

05 Nov


Originally posted by Blakdragon39

There's NO diary tasks that I've come up against that require multiple regions. Any that do are auto completed. Is this one maybe an over sight? It would be a real shame for the desert diary to be the only one that cannot be completed.

I swear I remember reading somewhere that getting a KQ Head drop was enough to complete the task, but it'll be a while before I can test that.

My apologies, I completely forgot about the Diary task for that. I've sent it over to the team to take a look at as I agree, you shouldn't have Diary tasks locked behind other regions if we've unlocked them for others.

Edit: you just need to get a Kq head or Kq head(tattered) drop instead and it will complete the task for you :)


Originally posted by KreaHS

Do these rev changes affect league revs too?

Yes they do!


Congrats! I was so happy the first time I unlocked Barrows gloves, feels great to throw away the Combat bracelet :D


Certain items respawn instantly when the shop interface is opened again to help with bottlenecks due to overpopulation. There are a lot of items that don't though, mostly due to the fact they could be taken advantage of in terms of XP gain and such.


Originally posted by Zalerion

Copying my comment about impling jars from the weekly q and a.

Is there any chance that impling jars could be looked at? The fact that you can mess up and permanently run out of jars without the right regions feels really bad. I traded for the magic butterfly net thinking for some reason that I got empty jars back but instead now just have the net and no jars with no way to make more. I don't care if it costs a million gp, could they be sold by a vendor or something for the rest of the league?

I understand that this week was probably focussed on high priority fixes. But maybe next week?

I did raise this after some feedback I received yesterday. We're still discussing it at the moment so I have no official answer to give you. In my opinion its a bit unfortunate to make the mistake of using all your jars without realising you'd need to keep at least one to get more, so I'd like to find a way to give you back a jar.


Originally posted by Kalanski

Did music steps get removed as per stream also? It's not mentioned in that update that i could find.

They did but we forgot to add it into the newspost, sorry!

It's been added now:

Clue hunters will no longer receive steps for Falo, Sherlock, music and Zeah.


Originally posted by cabbagemancan

u/JagexAyiza Sorry to direct reply to you - But do you think anyone can look at the Desert elite tasks? Mounting a KQ head in your house requires 1 -2 zones depending on how the taxidermist in sophenham works(Morytania taxidermist and Keldagrim for gold leaves), making this an impossible task for the region - Why is it a region task if it requires multiple to do?

There are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that unfortunately. Same for me with a few tasks I really wanted to complete but cannot.


Originally posted by JayceJuice

Hey Ayiza, Wondering if anything was happening regarding the ability to purchase imp jars? Some area's cant get/make then anymore if they screw up at puropuro

There are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that unfortunately. I did ask but no planned changes as of yet for it sorry :(


Originally posted by Wtfmymoney

Can wilderness have box traps added? Black chinchompas seem like an integral part of the wilderness and if you dont take kandarin or desert, you lose access to that content.

There are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that but I completely understand your frustrations with it :(


Originally posted by e-Hax

Hey u/JagexAyiza, there was a hotfix that rune mysteries is autocompleted now once kandarin area is unlocked, however, when unlocking fremmenik area, this quest is completed, but task is still not done.

I've let the devs know thank you


Originally posted by Magical_Femboy

I really wish 850 wilderness points for black chinchompas werent impossible without unlocking one of the areas with a box trap.

Of the few other cases where tasks require multiple regions, none of them lock out 850 points from an area.

I too would be frustrated, but there are a lot of tasks that are locked behind other regions and this is another example of that :(


Originally posted by killswitch_aus

made rune :D

Ayy grats! Now you just have to keep it up for another 2 months ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by jachymb

The amount of ether dropped by revenants has been doubled

This applies to league worlds as well?

Yep, the main game changes are also being applied to the league


Originally posted by iStarr

"Your Kill Count at the God Wars Dungeon can no longer be reduced by any means while playing on League Worlds."

Does this mean we can get 40kc at gwd then never have to get KC again? Because that's a huge and much appreciated change.

Yeah exactly that :)


Originally posted by Kidd_Legend

Were defenders having increased drop rate always intended?

I believe it only impacts the drop rate of the Dragon defender, which is now correctly displayed in the Asgarnia Drops section of the league areas interface


Originally posted by OSRS_DTG

Welcome back Ayiza. I have a question - can the "light source" warning be removed when teleporting to the Slayer Tower Dungeon via the Crystal of Memories? It's pointless as a light source isn't required.

edit: Slayer Tower Dungeon (task only area)

I've sent it over to the team. Seems like a reasonable change :)


Hey! It's not intentional and I've raised it to the devs. It'll likely be resolved next week. In the meantime the only option you'll have is to kill Dark Beasts until one drops. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by Alexion031

"The Asgarnia Drops section of the Areas interface now correctly states that it affects dragon defenders"

Does this mean dragon defenders are affected by the passive drop rate modifiers?

EDIT: Well f**k me so I'm 600 kills dry at a 1/50, not 1/100 droprate

I'm sorry for your dry streak :(


Originally posted by throwaway1996-000

Are the changes to GWD happening in this update?

Yes! They're listed under

Teleporting out of an instanced or non-instanced God Wars Dungeon boss room with Last Recall will now teleport the player outside of the boss room when they use the Crystal of Memories. For more information, see this newspost.


Originally posted by Hipnog

Are you going to fix the infinite money exploit people are abusing anytime soon?

Have you reported this in-game as a bug? If not, could you do that please!