

27 Oct


Originally posted by RS_Skywalker

"as discussed above, but we won’t be polling their appearance.

Please note that we want to ensure that we’re not moving away from what makes Old School ‘Old School’ – as you can see from the team’s recent work, we’re committed to hold onto what makes the game feel so special."

This is something I'm okay with for brand new items, but deeply scares me if you plan to visually rework old items. The 2012 armor rework to bronze-dragon was probably my least favorite update that hit around EOC besides Squeal. I might of been a minority but the visual look of OSRS is deeply important to me expecially with such iconic items like rune platebody. I see the temptation, but please don't go down the road of changing existing items to make them more visually similar to newer items like Masori.

Also in a similar vein this sort of goes to reworking cities. I get that newer cities like Shayzien have a very complex unique look and that's fine. B...

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I think with something as nostalgic as the areas you've mentioned above, there's a chance aspects could fall under "Changes to existing content which will have a significant impact on players".

We certainly don't want to approach these kind of changes without serious thought and consideration.


Originally posted by The4thStapler

What we won’t poll

Asset Visuals and UI/Graphical Enhancements

Oh no.

Would the team still be open to giving multiple choice polls with different graphical options for items/models?

I think there might still be some instances where this could happen, if we're really unable to find agreement based on feedback alone for example.


Originally posted by MoronicIroknee

Will we ever see a time when ideas that are very popular here on the subreddit get shared and possibly polled for inclusion in game?

This ice giant boss post garnered 10.5k upvotes over 2 years ago. It seemed that people really loved this person's idea!


Yes! I'd love for more of this to happen. It feels like forever since we were able to actually look at community-designed content.

It's something we've talked about internally this year. Hopefully with the new approach allowing us to secure key updates much earlier in the year, we'll have better visibility on where gaps are that could be filled with this kind of stuff.


Originally posted by AbyssalLuck

My one question is, does this mean new items, like masori and torva which have started with a design the community didn’t really like, won’t receive visual reworks

No, there will absolutely still be visual reworks. There’s no point in us adding content that players don’t want.

I've put together a little example to show how it might work going forward - really nothing has changed from what we've been doing recently, it's just that the content wouldn't be delayed by having to wait for a poll on the visuals to be the final deciding factor.

  • Initial blog with poll question "Should X content be added"
  • Following this, we get to COMMUNITY CONSULTATION and want to talk rewards. A new blog is provided.
  • In this blog we show early concept for what our thoughts on reward ideas or designs are, whilst also asking for suggestions
  • A survey is included or an alternate way for players to provide suggestions, if they don't like what was pitched
  • If we highlight that additional feedback is needed for rewards, we then focus new blogs on that feedback specifically
  • New designs are shared with concept...
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Originally posted by Distant_Quack

I'm quite surprised only 6% of players actually vote on polls. Didn't expect it to be anywhere near 100% but damn

It was a ShockedPikachuFace.png moment for me when I put it into perspective


Originally posted by azns123

If you want to increase turnout give us a 1/5000 chance of getting a polling pet when we vote

10k RC XP for each yes vote!

On a real note though, I wonder how people would feel about incentives to voting.

For me, I've always wanted votes to feel genuine and come from the best interest of the players. By offering an incentive to vote I think it increases the potential for players to just vote blindly, which I'm not really sure is better than having a lower turnout.


Originally posted by Sav_ij

we need this change 5 years ago. extremely excited to see the beginning of osrs2 - 'mods unleashed'

polls have been holding the team back for a long time

osrs2 - 'mods unleashed' is one heck of a title... love it!


Originally posted by Monti_r

Will this new 70% be applied retroactively or just moving forward? I’m definitely on board lowering the yes votes as 70% majority seems more than adequate.

It'll be just moving forward, but I imagine we'll see a poll for near-miss questions in the future!


Originally posted by GStarG

These look very good. I've always thought the polling system had a number of flaws and these seem to address those.

Another thing this doesn't address that RS3 polls used to have in the past is questions with many options that ask "What kind of content do you want next".

The current situation is the dev team decides what they think players want, pitch an idea, and see if it sticks, however if they keep pitching pvm content and more players want quests or skilling reworks then players will still be unhappy or just less enthused by updates because while they think your pitch is a good idea, it's not really what they wanted most added in the game.

In the past, the way RS3 handled this was by saying they're going to have the community pick a large scale, medium scale, and small scale change, and each they would have polls asking what kind of content they want focused on, with options such as Quest, Skilling Rework, new Group boss, new Solo boss, new Skill, etc...

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This is a really good point and something I'd love to see us doing more of.

We kind of do it already, just not via an official poll. If you've filled out the Annual Survey you'll note we ask a bunch of questions there about future content. Typically we'll use the results of that alongside player habits and feedback we've gathered over the year to guide us on what content to offer.