

13 Mar


Hey /u/Insaniaksin! Like another user has said below, you can add `?set_lang=0` at the end of the link to reset it back to english, or click the bottom right flag icon.

As to why it happened, I'm not sure, but here's a possibility: did you maybe click on any RuneScape link at some point, and didn't realise that this link contained a language swap? Example, clicking this link


would set your l...

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01 Oct

02 Aug


Originally posted by Enza-Denintendo

Thanks for the tips,

would you recommend LastPass or KeePass, or is there no real difference between them? I was about to add it as an extension to my Chrome browser, but i'm skeptical about giving all my information to this extension. From my understanding, it stores all your passwords and encrypts them so that if your computer is ratted, your saved passwords are atleast safe from hackers?

But what about the developer of this extension? Or am I being too silly here. Which one do you use?

I don't know enough about KeePass, but LastPass seems to be safe. Of course, you're always trusting the developers of LastPass to not be shady, right? But that happens with everything. You trust your bank to not be shady, your email, facebook etc. There is a line that you can't go any further than that.

So for now I'd vouch for LastPass. Its last breach was, AFAIK, in 2015, and you were safe since (quote) "your passwords are salted, hashed and stretched, and only ever stored in that scrambled, irreversible form".

I use LastPass, have been using it for years, and didn't have any problems with it ever. And it's nice to not feel the "fear" of a hack!


Originally posted by iamworsethanyou

...no, no, you not there.

You.. I.. uhm..

29 Jul


I see this coming up a lot, so here's my general advise as a web developer:

  • Use a password manager that creates a different password for all your credentials (LastPass, KeePass, etc)
  • Make sure your password manager, your email, and your RuneScape account all have 2FA activated
  • Be careful with social engineering (the act of finding information about you to use in the recovery questions)

These 3 steps make it so that in the vast majority of cases, your account is secure. Once step (1) and (2) are done, you only need to be careful with step (3). If your security question was "What's the name of my first pet?", and then you go on social media and say "My first pet ever, Peepoo, is so cute", you are opening yourself up to being hacked. Choose security questions that are personal and memorable, don't share their answers, and you should be just fine.

  • Specifically in RuneScape, add a bank pin too

18 Jul


Hi /u/joshuakyle94! We do have a page for this that is linked in our support forums, but I'll make it easier and give you the direct link. You can input your card details and it will allow you to unlink it from any accounts and cancel active subscriptions.

17 Jul


Originally posted by YeaYeaImGoin

OK wtf is going on here

Just a new mod engaging with players (congratulating a player) while roleplaying my username.

edit: words


Originally posted by RichardNixon2020

Yo its Consuela from family guy!

Sí sí, I clean..


Sí sí. Bueno.

12 Jul


Originally posted by Skankhunt43

Kind of different question: is it possible for a jmod to change your email address linked to an account?

We wouldn't do it on a blind state as there's certain processes to it, i.e. verifying the identity of someone trying to change. We have a support page for this exact situation.


Originally posted by BasicFail

Good advice, but does it actually matter for RuneScape?

As far as I'm aware Jagex doesn't use the login email other than for login purposes and to initiate the account recovery process.
It doesn't set your registered email, which you'll have to do that yourself. And Jagex allows the registered email to be used for multiple accounts.

In other words, you can use whatever you want. It doesn't even need to exist. Jagex doesn't verify it.

What I did was come up with an username and then throw in a @ and a . somewhere.
I'll use your Reddit name "JagexConsuela" as an example. You would be able to register an account under the email [email protected] and it works, even though the email doesn't exist.

Not sure if that is intended, but it makes accounts safer. Because normally you would use the email everywhere else, but because this email doesn't exist and is exclusively used f...

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I would personally not recommend doing this. If a hijacker somehow gets access to your account, it's harder to recover without an email associated. As always the best security is to have 2FA on your email, 2FA on RuneScape associated to that email, and have a different and unique password for both. This way you guarantee a higher security while maintaining the ability to recover your account.


Hi! To add to /u/William2692's answer, if you really want to use the same email for a new character and if you use Gmail, you can effectively have more than one character under the same email.Gmail allows you to add ...+text at the end of your email, which will be considered a new email for most websites, but the same one for Gmail.

E.g. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - one email on Gmail, one character on...

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10 Jul


Originally posted by OfficerTactiCool

Wait, since when were the factions able to communicate?

Fun fact: Pandaren, blood/void elves, and demon hunters can all use their native languages to speak with one another cross faction, i.e. elves speaking thalassian, demon hunters speaking demonic.

Also, since December, there's a new potion that allows you to understand the other faction. Muffinus also tweeted that ...

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03 Jul


Originally posted by Klaren

Since the collection log data is stored somewhere already, how much work would it be to make an API/make the collection log data public? I made an online version of the log but players have to manually fill it right now. Would be nice to let it work with real data :)

I couldn't tell you the amount of work it would be, as I'm still quite new and learning how the systems work - but like I said, can't make any promises as we have higher priority things to do first.

27 Jun


Originally posted by Lazy_Inferno


(might be a good idea to take notifications off btw. Dont wanna bother you during off hours.)

Its this page: https://www.runescape.com/oldschool/download

Ive send it to the tipoff mail too.

Thanks! Almost lost this comment in the sea of notifications I had (total of 3 notifications).


Originally posted by CesiumHippo

Indeed I think (still new here) this would likely need work from both teams. It's a cool idea, but we already have a pretty big backlog of more "right-now" important things to do (like updating our code base so we can develop features quicker in the future, getting rid of tech debt), so can't promise anything.

22 Jun


Originally posted by jarjardinksbtw

Need more lemon pledge

I see you.


This is amazing, good work! As a web dev, I love seeing the community coming up with these projects. Keep it up!