

27 Oct


Originally posted by AdamMReddit

You won't be polling how things look before adding it to the game? Item, enviroment and character models are a huge part of the game and the art style oldschool has is too. It may be a time consuming process to poll it but you've proved before that you can get the artstyle completely wrong and try to add some ugly items in the game. I think the players help a lot in the direction of how they want items and in-game assets to look.

We fully intend to continue showing designs off early and working with the community to make any changes that might be needed, just that the final design won't be subject to a poll.

You're definitely right, players help a lot in the direction of how they want items and in-game assets to look and that's not something we want to lose.


Originally posted by Daravil

Seems great, looking forward to the future



Originally posted by Indyzx

Dropping it to 70% is great. Shouldn't really affect bad poll questions as they tend to lose by a pretty large amount but I've seen enough good things barely miss cut off.

Great minds think alike :)


Originally posted by JonSnuur

I’m glad you’re updating the process. It always seemed backwards for you to put a lot of effort into something before a poll even starts. Conceptual polls will help get initial thoughts without wasting too much dev time if it fails.

Exactly! This means we can poll more content and get a LOT more input from the community along the way.


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Extremely well-explained article detailing the why and the how of the potential changes

I think a lot of the proposed process is how many players think the process already works, I.e. work doesn’t start in earnest until it passes a poll

I (excitedly) believe this all sets the stage for a new proposed skill in the next 1-2 years. A skill built from the ground up with devs working very closely with the community to get that β€œperfect” OSRS skill. Likely to begin with the conceptual poll of β€œdo you want a new skill added to OSRS?” and build up from there

We're really excited to follow the new approach. I think you're right on how players perceive the proposed process being how it has worked all along, hopefully this gives some clarity and reasoning as to why the change is needed :)


Originally posted by thenoodler82

does this mean you will be revisiting old polls that meet the new 70% threshold and seeing how they hold up to the game now?

It's something we're still to discuss and decide on, as we wanted to gauge community reception to the changes first.

I imagine a re-poll of near miss polls at an absolute least would be a possibility.

26 Oct


Originally posted by Solo_Jawn

I wonder if Ayiza knows he's being used for this lmao

I know

25 Oct

24 Oct

23 Oct