

03 Nov


Originally posted by BendakSW

I tweeted him about a week after the pandemic started saying something to the effect of "bet you wish you'd held off quitting for a few more months!" implying that the work-from-home situation would have completely removed his issue with his insane commute, and he replied "mistakes were made." It's clear he didn't really want to leave but his commute/Jagex's inflexibility around work from home made it impossible for him to stay.

Yeah you got it! I really regretted leaving every time I thought about it, but in those moments you just have to get over it and move on. I never thought I'd have the chance to come back and yet here we are. Legit like a dream come true. I guess this year has had some positives, at least for me personally!


Love it. Thank you for the warm welcome back <3


I've had the same Legend of Zelda background for like 4 years now but this is tempting me to switch it out. Great work, I love the style of this soo much!


Originally posted by Dick_of_Osiris

Ayiza geezer! I was so happy to see your face on the livestream, then I couldn't keep a big smile off my face after finding out you're back!


Thank you so much!! I am so happy and responses like this just make things even better <3


Originally posted by lingardRS

Good stuff! Thought youd be in the stream with asmon tbf! Know you're a big wow player and i think your involved in one of the orgs over there?

I'd have loved to have the chance to be on the stream but I started just a liiiiittle too late to make it happen :(


Originally posted by plankzorz

Thanks for the clarification. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by not knowing who he was, I literally only just started playing osrs for the league

Welcome to OSRS :D Hope you're enjoying the league as much as I am!


Originally posted by okayokay992

If he was getting payed enough to live in cambridge - he wouldn't need to commute 4hrs a day.

The pay was never an issue just my circumstances at the time really. Things are different now though :)


Originally posted by ShawshankException

Thats probably why he came back

It definitely helped with the decision making. As terrible as this year has been, it has been somewhat positive for me personally in regards to this move


Originally posted by AsiansFirst

His forhead is back too

Safe to say that wasn't going anywhere lol


Originally posted by Skelux_RS

Just like Goku returning, ayiza has returned.

And with a new power level too! :D


Originally posted by blackjazz_society

Wait, it's true?

Very much so! :)


Originally posted by veryowlert

So happy he’s back, now all we need is Ronan for the CM dream team.

I'd love to be able to work with Ronan again. So much admiration for that guy and the work he did/does <3


Originally posted by Ambrose90

Didn’t he just start as a CM for Team Method like a month ago? Now he’s back at Jagex?

I actually worked there behind the scenes for around 5 months during the rebuild and stuff, it was just only made public once all the work was done :)


Originally posted by Syrehed

How did it go for Method ?

Reall well actually! I only left because there was no way I could say no to coming back if it felt right to do so, and it definitely feels right now :)


Originally posted by tortillakingred

I’ll just say that, although that thread is unreasonably hostile, you need to look at it with context.

A community that has been heartbroken by a ruined game finally gets another chance, things go great for years, then 1 year before this incident Zeah is released and it’s clunky, ugly, and boring.

Then they slowly fix it (and I think now, Zeah is fantastic!), but then a “community manager” comes in and on the day he’s basically introduced he IMPLIES that he wants to change one of the core systems of the game (a system that was changed in RS3 none-the-less).

Its understandable that people would get up in arms over this.

Calling for him to be fired and personally attacking him? Unacceptable.

Disapproving of ideas and implications made by Jagex? Given context, I believe is fine.

Oh yeah I mean the outrage regarding what I said was completely justified, that's why I wanted to make sure I clarified what I meant as soon as I could. The more personal things, eh, something you deal with when working with so many different people I guess!


Originally posted by Synli

I'm really looking forward to the Sween/Ayiza dynamic duo again. They were great together.

Same honestly, one of the best things about coming back (aside from talking to you all ofc)


Originally posted by Man_of_Hour

Couldn’t get a job anywhere else due to covid lol

I was really happy in my last role actually, I only left it because I could never say no to coming back if it felt right (which it absolutely does!)


Originally posted by KH0RPUS

Man im happy to see you back! Glad you got a promotion! I hope youre happy and a warm welcome back!

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by Lark_vi_Britannia

Were you the one that was super excited about that Dragon Ball Super Kamehameha? Or am I mixing you up with someone else?

Either way - f**k yeah, welcome back!

I get excited about anything Dragon Ball related to likely me! Or it could have been Husky...

But heck ye ty so much!


Originally posted by flame1148

Really glad to have you back! I was pretty disappointed (but understood) when you chose to leave.

I'm so happy to be back :) Hoping the leaving part doesn't need to happen again!