

14 Apr


Originally posted by wolfgang169

Do they do their special attacks too? Like is the chaos ele gonna unequip my weapon and K'ril drain prayer?

They do indeed


Originally posted by 1ryb

Please tell me the bosses in Shattered World scale their level to the world

It is ridiculous to encounter an unscaled GWD1 boss on either World 5 (too hard) or World 200 (too easy)

That being said, great improvements in general!

The bosses do indeed scale to the world, albeit a little stronger and with more HP than the other mobs.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Gamebugio

Hmm I remember being part of this discussion and I thought it was implemented on the patch that also let hunter urns work, but it's not listed... u/JagexErator u/JagexDaze I am once again asking for your bgh wizardry

Unfortunately it hasn't made it into the live game yet. I will have to check what's holding it up on Monday! Sorry for the wait :(

14 Feb


Originally posted by tectail

How hard would this be to make a toggleable option. I like the idea of it for newer players or players that just don't know how valuable a herb/seed is off the top of their head, but it does add clutter to the interface that I think makes it look less streamline.

Of course if you find a way to pretty it up i' m cool with no toggle.

Another idea would be to make it so when you hover the seed it brings this up.

TLDR wonderful idea just don't want the interface to be cluttered.

Thank you! To clarify quickly, I wouldn't be making it a toggle. There shouldn't be a challenge when using this interface to try and remember all of the current G.E prices and their cleaning XP rates, that is not its purpose. So even for players who have remembered those details, this will still release the burden and reduce their cognitive load. I did try a few variations of layout, including just the icons where the text was on tooltips (tap for mobile) but this current layout consistently came out as the ideal approach for ease of access/usability.


Originally posted by Its_CharlieC

Any chance that the upgraded part could have tick boxes too so you knew exactly what was being picked up, what is being burned and what is being left on the floor

I did improve the auto-pickup wording yeah. It now says "Auto-pickup unselected herbs:" which should make it clearer how the system works. It confused me too when I first looked at it


Originally posted by [deleted]


The G.E values in the screenshot are from test servers which do not reflect the live G.E prices. (Though it would be amazing if it did!)


Just R&D to gauge interest right now. Initial reaction has been positive so will be keeping an eye out :)

03 Feb


Haha looks like an oversight! I've just reordered the apoterrasaur section so that they are now in tier order. No guarantee when the update will go live though.

Unfortunately, I can't do any major changes to the collection log as there have been significant back-end changes to the system in Archaeology so once that is live the interface UX could be revisited.

13 Dec


Originally posted by JagexNin

I want this post framed.

EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/3JWnswt.jpg thanks /u/JagexErator



Originally posted by Dreviore

Only issue is that's not dark mode.

I actually turned dark mode off to take the screenshot :(


Originally posted by Duradel2

12 minutes to find this post, print it out, find a frame, cut it to size and bring it to you. Can we get this guy on PvM hub (if not already on it)? :p or group ironman, just get it from the shelf man!

I was also at home at the time so I had to drive in to do this!

09 Dec


Having seen what the core experience team have cooking, I can say that I am SOOO hyped for everything they are working on!

16 Oct


Giving it a *very* quick look, it shouldn't produce any more items now that you've hit the max stack. You might lose power still though. It will not give you a new stack, as coins are coins and we can't magic up a new stack of the same item.

12 Aug


Originally posted by the_real_uninor

Is there any chance to increase the rate at which you encounter triple spawns? Or an item/unlock we can buy with hunter marks that would increase? The achievement seems pretty tough to get considering the rarity and difficulty (not to mention you might be out of bait when you finally hit one).

There are plans to allow LotD to work in helping you to spawn doubles and triples but nothing beyond that right now.

25 Jul


I do already have a feedback job in for this. Only triple spawns are affected as other spawn types never put you inside the ring. Unfortunately I have not been in the office this week though so earliest I could do it is next week.


Originally posted by Cynder_Burn

tbh, if that means that they stack close together, that'll just be an easy win

And this is exactly why it doesn't happen for multiple spawns! I wanted to have the control of the patrol paths and have that be the challenge when facing multiple dinos, not having the challenge ruined by 1 dino turning around or stacking on top of the other


I like a few of these ideas. Have saved this page for when I'm back in the office next week. Thanks!

15 Jul


Originally posted by ImRubic

Jadinkos can now spawn in Big Game Hunter.

I'm confused on why for this. Could someone explain to me why this is a good idea?

It's big game hunter gameplay related. The release note is pretty vague but these aren't jadinkos that you can hunt like normal.

11 Jul


Originally posted by Nate_of_88

Are there Sara/zammy/Guthix Jadinkos on LooT or a way to spawn them?

God jadinkos are not available on the island. You'll need herblore habitat for those I'm afraid.


Originally posted by WasV3

Some comments

  1. The scorpions only break if the 30k arrow is used, if the 15k or 7.5k arrow is used it stays up, this makes it mathematically better to just randomly pick 1 colour (5.83 meats on average). If you get the 15k all three are still up and you can quickly load one of each colour as the scorpions aren't broken, If you get the 7.5k one you have to guess again, but its a 50/50 shot

  2. Seems as though the 5th spawn has a different path than the other 4, more of a figure 8, while the first 4 are usually all circles. Though I haven't had time to confirm this

  3. Double/Triple spawns will have various safespots where they don't go as the circles are very small, standing on the edge of those you should be able to surge/bd in and out of the area

Overall really good :)

To confirm some things here:

  1. This is not how it works. Unsuccessful attacks will destroy a trap but not necessarily the 30k one.
  2. The path chosen is RNG based, not just the 5th one being different.
  3. Safespots are friends.