

29 Jul


Originally posted by Tkf530

Has the level 30 teleblock been removed or adjusted?

It has not.


Originally posted by Adamjrakula

Does the 10% damage reduction only apply when in the wildy?

or does it always apply across the game if in invent.

Only in the Wilderness


Originally posted by jlahjlahjlahblah

Are we allowed to teleport out from deep wildy?

Teleport restrictions remain the same.


Originally posted by ErikHumphrey

Can the warning eventually be toggled off like a Doomsayer warning?

It can, though cursed Divination, warbands and picking up certain items (e.g. cursed energies) all have separate, toggleable warnings.


Originally posted by Castle_Soup

Does this mean revenant hunting will be easier or harder? I’m one drop off chaos title (Morrigans top pleaseeeeeee) and maybe will grind it out this weekend before the changes.

Revenant drop tables remain unchanged.


Originally posted by Avernic

Love everything in the post! Quest hype. Wilderness hype.

Couple of questions:

- Is wilderness slayer the only thing that increases threat level?

- Is the Volcanic Protection mentioned in the drop table a consumable item?

Fishing, farming, Slayer, PvM, PvP, idling, mining, bloodwoods, warbands, and other wildy content increase your threat level.

13 Dec


The Ninja team are building up their 2022 backlog of awesome quality of life improvements to remove friction in your every day gameplay and we need your help!

Please send us your ninja requests so we can build an epic backlog to keep us busy in 2022 and beyond!


External link →

14 Jun


Originally posted by 5-x

When a Familiar despawns, any scrolls it was holding will now be sent to the Backpack. If space is not available, they will go to the Bank. If the Bank is also full, they'll be dropped.

RIP no more profiting off people losing their ripper demon scrolls in PvM hub.

Good update overall, functionality-wise. But god the new familiar interface is hideous.

Any more summoning pets getting turned into interface pets in the near future?

Yeah, we are chipping away at the conversion of old pets into interface pets across multiple strikes.


Update on grim pages as I can see the disappointment that it hasn't come in today's update: It will be coming out in strike 23, on June 28th.

Ninja are back into our rhythm now post login lockout so you'll be seeing more of our work again!

18 May


Originally posted by RSN_Razor

My current HCIM is only just under 7 months old; could I choose a merch like a year ago that has a livid in it?

It's the last 30 days of stock from the date in which you use the coupon


Originally posted by 1trickana

So how does the merchant one work exactly? Can you only buy one thing with it? Say there's 2 darts in the past 30 days, I can only get one (provided I haven't bought them in game)

You can view the stock of a specific day and purchase all 3 of the items if you haven't previously done so.

2 darts never appear on the same day, so you would have to find 2 separate days they appeared AND you didn't already buy them. This would cost 2 merchant coupons as it is 2 different days worth of stock.

Gift for the reaper though does occasionally take up 2 slots on 1 day, so you could view that day and buy them both for 1 coupon + the standard GP value.

Essentially, the coupon allows you to view the day and GP will buy you the items from that day.


1 extra point I missed on stream about the invention option is that it will not work on any new materials we release. So if you were thinking of saving them for if new materials get released, you will be sorely disappointed!

26 Apr


Originally posted by Nugulars

does anyone know when the double combat and slayer exp ends? I logged in before im about to go to bed after the update to check if its still active and it seems like it is, Just dont wanna miss out on any grinding time.

Should finish at midday game time.


Originally posted by Tovenarij

Double stock in shops? They seem to have their regular inventory.

If you've already logged in today before the update then the double shop stock won't take effect until tomorrow. Apologies for the inconvenience!

07 Jan


Holy crap this is incredible. I "refreshed YouTube one more time before bed" last night and this little beauty popped up. I've just shared this around the rest of Jagex, phenomenal work!

15 Dec


Originally posted by Eugenides

The problem is that it's still awful to try to put things in there from your bank in the first place.

Have you tried using the "Junk" filter in the bank? You can left-click destroy items to Diango that way.

09 Nov


Originally posted by iamturtlebjork

Cool update, but what does twir mean?

This Week In RuneScape. It took me a minute to figure it out too! :)


You can also key bind the button too near to bottom of the Controls tab :)

03 Aug


Originally posted by pacquan

Does the DXPL pause option allow players to use dwarven tools during the event?

The game follows the normal rules when DXP is paused, so blocked methods should work as normal.

16 Jul


I actually fixed this today along with y/n on the destroy confirmation message. I can't give a timeline on when to expect the fix to go live as testing has not started yet but hey, the wheels are in motion :)