

01 Nov


No, it's fake. You can ignore and delete it :)

31 Oct

28 Oct

27 Oct


Originally posted by nodtomc

It's a well laid out article with your reasoning explained but you don't mention how many things fail polls. The vast majority of things polled pass, it's just the odd thing that fails. I'm not sure reducing the threshold is a good idea.

I also find it a bit tonedeaf when the community is eagerly anticipating the TOA drop rate blog for you to decide to post this today

The ToA drop rate blog is due to go tomorrow, unless disaster strikes.

It was ready to go live today but I'm hopeful players can accept that something as big as polling changes has to take priority in these cases.


Originally posted by WastingEXP

Changing features that make significant parts of the game redundant, even if the feature is popular as-is. We would commit to making such changes minimal, rather than using them to shoehorn more extensive changes into the game.

Is this a reference to blowpipe?

Not intentionally but it can certainly be perceived as being so now you've said that haha


Originally posted by Aurarus

All good stuff except aesthetic.

It is such a hangup for content. I know it grinds releasing content to a halt an inch away from the finish line, but I really think it warrants it.

OSRS's longevity hinges on its extremely good capacity for welcoming back old players. This game allows you to take long breaks without feeling lost on your way back.

I myself literally got turned off from returning after seeing apalling looking content. Particulaly when Zeah released.

Stuff like Torva or the reworked elves just reeks too much of those "squeal of fortune" years a lot of players dropped out during.

We most definitely want to ensure that we’re not moving away from what makes Old School ‘Old School’ with this change. I know that doesn't do much to alleviate your concerns right now, but we've been working closely with the community for the last few years when it comes to visuals and we don't intend to change that with this new approach.


Originally posted by -J-a-y-

Another change I'd like to see is moving away from "yes/no/skip" to some more specific voting options

  • Yes on proposed content/change

  • No on proposed content/change

  • Yes on proposed execution

  • No on proposed execution

As it stands there are a lot of ideas that have a lot of support when it comes to being added to the game, but I see many people saying they vote no to otherwise good ideas because they don't like how it was going to be implemented.

This is something we've been talking about internally too. With the new system, we'll have a lot more flexibility in how we poll content too, given it'll be at the start of the process rather than during development which is much riskier.

It's an exciting time for sure!