

15 Nov

11 Nov

10 Nov

07 Nov

04 Nov

03 Nov

02 Nov


Originally posted by JimothySlimm

New quests being added with little information about them is one of the most old school things I can think of.

Hopefully this is a good thing for you?


Originally posted by Thijs420

In my opinion, region and continuation upon which quest line are important, as well as the rewards but you've listed those.

But what if those two details are the ones we're specifically trying to be secret about, regardless of our new approach?


Originally posted by PlayOsrs

Is the quest boss going to be a daily or weekly boss?

Neither - it'll be repeatable in the same way something like Vorkath is


Originally posted by WastingEXP

With the new poll changes, are we moving away from " as described in the blog?" The CA poll reads "Should we offer the ability to earn additional Warrior Tokens as a tiered reward from Combat Achievements?" does that mean if we vote yes you'll change it from what the blog was or add it as per the blog?

It's still as per the blog, just adding that text to every question bloats the poll out a lot. Instead, the blog is referenced at the top of the poll :)


Originally posted by Hethestes

Will this new polling system make updates slower? Say we vote yes on this "mysterious quest", and you guys begin production and development, once your done it has to get polled again right to be added?

If this question passes, the quest will be coming out once its been developed. The only thing we'd need to poll after this are the rewards from the repeatable boss, if that passes ofc!

01 Nov