

05 Nov


Originally posted by xWebsterz

Appreciate the mention about Rev changes - Its understandable that the devs main priority is leagues due to the success of it.

Can we have some feedback around how the caves are performing in terms of PVP activity?

And also possibly some thoughts about changes going forward to revs/PvP?

We're still actively monitoring the situation in the caves but I would like to provide more insight that is player facing in the near future.


Originally posted by Clippton

I found a bug recently where i can't complete my desert task to make 1000 adamant dart tips. (made 1200 tips and made all of them into darts incase i did it wrong)

Also the gem stall in the tzhaar area doesn't count as "Steal from gem stall" task.

The task 'Smith 1,000 Adamant Dart Tips' is now tracking your progress correctly.

You will unfortunately have to smith the dart tips again if you did it previously. Really sorry about that.

I've raised the Tzhaar gem stall issue with the devs, thank you for letting us know!


Originally posted by here_for_the_lols

Thanks for all the updates and fixes. League is so fun!!

If you're having fun we're having fun!


Originally posted by radeanne

Great to see a huge amount of tweaks to leagues. Thank god to no longer getting zeah steps

The devs really went in on this update lol


Originally posted by Aurarus

Link not working?

Sorry we made a last minute edit so it may have been down for around 1 minute or so. It's working fine now :)


Originally posted by Anilusion

What does it even mean?

Go and find the League Tutor after the update is live and you'll see he has a new fancy backpack :D


Originally posted by ATCQ_

I think they removed it as it had "Added the Second Inventory item to the League Tutor" which seems like an error.

Yeah we had to make a quick edit so I assume in the time we were saving it you'd loaded the page whilst it wasn't technically live. It's back now!


Originally posted by mazrrim

Added the Second Inventory item to the League Tutor.?

It's meant to say model, it's been changed now!


Originally posted by ATCQ_

Shame about prod master not smelting glass :(

Really wish I had gone for +12 now, but prod master can be useful after farming bosses for resources.

I've been really enjoying the 30k Smithing XP drops with Production Master but I do think Skilling Prodigy would have been the better choice for me!


Sorry you didn't see it sooner, we updated as many places as we could with the hotfix information yesterday :(

The change was necessary though as Fluid Strikes was never meant to make you invincible to one-shot mechanics, the wording of the relic could reflect that better however.


It's going to take a while to get used to slower attacks again that's for sure. I did a playtest of todays game update and it's definitely noticeable how different it feels!


It's been said already but jump into the current league and give it a go :)

You might end up liking it so much you play an ironman in the main game!


Originally posted by MischeviousCat

We pay to say you say today "this ad will stay" and then we play the day away

My head hurts pls

04 Nov


Originally posted by Rustystipps

But we pay you to pay for this. So how does that work. My peanut brain cant handle this.

I didn't think that far ahead


Originally posted by Bucchi_illustrate

It's an honor to be considered for that. You made my whole month. If you'd like I could send you a higher quality image. No pressure to switch your wallpaper though haha. I plan on making more in the future so there may be better ones down the line. Thanks again!

If you have a higher res version I would love a copy if that's okay with you! Send me a DM here or on Twitter if you can! Thank you so much :D


Originally posted by SpankThatDill

Just wanted to follow up on this - did you mention this to the team today?

Thanks so much for the response!

I did, sorry I forgot to reply! We're discussing it currently, there is potential for us to do something, but any changes (if we decide to make any) won't be ready for tomorrow's update.


Originally posted by burntfish44

I kinda get the reason for the change.... But why is it being made a week into the league after a bunch of top players have already got their fire/infernal capes? Does this mean we now have to get 98 hp before doing the "tank a jad hit" relic, when people were able to safely do it at 85 hp before?

For the Jad one specifically if you wanted to be 100% safe then yes, getting above 97 HP would be the best option. Otherwise you can tick-eat that or just pray you get hit less than the max.


Originally posted by gnarlywaves

i ain't ever done theatre in my life so this shit kinda confuses me.

If i were to go to jad, who has a max hit of 97, right now and let's say i f**k up but luck out and he were to hit 69 which is my current hp lvl i'd die, but if he'd have hit 70 i won't die? So i get the damage reduction but at random it might not work in the moment i need it most? does this happen if i were to have lost 9 hp earlier and he happens to hit 60?

I get that you want to keep 1 hit KO's in theatre as that's what this is about i'm assuming but this kinda just seems like a shitty way of fixing it instead of just fixing the attacks for leagues.

I doubt i'm gonna notice this stuff but if i happen to die to some monster hitting exactly my hp i'm gonna feel like i got scammed ngl.

Essentially the change means that any attacks that could previously one shot you will be able to one shot you again. Before this change you could sit at say 15 HP and any one-shot attack would only hit you for 13 HP, meaning you'd never die in-game from those kind of hits