

03 Nov


Originally posted by Vinyl_DjPon3

I'm fine with the dungeon remembering your kc at all times, but using the door should absolutely consume 40 kc as usual. If it doesn't this change only becomes an absurd buff for last recall...which very obviously doesn't need any buffs. Without consuming kc, players can just kill the main boss, completely ignoring the minions, tele out to heal, tele back, repeat. Especially since reopening the instance causes the boss to respawn instantly.

The kc cost should remain as it would encourage players to stay for 10+ complete kills, which will reward more skilled players for doing successful long trips, OR cause players to actively stock up on kill count so they can rush the boss later, which would be subject to competition for kill count.

Currently they can just teleport out of the non-instanced area and go straight back with Last Recall, avoiding any need to get KC again.

If we were to not include the KC change then people wouldn't be able to use Last Recall in the same way they are now, as they'd have to get KC everytime they want to enter the boss room again unless they used the non-instance version and then we're back at the same problem with overcrowding and people crashing :(


Originally posted by Wahtnowson

Good change. Any chance about looking into fixing Impling Jar or Butterfly Jar availability?

If you used up all the jars that were given by puro-puro, there is no way to get more unless you have chosen frem, kandarin + asg, or desert + asg. It seems dumb to lock content that is available to every region if you weren't familiar how puro-puro jars worked.

Can you not get extra jars by trading lower level implings to Elnock Inquisitor?


Originally posted by KeepForgettinMyname

I think you should make it so you can only get clues you can physically get to in your areas.

I'd have liked for that to be the case too in all honesty! It's a shame it won't be possible to change for this league now :(


Originally posted by pushka_btw

The issue was more related to people that didn't take Last Recall being impacted by those that were using it to hop worlds because of the low downtime between kills.

An easy fix would be to have someone log in at the doors of a room after they logout inside a room, like what happens at zalcano for instance.

Also why would people without recall choose to use a non-instanced room over an instanced room? That's asking to get accidentally crashed by a recaller imo. There's literally no benefit for them to use the non-instanced.

I think the whole point of Last Recall is to remove the downtime between kills though right? I mean that's why people are hopping so much because they can resupply and get spec back etc instantly then want to just do another kill. Making a player logout and then log back in just to appear back at the entrance seems like a pretty significant nerf to what is currently possible. Maybe I'm missing something in what you've said?


Originally posted by usvaa

In addition, your kill count would not be removed once it’s earned, regardless of the Relic you’ve chosen. This applies to any situation where you would typically lose your kill count.

Would I lose 40 kill count when I go through the door? Literally interpreted this is what that means.

No, you keep the KC regardless of what happens once you've earned it. Even if you die you will keep it for the duration of the league


Originally posted by kingchedbootay

So getting 40 Kc once each will give you unlimited access to each gwd boss? Sorry just a little lost with the wording on the news post.

That's correct, you'd only need to get the KC once per boss and you'd have permanent access to their rooms


Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

Sooooo, 24 hours after saying you wont be buffing any relics, you buff the most OP relic. Any discussion to be had on tweaking Treasure Seeker?

Also, This is a HUGE BUFF to GWD. Private instances are now incredibly OP because bosses spawn on entry.

So you can literally kill boss, TP to house, refill spec, tp to bank (If you even have to) and then recall back, enter instance and insta-kill the boss with spec relic again. Rinse and repeat.

You could feasibly get 100+ kills an hour easily.

Was that intended?

I don't think any of us would say this was an easy decision to make, it's why we're looking to the community to provide feedback on the proposal. It's definitely a buff due to removing the need to gather KC after the first time. If you have any alternate suggestions on how we could resolve the problem without altering the relic too much I'd love to hear them


Originally posted by CStefaan

I assume entering the boss room will still deduct 40 killcount of your total killcount. As long as you get 10 kill trips (including all minions) you don’t have to get additional kc. ... right ? I’m not sure, guess we will find out soon

Once you hit 40 KC you wouldn't need to get it again. You'd have permanent access to the boss rooms.


Originally posted by Empty-Employment-889

It’s less about the KC, but the accessibility. If it doesn’t save the memory when I tele from an instance then I can’t come back more than once after the memory is consumed. This still leaves good reason to use the main room rather than the instance.

Even when using the instance version the Last Recall will remember your location as outside the door


Originally posted by pushka_btw

The non instanced room was overpowered for a small amount of players (who got there fast by putting in huge amounts of efforts) because of recall not requiring follower kc anymore. Now almost a week in, more players are getting to GWD and are contesting over the non instanced room, which removed the overpoweredness of the relic, because it makes it not viable anymore. Jagex 's response: alright we'll buff the most OP relic so everyone can do what the top 1000 players who put in so much effort did.

Recall was already the most overpowered relic ever. Now, because the majority of players are crying that they're not going to be able to (ab)use it at GWD like the streamers who put in 14h+ a day since the start did, you can use it to get back to GWD fast AND never have to get the 40 follower kc again. That's just such an incredibly huge buff. If i'd had known GWD would be like that from the start, i'd have picked a different route.

The issue was more related to people that didn't take Last Recall being impacted by those that were using it to hop worlds because of the low downtime between kills. This way everyone can utilise the instances as we had intended and there is no issue of overcrowding. The KC side of things is a pretty big buff to everyone I do agree, but that's why we do this so we can get feedback :)


Originally posted by WholeFactor

This is a good solution. And by the way, welcome back Ayiza!

Thank you!


Originally posted by Merdapura

"In addition, your kill count would not be removed once it’s earned, regardless of the Relic you’ve chosen. This applies to any situation where you would typically lose your kill count."
Does this mean entering boss doors will not remove kc anymore? If that's the case the proposed solution is perfect
EDIT: How will last recall work with the GWD instance? will it remember the door?

Yeah your KC will remain when entering the door, even when dying. Even with the instanced room it will remember the location as being just outside the door to that particular boss room


Originally posted by Empty-Employment-889

So if I tele out of an instance will Last Recall put me outside the room? Or if I begin in an instance will it still not function?

Edit: Otherwise it’s still advantageous to use the main room since you can tele out of there and return. Else if you begin in an instance you’ll lose the memory.

The instanced version will work the same as the non-instanced. You can tele out and the location will be saved outside the room


Originally posted by VSVeryN

Sounds good, but does that mean your KC will never reset or only if you re-enter godwars using the main entrance?

ps. can't log in :(

It will never reset with this proposed change


Originally posted by BrianSpencer1

It may reset on death but otherwise that's my interpretation

So if I tele out of an instance will Last Recall put me outside the room? Or if I begin in an instance will it still not function?

Only once per boss, it won't reset even on death with this proposed change


Originally posted by Revoluting

i think yall should yell at the server people because they're still down and nobody can log in

They should be resolved now, are you still having issues?

EDIT: We're investigating the issues reported, seems like there are a number of players experiencing problems loggin in still. We'll get this post updated as soon as we know more https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/login-server-maintenance-november-3rd?oldschool=1


Originally posted by Niikoda

There was an update saying that the maintenance is complete but Im still getting the same error. Anything I can do?

Are you still having issues or is it okay now?


Let us know what you think about the changes! Hopefully this helps with the overcrowding issue whilst not drastically impacting the viability of Last Recall within GWD.


We're running some maintenance on the servers at the moment and it's taking a little longer than we'd hoped. There is a post I'd reocommend checking out for more info/updates:
