point of today's update, but while we're on questing. Is there any chance we hear more about porting old quests soon? It seemed to be a really popular idea, and I don't recall hearing anything about it in like a year?

It'd be wrong of me to say here, but I know Ed did mention on a stream earlier this week there's a whole load of storylines he wants to wrap up...


Originally posted by BlueberryCentral

How has perfect The Whisperer bug not been fixed for this update?! Now we have to wait a WHOLE week before we might see it fixed…

I understand it's frustrating when something isn't instantly fixed but please be patient, the team can only do so much in a week and we're doing as much as we can.


Originally posted by DonRhirley

Odds this resets our invisible rolls for the ring?

Zero! You're still 2/3 don't worry ;)


Originally posted by Dbaughla

No change to awakened Vard mage and range attack to clearly see the difference?

No but I have just been told those changes are coming next week :) Sorry for the wait on those, I know it's been a point raised a bunch recently.


Originally posted by chrollo49

any word on the requirements for 50% increased common loot?

You have to do the fight while avoiding any avoidable damage. Essentially a perfect fight (chip damage does not count).

However, there are some issues with Whisperer and a few tweaks we want to make at Leviathan with next week's game update.


Originally posted by Future_Cake

Did the Ketla fight get harder or easier? Because she was already the finale section with the most food needed, IMO...

The difficulty should remain about the same as it was before.


Originally posted by Turbulent-Piano6443

Any timeframe for Combat Achievements for the new bosses? Apologies if I’ve missed this somewhere.

Amazing job on the quest. Its the perfect sequel to DT!

No timeframe we can share right now, the focus very much remains on fixes and balancing changes. I presume we'll start talking internally about CA a little more after next week's update though :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


We've always adjusted rates in the first few weeks of release, there's nothing new here. That's a decision for players to ultimately make - personally I'd never hold off on doing content over the thought it might change, as I'm there for the thrill of getting something regardless of how common or rare it is, but I can see why others might feel differently.

Edit: I don't think its typical for us to adjust rates months after release without heavy discussion with the community prior - we're talking more within the first few weeks of content going out as we adjust based on data we receive.


Originally posted by Accomplished-Help-44

Didn’t see it addressed here, does the drop table being reworked reset the invisible ring counter?

It doesn't no - your counter remains as it did pre-update :)


Originally posted by thgril

It looks like the buy 50 option in shops has disappeared, is this intentional?

It's not intentional no - the team are currently investigating a fix for it though!

Edit: this has now been resolved.


Originally posted by PsychologyRS

Ayiza you should just coldfix it and fix the Whisperer perfect kill loot at the same time!! :P

Kidding. Thank you so much for everything you do and your prompt response to all issues!!!

I'd love it if we could but I don't want to be the guy to force the team into doing more than they can handle!

Appreciate your kind words <3