Off topic but great to hear you're back! Are you a community manager once more? :o
Thank you :D I am indeed!
Off topic but great to hear you're back! Are you a community manager once more? :o
Thank you :D I am indeed!
So we only ever have to get KC once to permanently have access to GWD bosses in the league?
Yes that's correct :)
Where did they say that??
Edit: I’m seeing other people talking about how they mentioned it in the last QA stream. That’s a nice buff at least! Definitely good.
Yeah you should see more info in this week's game update newspost so keep an eye on that releasing tomorrow for an official stance :)
Will the fix for getting rid of zeah steps also be in the next update.
I'd still have liked more to help that relic out, but that seems like a bare min to get out asap
I believe it will be changed this week so that you can no longer get Kourend/Kebos clue steps. Keep an eye on the newspost for an official stance on it to be sure :)
Would it at least not be possible to get Kourend clues taken off the list?
It was possible to have just Kourend last year, I don't see how it would be too different to remove them.
There wouldn't be any issues having to check if a player can access the area, because no one should be able to access the area.
I don't mind not being able to do a clue because I didn't choose Morytania, but not being able to do a clue because the area is out of bounds is a bit shady.
Obviously if it's not possible it's not possible, I have no doubt this has been brought up before, but I'm yet to find a solid answer.
I believe it will be changed this week so that you can no longer get Kourend/Kebos clue steps. Keep an eye on the newspost for an official stance on it :)
Will do once I'm off the pooper, but before I came here I'd begun to be inclined that my problem could be on my end since I tried to do a couple other things after failing to load OSRS and they were also slow af. So. For now, let's assume my specific case is an unfortunate coincidence!
Don't rush, let gravity to the hard work for you.
Seems like everyone is able to get back in now so even if this wasn't a you specific issue, you should be able to scape again :)
Please fix this, after buying the butterfly net I opened and eclectic without thinking and it broke. I didn’t take freminik/Asgarnia so I don’t have a way to get them back. Just being able to buy them from Elnock for 1k, heck 10k, would be amazing.
I honestly didn't even know you couldn't get them. I'll ask the team tomorrow and see if there are any plans to look into this at all :)
I believe the login issues should now be fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience :(
Let me know if you still have any issues!
The login issues should be fixed now for everyone. Please let me know if you're still unable to log in (unless you can't log in because you're banned)
Can you try log in now please? The login issues should be resolved (again), let me know if you still experience any issues please! And apologies for the inconvenience :(
Can you try log in now please? The login issues should be resolved (again), let me know if you still experience any issues please! And apologies for the inconvenience :(
The login issues should be resolved now (again), let me know if you still experience any issues please! And apologies for the inconvenience :(
The login issue should be resolved now, let me know if you still experience any issues please! And apologies for the inconvenience :(
May I ask. Is this a technical problem or balance? If it's technical, than it is what it is. But if people are worried about relic choices being locked in. This would be a buff to both t4 relics so I cannot imagine that being a negative thing for anybody. Clues just feel absolutely miserable right now for both relics.
Edit: I suppose it doesn't even really need to be answered. But hopefully it is a point that is considered if it's only due to balance issues.
I am fairly certain its technical reasons, but I still have to get up to speed with everything so don't take my word for that just yet. Definitely something that will be taken into account in the future though!
I'm still having issues; The vanilla client straight-up just won't load. It gets stuck on "loading application" for f**kin' ever.
Can you try again now please?
Because Jagex doesn't has little to no customer support i'm reaching out to you here, LOTS of people are having issues logging into the server (see another thread). Allegedly after Jagex fixed it and said there should be no more server issues. Is there any way you can get someone to look into this? I've lost out on the only real time i've been able to set aside all week to play.
We're looking into the issue and trying to get it resolved asap. I did respond about this in another comment - keep an eye on the newspost for more info and I'm really sorry you're missing out on valuable gaming hours :(
Does this mean there will be no change to cerb since this didn't change gwd significantly?
Correct! Cerb is staying as is
Are there any plans to make changes to your relics later on in game? I.e you chose eternal jeweler but want to switch to last recall later on.
I don't believe that's something we'll be offering this league
I’m assuming the private instances, you have to pay gp for, does that mean you have to pay every time you tele out? Also does anyone know the price of the instance?
The instances are free!
Why is removing the kc needed for GWD bosses a thing mid-tournament? If i'd had known that from the start i'd have picked GWD. Makes grinding em out 100000x faster and easier.
It seems like the fairest way to solve the problem with overpopulation whilst still allowing Last Recall users to benefit from similar methods they've been using for the last few days. It's not been easy to come to the decision of making a change like this during a live league but it does feel like the right thing to do. I'm sorry if you feel like you've made the wrong decision now, though the change isn't live yet!